What is Sup Forums's opinion on traditional African women?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on traditional African women?


somewhere between a dog and a monkey

Most of them have saggy titties and beat up (probably mutilated) vaginas.

They're retarded and would have no qualms with eating you if you're plane crashed in their village.

traditional aftrican women, should stay there

The most ugly and stupidest race

fat cows who walk around with suitcases on their heads full of shoes.

suitcases have handles for carrying.

shes cute


what the fuck is a traditional African woman? there are 50+ countries in Africa.

My gf is African from Ethiopia.

She is great. Don’t get this hateful racism in this thread

It's Shills.
They need to perpetuate the idea that this is a ground of only hate. So many redpills are dropped here, govt leaks, etc, that they need to keep the normies out.

She isn't an "African" as OP meant. She is actually more Caucasoid by DNA analysis than Negroid. Even physical characteristics, her skull would be shaped like a white person's skull more than it would be a real black woman's.
"African" means "Negroid", which is from SubSaharan WESTERN AFRICA.


Why? I’m sure they’re submissive, and conservative, and can cook. What could be bad about that?

>you're plane

my opinions of Africans is understandable low based on their actions and accomplishments.

my opinion of the women in OP's pic is understandable high based on my dick.

>not having self control over sexual arousal

She has a rather sub Saharan nose though.

Some have peculiar ways to carry their plates and dishes.

Why not atop their heads like other nogs?

africans have an average IQ of 70. Your child would be in a bad condition.


Lopks like a nigger kike bastard

Would bang

You like negroes, fellow pinoy?

I had actual African tribal pussy.

The entire experience was smelly and underwhelming.

We don't have many blacks here where I live.

theyshould stay in africa with their speices

absolute state of fascists

a fit african looks better than a fit white girl

They dont own Africa fucktard, We are just as African we just arent Negroid or Bantu.

Once again basic grammar eludes the typical Sup Forumscuck dingleberry.

oh Jamal why do you lie? Unless you are living in an alternate universe Germany is filled to the brim with all sorts of niggers

One of my goals in life was to inseminate a woman from every habitable continent. 5 down, 1 to go.

Degenerate diseased animals.

Pretty good, because they tend to stay in fucking Africa where they belong.

I would probably rape and murder if I saw this in the mirror every morning, too. Can't really blame them desu.

Look at this beast.

No really, here where I live (Saarland) we have a lot turks italians and polish people (and more and more arabs..), but if I compare it to my last trip to belgium it is indeed way lower.

I know, man. That's what I'm saying. If I woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that ugly mug staring back at me, I would probably say "fuck it, Im done".

Leave home White man

>What is Sup Forums's opinion on traditional African women?
belongs in traditional africa

I got nothing against Africa, i got a lot against retarded boomers and millennials and elites going there and dancing with niggers, fucking their children and acting like they own the place while pretending to be African.

would BLEACH

Nigger she has bleached features. She looks like she has barely a drop of African blood to give her a dark complexion, and that was it. Real Africans are ugly as sin. Pic related are real Ethiopian.

Horn of African women are girlfriend tier.. seen some Somalis I almost asked their number (white christian vs muslim culture difference fears are why i wouldn't)

i would never have kids or marry but in the right circumstances I would date and fuck one and be glad about it

Pics or didn't happen memeflag faggot


>a fit african looks better than a fit white girl
good for you mudslime, better you contaminate them than us.

>Narrow nose and tiny nostrils that can't suck up a bird in flight is black.

Go back to studying your racist stereotypes mister.

its in my genes to conquer women of other places, cant help it senpai

>its in my genes
and what genes is that? mudslime?

Here come the Amerimutts claiming that Somalis aren't niggers again.

Just look at all these caucasian features,

>Still living in the Philippines
>Claim he's retarded for using improper grammar
Why haven't you worked hard to move out of that shit hole like some of us pinoys and work for a meaningful country as opposed to working for what would be minimum wage here?

>and what genes is that?


The African woman produces the African man who produces nothing.

What is this thing

The Amerimutts are right, these are basically caucasians like us white people.

They are female niggers

>wanting to racemix

Jesus christ Varg was right. You christcucks are no better than muzzies.

That's because etheopians are human while other Africans are a distinct species. Oops

Where can I buy one as a slave?

100% improvement over Afro-American women. They are the worst.

>That's because etheopians are human while other Africans are a distinct species. Oops

But Black girl are so beautiful my Ruski bracie.

There aren't any chairs in Africa so you can sit on my dick

don't contaminate please, sick our your kind!

i can trace my lineage back to the knights of Scandinavia and England.
please don't destroy yourself more Sweden. please.. isn't it enough that you're countrys cultural cohesion is tanking
a few more years of demoralization and löfven rule and its gone forever.

When people ask me about my family, i always omit to say sweden because i'm ashamed of it.

What. How are they any different to other niggers?

Wrong image, wanted to post this Ethopian hottie.

no, they're not

Yes they are, stop cherrypicking.

How can white women even compete?


Not the fat loud mouthed American variety, but definately the one in OP's picture

I dunno.

Mentally ill

Pole defending racemixing. Nothing new in Based Boland.

Is she coated in nano black?

no they're not!
besides, a mix of african and polish would litterally look like epic related

don't make those monstrosities

Roasties from Scandinava cannot compete.

Can you spot the sub-human niggers?

She a secret character who needs to be unlocked.

Yes they ARE beautiful you dumb lolberg.



This has to be shopped.

Shut the fuck up, you are cherrypicking fag.

That's a fucking tranny.



Please kill yourself

Sage this slide thread

Its Diamond Jackson you newfag.

That's plastic surgery.

>post pic of tranny
>calls other people faggot

No, its natural black beauty, roasties cannot compete.

no, pic related is the end result of multicultural mixing for a few hundred years

I'm sorry but i'm not into gay bestiallity.

I dont have one, because I think about them as much as I think about taking a shit.