What in the fuck is wrong with white people? All they ever did through history was steal other people's shit...
White hate thread
What in the fuck is wrong with white people? All they ever did through history was steal other people's shit...
White hate thread
itt one triggered nigger.
Fuck you bitch
You too user.
great thread brother
what a fucking stupid and gay thread
bump fuck white people
Objectively lame memes. Ask the Alt Right for help next time.
ay fuk wite ppl
fuck wh*Te people
>this much bad b8
Reveal your flag stupid leaf, sage
I can't think of a single nigger society worth anything. Egyptians didn't build the pyramid (also weren't black) and Carthage was phonecian
Nah, him slep, he be ok. Sum mil mak heem gud as nu
>dem eebiil witez
>muh bbc
This thread needs chicken
Do anyone actually go for stuff like these? Seems like a foolproof way to get STDs
Muh bbc
apples and oranges.
the analogy OP's meme is using is completely inappropriate to represent the difference between Europeans and Africans.
A white crayon is usually impractical to use on white paper as you can barely see it, which is why many people disregard it.
In reality, white people invented crayons, the means of manufacturing crayons, milling tree's to produce paper, mainly for the sole purpose of children to scribble on.
Ofcourse a nigger couldn't understand this.
It's not his fault.
He's not white.
This is... pretty gay.
Get snackbared and die.
I love white people
I would gladly give my life for them.
>The logic of Sup Forums in one picture.
Why is gay porn allowed on Sup Forums? Guess the mods aren't up yet.
Literally all the anti-white memes in here are so homosexual, do niggers secretly want to fuck white men ?
Senpai why have you got extremely homoerotic interracial pictures? Got something to say?
If you're a black guy I can give ya a bitta white snake if this is some sort of plea
We only let you stay because nobody else gives decently priced haircuts and kebabs, back to the sweatshop with you.
P much
If I'm completely honest I wish it were that because it'd be pretty endearing but it's more likely to be a white guy cuckposting which makes me sad
It’s been like this since /new/ and will never change
>wall o' text
Never learn do ya
both of them are fetishes and obviously don't lead to genocide unless combined with mass immigration
what's the sauce for the pic on the right btw?
>nu/pol/ brainlet confirmed
If it's more then a sentence or two it's a wall of text. Look at other versions of this meme. It's lame dude. If it's yours, fix it.
Just admit you’re a lazy ass nigger.
What, you think you’re some master meme maker? Fucking dumb shit
Butthurt. Your meme a shit.
Fix it. Learn subtly and impact.
get back to me when you can name which nigger culture invented the wheel
>all of the triggered Sup Forumslocks itt
Can you not take a joke? Frankly I’m surprised the race crime statistics haven’t come out in mass yet