Why are white men overrepresented in mass shootings?
Shouldn't we address this issue instead of blaming Muslims?
Why are white men overrepresented in mass shootings?
Overrepresented by the media. its because we keep ignoring the basic nature of our being.
Muslims shoot people up wherever they go, as do niggers.
OP är en liten bög.
They aren't. Most mass shootings are black on black gang crime. The media just pretends those don't exist until they need to say we've had X mass shootings so far this year.
>Mother is kike
This isn't white. He also looks retarded as fuck and I can see why he was bullied.
>"white supremacist"
>"my mom was a jew"
>Overrepresented by the media
>Of the Top 10 Mass shootings in history 8 are white men
>Tyrone shooting Lavar and Deqwanthony over crack is totally comparable
The only thing over-represented in that photo is the light level.
Well, what is the definition of mass shootings?
Use that definition and see if the media doesn’t fairly use it amongst other races in cities like Chicago.
>half spic half kike mongrel
fuck off
X-mas shootings?
>To make, after this delicious Mac&cheese I have to go out for a while to smoke some niggaz
To make = yo maw
>White Leftist are racist against whites even though they are white themselves
>Have to be 100% white to be a white supremacist
Hmmm Gotta love those double standards
because jews keeps labeling themselves and other non Whites as White in order to deflect and attack.
Fake news, relatively speaking niggers commit more school shootings.
Why did you Shoppe this faggot?
>Why are white men overrepresented in mass shootings?
They aren't.
Niggs and whites are proportional.
Spics are underrepresented.
Asians are overrepresented.
>niggers commit more school shootings.
Name one
He's actually jewish, not White.
but her mother is jewish like the mayority of shooters
He had green eyes.
>CNN is real news when it benefits me
White pipo rarely go shooting, but when they do people die in droves.
Niggers and the others cant amount to anything, cant even plan a real shooting properly, they run into a white guard that shoots them in the head like those two mudslime shitheads hitting up that art convention.
No school shootings, I was mistaken. But they commit more mass shootings.
>According to ABC News, Cruz and his younger brother, Zachary, were adopted as infants by Roger and Lynda Cruz. Lynda's cousin, Kathie Blaine, told the outlet that after Roger died of a heart attack in 2005, the widow continued to raise the two children by herself.
Cruz is not Hispanic he was adopted by an old Hispanic couple, his brother is named freaking Zachery, will pol finally admit that Cruz is white?
My mom is an alien. Will they ever fijne this? Hope not cause my mom would spank me with a anti matter gun.
What's the homicide rate for whites vs homicide rate for muslims/niggers?
Probably because white people do mass shootings to kill as many people as they can and black mass shooting are always a dispute/altercation over turf/drugs/robbery/gang related. Black "mass shootings" are environmental crime, white mass shootings are terrorism.
Because Muslims have killed and tormented millions for 1400 years
drugged white and nonwhite boys have been doing rare, unpredictable things for 20 years that is really a pinprick in the overall scheme of things.
shitty shitty comparison.
How do we stop Black serial killers? What is wrong with Black people.
No its because black people are bad at prolonged thought and will go for the one marshmellow at once.
Oh it's this thread again.
Probably because other races drop out of school before they commit crimes. This shooting shouldve been prevented the moment the student was banned from carrying a backpack
What are they puting in those GMO crops?
False flag so he took the bait. retard lol
Most mass shootings are done by black people.
They're just gang shootings instead of school shootings because they dropped out of school.
>Because Muslims have killed and tormented millions for 1400 years
Yea because Jews, Abos and Native Americans dealt with genocide from Muslims.....oh wait. Muslims nuked 200k Japanese women,children,elderly... oh wait. Muslims slaughtered 2 million Vietnamese .....oh wait.
Ppl on pol will always pretend musloms in iraq and syria sre a bigger threat.. theyll pretens black gangsters killimg esch other is a threat...they tend to just ignore when a white guy shoots 30 kids for no reason besides (lonely no friends cant get pussy.) Pol relates to school shootersm. Most of em go on pol or Sup Forums... ppl do not fear what they are familisr with.
So nothung you said means anything?
Your English is deplorable. Are you drunk?
No.. its becsuse white ppl crave violence.. they need itmm its shown in white ppl hobbie #1 killing animals... nothing is violent like the white man.. whereas other races will resort to violence and crime out of necessity.. out of a need to survive or a desire to succeed by any means possible..
White ppl can habe everything in life but will still desire blood.. or life is too "hard" and they are driven to rage to kill and exsert that domoniance thwy believe they habe and have a right to.
Hungover in bed dont give a fuck typing on my andriod..
Muslims use bombs & trucks.
Nogs shoot isolated victims and spread their "mass" shootings over time.
Hispanics & jews magically become white when it's time to record the statistics
And everyone else immigrates properly meaning we mostly filter out the psychos.
And it's men because men do shit.
Exactly. Black shooting predominately only effect those in inner city ghettos, basically only other black people. White mass shootings effect everyone of all socioeconomic backgrounds and they can happen anywhere (work,mall,concert,school,restaurant etc) at any given time for no apparent reason or motivation other than to kill as many people as possible
>Why are white men overrepresented in mass shootings?
*mass school shooting in america
can you guess who's over represented in total mass shootings?
God damn trolling swede. These white male mass shootings are all ZOG intel/freemasonic false flags. They are ritual sacrifices. They are usually held on astrologically/kabalistically significant dates. They're also psyops to sway public opinion in favor of gun control legislation. You shouldn't go along with the narrative that they are real, even in jest.
You deserve your reputation.
i mean i just wanna see what this flag looks like
That doesn't make him white at all. What makes him white is being of European decent which he clearly isn't. He looks Russian to me.
>white mass shootings
yeah it's all of sudden the persons ethnicity is at fault and not their upbringing,economic status and mental health when that person is white even though he's not ethnically white.
fuck off kike
Thats right subhuman. Whites are coming for you shitstain.
This is not a white person, this is a MUTT person, an American MUTT.
fuck off faggot
I know, I thought they got a bad rap in the beginning, but then I realized how completely insane the Canadians are. It never changes.
Looks white to me.
Why do niggers who make up 13% of the population account for 50% of all murders?
He is not white. He is Asiatic, just like Elliot Rodger, Seung-Hui Cho and Pekka-Eric Auvinen.
The school shooter problem comes down Asian mental illness.
Fuck off nigger lover. All the whites get put on SSRIs by their jew doctors. Then they snap and rack up a high kill count because they are white and therefore excel at whatever they do. It takes a white shooter about ten minutes to do what it takes all of chicago to do in a weekend. Lol.
sure he does, to you.
Every other group that commits mass killings has a very clear motivation for why they committed the attack. Only whites seemingly kill with no clear motivation to do so yet are given every pass from mental illness to over the top conspiracy theories and their race/religion is never to called to blame like others. If mental illness is the underlining cause then it can be said that whites have a higher predisposition to mental illness and their race can be blamed for their actions.
Adjust it for population size
True. All school shootings are accomplished with father's guns.
Because there are more white people than black people in the US retards. Of course there are more white school shooting if you have way more white people in your country.
Did they ever find out his motives or was he just batshit crazy and bullied a lot for it?
>Only whites seemingly kill with no clear motivation
no one has ever said this in fact they immediately called that person a "neo-nazi" or some shit like that
stop lying you stupid kike
LOL yall find a way to blame the Jews for everything, White guy does something fucked up insert thejewsdidthis.gif
Also Jews look pretty fucking white to me I don't know..
His face is very broad, as in he looks to have some mongoloid mixture, prob spic/native american. His skin is very dark too, in other pics anyway. White in the US has trad meant english/german/irish. Northwest european ancestry anglo/teutonic/irish, and nothing but that, no mix of non-white. Even calling the guy white is part of the psyop.
He was on SSRIs user. Like every other fuckin psycho that ever shot up a school or drown her own kids n a bathtub. Seriously look it up its the pills (they) give us.
Sweden worried about white supremacy, classy
mental disorders from extreme intelligence and creativity
because whites go to school
> 56% meme
> White
>Why are white men overrepresented in mass shootings?
>Shouldn't we address this issue instead of blaming Muslims?
but that is completely wrong
Oops. Shlomo, UR kippa is showing.
Muslims use guns too. Attacks in France. Grenades in Sweden. Axe man in Germany. Kebab man with knife also Germany.
I do not know what is more strange. That these Muslim do this or that white left encourages it.
This graph is fake. A single Arab has carried out a mass shooting in US history (Fort Hood)
San Bernardino faggot. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Fuck you are dumb. And im pretty sure there are others. How does it feel having a brain even smaller than your dick?
>what is Orlando Nightclub shooting
>what is San Berardino shooting
San Bernardino was a Paki couple, dumbfuck. Pakis are not Arab, theyre literally Indian Muslims.
Orlando was an Afghan, San Beradino was a Paki couple, both not Arab. Fucking idiots.
In the US since 1966 (52 years) 1077 people have been killed in mass shootings (4 or more people).
That is about 21 people a year which always results in kikes, faggots and women trying to ban guns. In comparison 1,573 people were stabbed or hacked to death in a year (2015) yet no one foams at the mouth about knives.
Niggers kill about 7,600 people a year on average yet no one is calling for nigger bans?
technically arab or technically just muslim... doesn't matter. The graph isn't fake, you're just pedantic and autistic. It does not disprove the main point that whites are underrepresented in mass shootings.
also you forgot
>Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez
>Kori Ali Muhammad
Here is another graph to prove whites are underrepresented.
We should ban white people for WW1 and 2
It was war you dumb fucking nigger. The entire point is to kill as many people as possible.
>you're just pedantic and autistic
No you're legitimately retarded, they are literally not Arab (ethnically or culturally) nor are they even Asian. The graph is disinfo garbage, even if you go under the label of Muslim you can count Muslim mass shootings on one hand. Just as with terror attacks almost none have been by US born Muslims nor were they citizens so they dont even count towards the per capita
You don't know what that word means
White people are savages
>The young turks
Because they are pissed off their country is being taken from them by smelly brown people.
Per capita, blacks are still higher than whites.
However, don't let the truth get in the way of a good narrative.
Yeah, try again.
We are just good at whatever it is we are tasked to do.
Whether it is exploration, art, literature, science or killing people.
>they are literally not Arab (ethnically or culturally)
no one cares, for the purpose of this graph, they are.
>nor are they even Asian
no one cares
>The graph is disinfo garbage, even if you go under the label of Muslim you can count Muslim mass shootings on one hand.
and proportionally based on their population, they are very over represented.
>Just as with terror attacks almost none have been by US born Muslims nor were they citizens so they dont even count towards the per capita
literally all they ones that have been mentioned were either born in the USA or naturalized citizens, you dumbfuck. Everything that is actually important to the conversation that you have said is factually wrong.