Saw this on goybook, it's a good point.
>453k unemployed veterans
>90k elementary schools
>26.4k high schools
If you paid them all 30k, a median wage in a school, it would cost just over 13.6b a year. Anything more than that is because of the bullshit and inefficiency of the government. That's barely over 2% of our military budget to solve one of our largest current issues.
Saw this on goybook, it's a good point
>Place individuals with PTSD in a chaotic enviroment with extremely active individuals
Uhmm...I wonder what could go wrong
k unemployed veterans
> hire the demographic with the highest PTSD suicide (by firearm) rates in the country to be your armed security
nice facebook logic, faggot
Those rich fucks! This whole fucking thing... I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet...
>Saw this on goybook,
>oh boy oh boy oh boy
> my buddies on the chans will LOVE me for this
> I bet they haven't seen a facebook meme
> share, like comment and subscribe
OP is a brainlet,no wonder he surfs Kikebook
The school already had 3 armed guards
They didn't stop the killing
>Charge gun
>Aim to those rich fucks
>Start the biggest school shooting of all times
America YES
This. A third of them have ptsd.
>place 3 cia niggers who had their brains wiped by the cia nigger overlord in the school