>believe might makes right
>lose the only war you ever fought
>complain about how unfair that is forever more
Believe might makes right
Other urls found in this thread:
>Unironically loses
>Literally needed the rest of the worlds major powered to bring him down.
Try harder, Muhammad Abdul Aziz
>calling that a victory
>you ever fought
>complain about how unfair that is forever more
I think you are confused
But its not fair!!!
it literally took the entire fucking world to take on one single country to defeat it. Definitely shows the superior nation
>Germany is the only Axis nation playable in 99% of WWII games ever made
it took Hitler 5 years to bring the greatest army ever assembled to the brink of starvation and defeat at the hands of 2 untested countries and a completely demoralized Britain
>whites are the masterrace
>literally willingly genociding themselves 70 years later
Realky makea me think
Literally defeated in the east by Mongolians hahahaha
Not really nobody did shit except the soviets
>declare war on every country next to you that isnt your dicksucker
>declare war on all the world powers in the process and their allies
B-but its not fair!
Explain me where do you see contradiction? "Might makes right" dosen't mean that whatever happens is desirable.
>declare war on everyone
>n-no we actually won because were bad at diplomacy
You wanna know how I know you're a shitskin? You're level of baiting is that of a shitskin. The genetic limitation in intelligence is palpable through this thread.
You should be exterminated as you are not needed for anything.
>when it takes millions of people to take you out proving you were actually superior
Daily reminder that Hitler also loved muslims, just quickly search up on google right now "nazi germany albanian/bosnian ss divisions", not to mention hitler's quotes on islam. No matter how bad the jews are i will always consider muslims the bigger enemy, because they are the worse enemy.
>millions of people
more like millions of mongolians the ussr was pretty much the only nation in ww2 that actually fought shit against germany
>believing that Islam quote
>Who is the Japanese and Italian Empire?
Also Hungary, Finland, Romania and Bulgaria.
Spain and France also send volunteers
Muslims would have remained in their countries if the Jews did't push for immigration from the third world and waged war in the Middle East.
Soviet Union fougth alone against:
See: en.wikipedia.org
Go cry somewhere looser
Yes, also the modern Muslim hatred for west is the result of wars started by USA
Outnumbered by a factor of what?
Did you remember what happened to France? 2.5 Weeks. Denmark? hours.
It is not like the war was lost because the Germans were the worse fighters, but they were outnumbered and the high command made critical errors.
Hitler could have won if he wasnt retarded like napoleon
>and watching anime instead of getting actual women
I am waiting
Who's this one country you're talking about?
Burger education
Pick a fight with the whole world, have a good ruck, go down blasting. No dishonour. Allies spent the last decades congratulating themselves on having beaten a man down 15 to 1. Jew puppets.
>everything boils down to the end, haha, it's a loser because of my a proiri setup, cause WWII lost duh
Even if it isn't true, muslims are objectively worse than jews, period.
This desu. America and USSR decided the war. US held Japan and Italy and USSR took care of Germany. Britain was FUCKED by 1941 and could have been defeated at Dunkirk if Germany had have decided to advance.
Nah, Muslims are open and warlike, good enemies. Jews are infesting parasites that work from within with infection. Much more disgusting and hard to deal with.
Lol, whole continental europe was on german side: France, Sweden, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland and so on. It only took a bunch of anglos and russians to btfo euro pussies.
Jews are nice and generally peaceful.
Western Europe is going to fucking miss Jews once the Muslims really start getting into power you're going to be like "damn, it was nice having a mellow minority of soft nerds to push around" and then you'll have to hurry because call to prayer and public execution before soccer game.
Still doesn't change the fact that Hitler supported a religion with anti-white ideals and other ideals that stands against literally everything that western civilization stands for, "just because they arent jews".
They’re the same.
I'm afraid you're right. disregarding the other stuff. There's only a few million jews in the world. they don't have big families. There's over a billion muslims.
Islam dosen't say a world about race. And by western civilization you mean modern liberalism.
Sadly we just administered the occupied balkan zones and sent some stuff to Germany. We had a couple of volunteers but they were like ~1000.
jews are the good guys
And Japan in Asia
nazi germany was fucking done after stalingrad
Russia pretty much 1v1 them with some marginal sheckel help from the allies
forgot pic
This, way more civilized than the eternal kraut.
Based Soviets
>he didn't even read the mein kampf despite larping as a nazi
Life would have been better if Nazis won. Shame Hitler wasn't a very good tactician.
Yeah things would have been much better, hitler would have gotten his dream of strenghtening islam, europe would have been much more muslim than today. Things would have been much better indeed.
He said only, that islam fits "warlike teutonic spirit" more than Christianity. Wrong, but still nobody in the third reich wanted to breed with middle easterners.
Zhukov is talking to Adrian Brody
there is more honour in standing up for your believes against unsurmountable odds and lose or die trying than be the eternal slave of the jew.
atleast all the germans and all those who died while fighting with them, died as free people
>Western Civilization is degeneracy, LGBT, cucks
And's that why you dipshit Swedecucks are going extinct. Prep your wife's bull for me.
Sweden, where the wife becomes the husband and the husband becomes the... thing
but according to this...
>Prep your wife's bull for me
i guess you love colored dick in your ass i guess
>soviet union fought alone
What is lend-lease? What is battle of the Atlantic? What is north african campaign? What is invasion of Italy? What is Operation Overlord?
>20 niggers beat up a smart kid
>illiterate communist retards in charge of reading comprehension
>Western Europe is going to fucking miss Jews once the Muslims really start getting into power
But it's the jews that are keeping Europeans from kicking them in Europe in the first place you fucking idiot
>>complain about how unfair that is forever more
I dont expect mercy from (((them)))
I expect white men to finally stand up for what is ours