Question to german Sup Forumsacks. Is this guy jewish?

Question to german Sup Forumsacks. Is this guy jewish?

Also do you consider him funny?

I dont even know who this guy is.

That shouldn't matter, I thought German had a jewdar


Maximilian schafroth... some guy that went to bank school then started cabarette

dont know but he sucks like hell as a comedian

Ha! I thought so! The guy is fking pathetic. He's like a damn weasel. Saw him for the first time today. Already cant stand his repulsive act.

Alle comedians sind scheisse.

Most entertainers or comedians are jews

(((Mario Barth)))
(((Thomas Gottschalk)))
(((Till Schweiger)))
(((Mathias Schweighöfer)))
(((Günther Jauch)))

Are germans who have common names like fischer,weber, -felder , -berger all jewish or is it mixed with real germans?