280 thousand shares on facebook in about 18 hours. Its way too far in advance to be effective, right now everyones talking about it because of cruz. Seems like theres a lot of heat to ban all guns, now more than really ever. i mean aside from cars, knives, bombs, people might just go back to good old poison for their mass killings. Anthrax in the school meatloaf anyone? We need some good alternative mass killings to forcibly have people reason out that people will die regardless.
280 thousand shares on facebook in about 18 hours. Its way too far in advance to be effective...
Doesn't matter anyway, American education is a fucking joke. Them walking out of school would have zero detrimental results - other then the kikes at the Department of Education getting ass blasted.
>We need some good alternative mass killings to forcibly have people reason out that people will die regardless.
I always said that if I were to go on a spree killing I would become jacked, and then dress up in full plate mail, I would forge a claymore and go to a shopping mall. I would then just start chopping people up. I'm sure I would be able to get a shit ton, because people would let me waltz right in thinking I was in cosplay or something. Have a gun hidden in the stall, to fight the cops with. Leave a manifesto that says
>I did this spree killing to show the media that people kill people and not guns.
I bet it'll just be niggers and spics in california walking out like after the trump win. And they'll start vandalizing public property as soon as they're out of school just like last time.
Hitler's birthday.
Police shoot people all the time but no one leave school and protest against it one trouble kid shoot normies chimp out and cry "lives matter". Shut up nothing valuable lot in any gun shooting related incidents. Do you know everyday I cry before going to sleep for not having gun culture and laws in our country if only guns are legal and we can buy them like potato chips we would become superpower or aleast we help the world by killing ourself for the greater good.
What a great protest for every teen to engage in whether they believe in it or not. I know when I was in highschool I definitely would have walked out
Tick tock, shills
why is that guy talking to high school students on message boards?
They would blame it on crusades and Christian church.
Would be hilarious if the peaceful truck people showed up to escort the masses of dumbass kids who are dumb as fuck anyway
Is it a school shooting if they're not in school?
Good people need predictive programming for when the crusades 2.0 come.
>on 4/20
LOL. they just want to go get high
Children have no say in government. Literally futile.
inb4 Sup Forums tells news its a white nationalist troll gathering and ruins it
For the MSM it certainly is. Of the "18 school shootings" that allegedly happened in 2018 so far, not even half of them had any students present and shot. One was just a guy who shot himself in a nearby parking lot, another was a bullet that was shot by accident and went into a wall.
>A bunch of uppity high schoolers walk out of school because they want gun control, effectively curbing the freedom of the average citizen.
High schoolers would get blown the fuck out so hard it isn’t even funny, you think their parents are going to stand for that shit? Nobodies going to care but a bunch of blue state assholes and the lying media. Let themselves walk out of their precious schools, the fewer uppity fags get into college the better. They’d be doing themselves a favor by staying away from the brainwashing.
Your imagination goes wild there you inbred LARPer. With your imaginary jacked up body and your full plate mail on and what else, a GOT sword? Yeah, probably a couple kills until people tackle you and restrain you, unlike with an AR which can kill from a vegas hotel into a crowd, from outside a church, inside schools, from anywhere. Inbreds, if your doctor prescribes you antipsychotics take them and don’t ignore it. I know you guys are filled with anger, hate, and fear, but if you take your meds your brain will start applying logic, rather than being such emotional drama queens.
We're not scared. The Jews are. They wouldn't have to shill if they weren't.
No shit, high school students jumping in an excuse to not go to school
Forget tackling and restraining, people would just be able to outrun him if he was wearing fucking armour.
I work in a school. Please walk out.
I'm still not giving up my guns. Some are heirlooms. Some I spent good money on.
Go fuck yourselves.
Only white property owning males should be allowed to send their kids to school anyway.
my first thought
Get something trending the week of 4/20 about walking out to protest Jews in the media and Hollywood. Make it in remembrance of Hitler. Possibilities are endless.
>you think their parents are going to stand for that shit?
yes, i believe they will stand for it. betcha they even call off work to support them. the progs are rabid for gun control and if they think a bunch of diaper-wearing high school students will cry enough to get it, they'll be there with kleenex
Even better if the killings would have been entirely preventable if only the victims had been armed for basic self protection.
Honestly, the kids would take almost any excuse as a reason for walking out. Group think, herd mentality. It would take something very readily obvious as detrimental before the average kid would snap out of the trance and act responsibly.
Gun bans won't stop the shootings. Maybe harder sher punishments regarding bullying will make a difference. Like just throwing everyone out of school if they bully. Eventually they will learn from it.
>April 20th
These kids are just going to smoke weed and use this as an excuse to not go to school
The kids would be demanding that they become disarmed victims of an armed nanny state. Maybe we can show them how that works for England?
That's why you dress as a Saracen.
Armor isn't that heavy. I've LARP'd in historically accurate and battle ready plate armor, it isn't that heavy only about 20 or 30 pounds which if you trained in it would be easy
You know that there have been mass stabbings where the guy killed severql people before anyone noticed because knives and swords don't make noise
One guy in Japan killed like 20 by himself, and there aren't even slow fatties there
This. The kids want a reason to get out of school, they don't give a fuck about guns
it's really fucked these kids can't defend themselves. even the colleges are throwing roadblocks to concealed carry on campus.
do you always post the first thing that pops into your head?
Was thinking of china where the guy walked down the street and got like 30 or something let me find the article
Similar to the one but this was a group of guys google.com
>be japanese
>walk into nursing home, stabbing everyone for a few hours
>be chinese
>walk into school, stab the kids
>be american
>do nothing and get blamed harder than the gooks
This is low-tier pressure for gun control compared to gun control pressure in the past. Don't worry, kid.
>Actively break truancy law
>Advertise that you plan to actively break truancy law
>Get rounded up and put in to detention centers
all the kids are leaving on the lmao weed day. wow what a surprise
they don't care. they have no idea about tyranny or the nanny state, there's really no frame of reference for them. they're infants, they live cushy lives (even if they're poor) and have no idea about true hardship or oppression. they think school shootings are as bad as it can get. sometimes this is why i wish for the shit to hit the fan, so these soft, liberal pukes can find out what it's like outside their happy community bubble, right before they're shot in front of a pit.
A group of 5 guys killed 30 people and stabbed another 130 in China. Everyone always claims someone will stand up to the attacker but in reality most people when faced with a life or death situation will run like a mother fucker.
>"truancy law"
>he didn't skip 108 days of freshman year in HS and still pass on test scores alone
wishing to have an armed and informed citizenry is different than wishing strength through death experiences. grow up
I'm willing to try and take on one guy with a knife, if I had to, if I was already aware of the dude, and hadnt been stabbed.
I'm running from 5 people grouped up. You're dumb to think you should try something.
There's a reason why you can't vote here until you're 18. A bunch of high school kids skipping class isn't going to do shit
This will be HUGE kids take any opportunity they can to get a day of school, and that was way before this PC culture bullshit. I once slashed my step dads tyres to get of school
Not fucking surprised britbong
Did you and your da have a gaff over et after?
Kek whatever edgelord just let the kids out of school and watch them get expelled for tardiness one by one
fuck yourself you fucking meme flaggot, i shouldn't even waste the keystrokes if you won't even rock your own flag, but you really need to read this. these people are pathological, they think that a gun on a table is dangerous and enough reason to call the police and CPS. they are weak-minded and absolutely irredeemable without some major, earth shattering event and when they're crying in the streets waiting to get picked up for the camps it'll be too late. fuck you and your fucking jihad larp flag. you're probably not even a sophomore.
No my step dad was legitimately scared of me, I broke his sons jaw when I was 14 for threatening my mum then my step dad threatened to hit me with a hammer and I pulled a kitchen knife on him.
Fuck me I had a troubled life I deserve gibs
What’s the connection between weed and the 20th of April?
> High school students are talking somewhere you can’t see about an idea that I just came up with and want to pretend is theirs
God, I fucking hate leftist scum and their brainwashing tactics. Teenagers, though, are talking on message boards about slaughtering the corruptors of the youth.
>Teenagers, though, are talking on message boards about slaughtering the corruptors of the youth.
> High school students are talking somewhere you can’t see about an idea that I just came up with and want to pretend is theirs
>he unironically said on Sup Forums
Go to Wikipedia and search "mass stabbings"
The number of single attackers getting high numbers is astounding because again most people either don't realize it's happening or if they do they get fear struck.
More than likely you'll be the only one that stands up and everyone else is paralyzed in fear and you wind up in a pool of blood. These situations happen fast and you don't have time to plan or communicate much.
> I know you guys are filled with anger, hate, and fear, but if you take your meds
Yes, Goy, take your meds. Big Pharma played absolutely no role in any mass shooting ever. If only all those mass shooters had seen a Rabbi —er, that is, a psychiatrist — and taken their GoyPills, they would have been safe and would never have shot anyone.
5,000,000 NRA members > 280,000 slacktivists
We should raise the voting age to 35. The Democrats would lose every seat except for black districts.
honestly, alanis morrisette ruined the language.
>Tackling a guy in plate with a sword
Have fun with that.
Subvert it.
April 20th is Hitler's birthday, no?
Meme it so it looks like every kid doing this is a white supremacist.
Sup Forums the jew now.
The parents will ban their kids from snapchat and they'll go back to school asap
It’s 420. Everyone will be smoking pot. Can we meme weed use into a sign that your child might be a Neo-Nazi Young Republican Trump Supporter?
Oh noes, non Whites aren't in school, anything but that, noooooooo.
Didn't columbine happen on 4/20
That is an awesome idea!
1488 signs everywhere!
It’s the best ta tactic you retard, the guy has one swing if he misses his ass is on the ground wearing heavy as plate he’s getting his face smashed in.
>Even better if the killings would have been entirely preventable if only the victims had been armed for basic self protection.
Kids dont like comming into school anyway
In the olden days degenerates in college would get break or some shit at around 4:20 so they would go and get high like the degenerates they are, so the dude weed bro people picked it up and now its a thing.
>niggers/ california libshits skipping school on 420
ok and??
Yea, we really don't give a fuck. If those idiots don't want to go to school. Then they don't go to school.
There are no new arguments.
Hire veterans to secure the schools with weapons.
We are not giving up ours.
Spin this by staging a walk out for supporting the shooter and his "white supremacy" by walking out on Hitler's birthday.
Thank God most can't vote
I remember high school. If i was in high school today, I’d already be planning to skip on april 20th...smoked a lot of weed in high school...
>This post is satire
I'm sorry user but I don't think you understand how this works. I just submitted a tip to the FBI with a link to this thread and your post number + copy pasted the post, explaining that you already had plans for dealing with law enforcement response to your mass murder.
Enjoy your day. :)
I didn't know that. Gonna use that now.
They chose the 20th day of the 4th month because they're going to get high, I don't think they care that strongly.
>Be amerifag
>Walk outside to protest gun laws
>Get plowed down by truck of peace
Let's all skip class on 4-20, everyone!
Shall not be infringed. I don't care what a bunch of kids think or say. They don't get to change my constitutional right to bare arms. They will have to install metal detectors like they have in all the nigger schools.
>100,000 students walk out and dont come back
>They fail class
>No Refunds
>Have to take out another $40,000 loan to take subject again next year
Happy Bankers
Kek this
So from doing nothing in scools to doing nothing at home? I hate that my tax dollars goes towards teaching these retards
You really expect the untrained modern male to outwit a armed guy in full armor?
At least 27, 35 seems outrageous friend
other *than
This could go well.
>April 20, 2018
>School students around the nation refuse to go to school.
>Congress convenes, but fails to advance serious gun control legislation - let alone get trump to sign the bill into law.
>States left without the authority to contravene the 2nd amendment look for ways to accommodate their student's desire to avoid school shooting.
>States begin to loosen home-schooling rules, and encourage the use of online learning - and discover that this approach saves money on teachers, schools, infrastructure and bureaucracy.
>Student's realize that being forced to be in a pointless 'school' with feral niggers, greasy spics, soulless chinks and white kkkids is a stupid idea.
>Nations sees a renaissance of juvenile labor, children mature sooner, der juden lose their grip on the minds of the youth, and people's property taxes are spend on something more useful than low-performing schools.
>Idea of serious gun control is forgotten.