Why is that no Atheists want to discuss objective morality, veganism, race & IQ, gender, etc?..
It's like this obsession with rejecting reality
(this coming from an atheist)
Why is that no Atheists want to discuss objective morality, veganism, race & IQ, gender, etc?..
It's like this obsession with rejecting reality
(this coming from an atheist)
The problem is if atheists actually thought through their beliefs to their logical conclusions they'd reach a place they wouldn't like.
terrible thread, not literature related
Is this what abrehamfags really believe? Everyone else are doing fine without your desert God.
I was abt to say that so thanks for taking that on
And yeah sorry lad fair point, I guess I mean is there any decent literature by Atheists on the topic of objective morality and some of the above mentioned
In literature and philosophical discussions I find abrehamfags are taking over entirely illogically, like they're criticizing atheism while still having the problems of faith and all that
I'm asking for decent literature on the topic by atheists, cause at the moment it's a shitshow
All these ayylmaos, who could've guessed they were atheists.
>atheists are moral cowards
>says the theist that owes his morals to a book written thousands of years ago that cannot be questioned
Literally all Sam Harris does on his podcast.
It's just that you'll hate him even more because of the conclusions he comes to in those discussions. You'll never be happy one way or the other
Cuckeeists ( cuckold atheists) of course believe they only have this one mortal life and that's it, while reality shows that there is life after death, but the cuckeeist would rather cling to the belief that "what you see is what you get." They're beta cuc'ks, O.P. That was a good question, though.
>unironically being a cuckeeist
Wow good point. I now believe in god and objective morality.
Wow yeah for the first time in my life I really thought my beliefs through and I'm a scared. I believe in god now.
>while reality shows that there is life after death
It's believers that are the cowards. Most of our current "atheists" are motivated by Marxism. That's the answer. Like Christians, Marxists are believers in an Abrahamic Utopia.
>I'm asking for decent literature on the topic by atheists, cause at the moment it's a shitshow
It's all pre-WW2 when it's explicitly atheist (English Rationalists like Archibald Robertson), but the most important academic stuff is the Biblical Minimalism of the last 20-30 years, which is history and archaeology-- Thomas L. Thompson; Lemche, Patricia Crone and lots of others.
Sam Harris is a Jewish Zionist. It betrays what he is really about-- making certain that neckbeard Marxist "atheists" don't figure out that Jews are the source of religious evil in the West.
Atheism has nothing to do with religion, that's a Jewish /abrahamic trick
Somebody who's right about 90% of things that are verifiable and 10% of things like this that are not verifiable like the afterlife is considered an authority when compared to a cuckeeist who's wrong about 90% of things while he speculates on 10% of things which aren't verifiable like the afterlife, he's fake news!
Which one has the more trustworthy view of reality? The 90% verifiable and 10% not verifiable priest, or the fake news 90% wrong cuckeeist?
Atheists are not cowards - they’re the only people brave enough to accept death is so obviously the end and not have to bend in servitude to a backwards construct of lesser minds.. just to try and escape into a fale sense of ‘purpose’ for the rest of their meaningless lives. A true Atheist makes their own purpose and uses their brief time to suit them. Therefore - why would they discuss morality? Morality is a myth - like religion - no one is up there judging you - Atheists fashion their own moral code based on what brings the best out of our brief time here, therefore debating the falsehoods of others is a waste of time.
Where do these beliefs against atheists come from? I don’t understand why everyone wants us to convert when there’s no proof, as for morality as said before when following the ideology to its logical conclusion its not pretty at all
>Cuckeeists ( cuckold atheists)
That's just embarrassing, user.
What? Literally studying biochemistry, I know more about objective reality than godcunts ever will. I know what you are fucking made of and it sure as hell isn't god dust. I know the basis for IQ race and gender. I know that morality is a biast human invention along with the gods we know
Please tell me how priests make verifiable claims, define what verifiable means (because i really don't understand what you mean. Verifiable as in "claims align with reality"?) and how are atheists verifiably wrong 90% of the time?
Says who? Why is it so "omg scary, it's so dark and unpretty :((((". It just is what it is. It's only frightening if the concept is alien to you. If you're even marginally intelligent, you should have gotten over the "scary" phase of it by the time you were a teenager.
Cuckeeists are afraid that if they lose their life here on earth then that's the end of everything for them, so yes, cowards.
Nobody wants to convert you, these threads are for organising against you, to push you out of the way.
Cuckeeists say getting divorce is fine, just not optimal, but if you have to do it you can, and should not feel bad about marrying again.
Priests say that divorce is not allowed and if you disobey then you're a second class citizen.
>but what's verifiable
Kill yourself, user.
>I delude myself that I will go to fairy land when I die that makes me BRAVE and you a cuck!
Didn’t say scary said not pretty, and if you follow through to the end of we are all going to die anyway and there’s no point to anything then the logical conclusion is for people to simply kill themselves but we are animals and our bodies have a will of their own to survive
Also out of the way of what exactly? New world Jewish order?
>muh jews
user., you're boring.
>implying anyone will read the green-text of a cuckeeist
Sorry mate, I’ll lay some better bait next time
>Morality is a myth
>So let's vote in leftist government to impose morality
I'll discuss those topics with anyone who wants too. Why are you saying no atheists will discuss that? Where are you getting that info from? Did you poll thousands of atheists to draw that conclusion?
is this bait ? jefferson is a deist , zuckerberg is agnostic
form your own morals and ethics instead of be clay to some old cunt who molested you
sincerely a thiest without a church
pardon the numbers out of my ass, but 5% of atheists and 8% of agnostics are OK. The rest get the rope though
>when you fool yourself into thinking you're too smart to have ordinations and clergy
I'm an atheist
>objective morality
No proof that such a thing is real, although biologically speaking, I think most (highly cognitive) individuals have an innate moral compass (which they totally ignore when hunger and war strike)
- veganism
What about it? Personal choice right?
- race & IQ
There's scientific consensus that IQ scores are different among populations.
What's there to discuss?
What about it?
Can you prove what you believe in? No. Then shut the fuck up you dogs or go back to philosophy class. Whoever has a personal belief regarding the afterlife is an imbecile in that regard. Fight me.
>it's impossible to notice trends across the centuries
Cuckeeists get dumber every generation.
Because atheist believe that this is the only life they have, so they try to make it as perfect as possible. Let them, as long as it improves our lives as well... Who cares.
Trends? What is this, the winter-spring belief clothing line? Being a theist, atheist, agnostic, whatever, is just some tribal kool-aid you absolute niggers drink.
>when you try to counter the easy to pronounce and inherently true Christcuck meme but can't come up with anything good
It's pretty sad, user. Especially when there's already the far superior "gaytheist" around.
>he's too afraid to ask what happens after her dies so he assumes what the masses think
They can only maintain their beliefs by countersignalling Christians, though, and it prevents Christians from developing the culture in a positive way. "Bake the cake!" kind of militancy is unacceptable and stopping that sort of tyranny is something only Christians would fight-tooth-and-nail to prioritise.
I'm an atheist as I said you memers
Can't remember who said it but it's specifically Marxist atheists I'm talking about. I just find the vast majority of fellow atheists I meet have no morals, no interest in differences between races and men and women, and just generally have no intellectual strength to them
They're so fucking weak willed, but hey I'm a national socialist so how would I know