Fact: Age gap yuri is the greatest form of romance
Fact: Age gap yuri is the greatest form of romance
Other urls found in this thread:
Adult yuri>yuru yuri>age gap
>not girl on giant robot
it's a pixiv file with a pixiv filename, if you need anything besides that get out of Sup Forums
Fuck off pedro
retard phonenigger
Only if the little girl is reluctant.
The only form of love.
>you will never be a cake bulldyke and sole guardian to a cute loli so you can stuff her holes full of vibrators and turn into a sex slave
Why live?
Kill yourself dirty spic
>Hey, kid, wanna /ll/?
Especially if urethral insertion is included.
retard phonenigger
But is it safe?
Fuck off pablo
I can fap to ogu in spite my deep disgust in urethral insertion. It's a special kind of lewd that he draws. Except the toddlercon prequel. creeps me out desu
>You will never be a loli shown the sexual pleasures of the world by an older woman.
Is lesbiansim even real?
>You will never be a loli and show the sexual pleasures of the world to an older woman
The part where sensei got fisted by the tomboy loli was the best.
>You will never be a little girls pleasing old women for money
Translations never.
yes. maybe.
my friend gets more action than any other guy i know and she gets it from """"""""straight"""""""" girls
Lesbian here.
Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.
I want to believe (i'm male)
I wish this artist would do more, especially of the lolidom ones.
I, for one, welcome our new lesbian overlords.
sweet pasta I like it
>Lesbian sex can last for hours.
my feeble attempt to lose my virginity has lasted over two decades. Point being that sometimes the duration isn't the most important factor in how good an activity is.
Fact: Age gap catholic handicapped student teacher yuri is the greatest form of romance.
>not age gap BL
Sup Forums's shit taste sickens me sometimes
I can get behind this. Especially if the younger girl is the aggressor.
When do we get more Yuzumori?
Earlier tonight.
Only 6 pages thought
There's no such thing as a straight woman.
fuck off faggot
trolled hard
1I think the real question is when are people going to realize the lesbians are the worst case of a wolf in sheep's clothing?
No, yandere age gap yuri is.
>Age gap yuri is the greatest form of romance
If that's the case, how come no one made an anime based on that concept?
anime is sh*t
Anime never.
Anime is restricted to repeating the same things over and over
No one made Kanamemo?
Yeah, the same things people will actually purchase.
It really is.
Caring about what otaku spend their money on is the purest form of mari complaisant.
Heterosexual woman here.
Fuck off & take your misandry with you.
MIDF please go.
People care about what will keep them employed.
Anime is for increasing shareholder value, manga is the true form of art.
Stay on your containment board.
Sono Hana anime when?
chagen is a nigger
episode 2 never ever
Male Internet Defense Force
What more is there to say? It is the best thing.
>you will never lick a cute anime girl's eyeball
why even live
>You will never have your eye licked by a cute anime loli
An even worse fate.
A-Are there some shows, manga, doujins, or anything that you can give as sample(s)?
Oh, user.
I'm reminded of the godawful OVA ICE
Well if you're into bullying there's this.
There will never be a full fledged serialized yuri bullying manga that isn't just played for comedy like the Real Her, and that is sad.
Bullying is bad!
Even if the victim likes it?
Yuri bullying is the purest purest form of love! And you're a dyke!
Don't you mean statutory rape yuri?
What does that room smells like?
Is this bullying?
user please, in most places rape is defined as penetration without consent, and there isn't much penetration in yuri.
So a woman can't take advantage of a younger girl's feelings and use her? Amazing logic.
Also, although it is not rape, its still considered abuse under a certain age, user.
How about incest yuri?
Sister incest?
Yes please.
That guy sure has some throughput, and the faux autobiographical one was pretty good.
With twins
Flower Picking was such a hot h-mango.
>Stay on your containment board.
With the number of gay threads that we have here what that changes?
That wasn't really an incest end.
Mikage promised to come back to Takayanagi.
And Mikage and her sister only left to avoid their father.
In the afterword the author said Mikage and Takayanagi are girlfriends. And she also said that Mikage and Tomoe were able to move forward and get closer as a family.
I liked The Girl I Admire better, it was more nice and rapey.
don't reply to him newfag
Sup Forums is /u/'s containment board for anime
Other Ogino Jun stories scanned never ever.
But they'd already made peace with their father, and they were still moaning about whether they had romantic or purely platonic feelings right up to the chapter before they leave, and more importantly this was around the time all that government pressure came down forcing the cancellation of several manga that featured incest in a non-negative light such as KnJ and Aoi Hana that led to the virtual blacklisting of Takako Shimura in Tokyo so she is only published online now.
Anybody reading that wife and sister in law manga?
You fuck off to /y/
>my face after chapter 1
don't reply to him newfag
It remains this way throughout, it's wonderful isn't it?
What? The very last interaction they had with their father was him sexually abusing Mikage and Tomoe hitting him over the head with an art stand.
In the very next page after the one you posted Mikage calls Tomoe "Onee-chan", signifying that they are moving forward as a family.
And either way, you're still trying to argue against what the author themselves said in the afterword.
Therefore, all PIV sex is rape?