Should we structure our governments more like the ones from Starship Troopers?
Should we structure our governments more like the ones from Starship Troopers?
No, for it is totalitarian.
Whilee it would hold some advantages (like beaing able to cleanse tha nation of muslims, niggers, and sandniggers, and would prevent libtards from becoming citizens, since they are too bitchy to serve the country) [I served in the military too], it would ultimately curtail most personal freedoms and rights our forefathers have fought to achieve
Ellroy get off pol ya dangus,
>muh female troopers
Fuck off.
OTOH, think of the money we would save if floggings were punishment instead of imprisonment.
Still it is a democracy. Military service won't make jock competent about politics.
Only after the social scientists bring us to the brink of destruction then the veterans will take control using naked force
We should definitely limit voting for those who have a stake in the country
Weather it’s this or property owners or men or tax paying citizens or something letting the teaming pleb masses of teenagers, the poor, single women etc vote will always lead to disaster
So like in 2024? Screen cap this
No. It is mutt nwo paradise.
You can add other kind of service too, whatever your current system is needing. The only question is then what does this do to the job markets in certain fields. Are this civil services just dumping wages? then they are bad. however, having a gateway to become a full citizen is something like a initiating rite of tribes.
>some neggres takes over the military
bad idea
Yes, let's structure our governments after the ones we see in parodies
read the fucking book newfags!
also: maybe
>I'm a vet and I know the system is fucking everything up, but the system is still the best system we have, cause the system told me so in their schools. Did I mention I'm a vet?
You're a boomer aren't you?
Yes, it's a good start.
No global government, but yes on class A and class B citizenship
We should just revoke universal suffrage and install a tiered voting system as Prussia had, where everyone is technically represented but landowners have more sway.
that movie/book is satire on the US ya dingus
yes, at the very least, academia
They got citizenship right
The book wasn't satire.
We no longer live in an agricultural society.
People owning a business, even a small one, is more appropriate that "landowners"
attacking a bunch of giant bugs with nothing but small calibre infantry was the dumbest thing ever
What kind of shitty business owner cant afford to buy his own house?
You say that as if we still have those rights and personal freedoms.
landowners can be simple jews speculating in real estates. Business owners are supposed to produce something of value
Jews should be expelled
I agree, but also humans can be speculators, simply owning land don't make you a productive member of society.
>Sup Forums falling for satirical movie: the thread
Actually no, I was born in the 90s. Why do you conclude I would be a boomer? Being proud of ones service to his country is only natural, as is being patriotic and valueing freedom. Except for libtards, cause they don't know shit
I think the Government is in Starship troopers is a Republic similar to that of the Romans and even to a lesser extent the United States.
For example, you have representatives of the nation in the form of Citizens. These people of the nation only gain the right to be a Citizen by adequately serving the nation, meaning they are invested in it in some way or another (through military service, sciences, etc.)
This ensures that the only people voting for the matters and affairs of the nation have some sort of commitment.
>it would ultimately curtail most personal freedoms and rights
You completely failed to name one.
>our forefathers have fought to achieve
The Founding Fathers were against universal suffrage. They wanted only landowners to have the power to vote.
>won't make jock competent about politics
It will allow only patriots to have the power to vote. Good.
>book is satire
A Republic is not a Democracy
Democracy is mob rule, a Republic is representative mob rule lmao
>Only people that done the military service get the right to have children.
>all the incels and losers from would literally die out.
Sup Forums would cease to exist
Absolutely. Demonstrate a commitment to the security of your country and then be allowed to vote.
>Freedom of Speech: you cannot speak against the government, or face harsh punishment
>Second Amendment: These people are, afaik, not allowed to own guns.
>Property Rights: Landownership is restricted. Only those the government deems fit may own land
>The founding fathers are not who I was referring to. They are important, but not the gold standard. I was referring to those who fought in WW2, for example.
And, even by those standards, the founding fathers did not want a government like that.
>>Freedom of Speech
>>Second Amendment
>>Property Rights
Who the fuck are you quoting? Even Verhoeven's satire movie wasn't totalitarian.
>those who fought in WW2
They fought because of Pearl Harbor. The voting had absolutely nothing to do with WW2.
>the founding fathers did not want a government like that
They did want a limited democracy where only tax paying landowners voted.
> Even Verhoeven's satire movie wasn't totalitarian.
Read the books and the EU (what little we have of it)
>The voting had absolutely nothing to do with WW2.
No, but the Japs and Nazis were dictatorship (Japs were monarchists, if you want to be specific, but who cares). Nazis wanted basically world domination. They weren't particularly libertarian people iirc
>They did want a limited democracy where only tax paying landowners voted.
TAX PAYING. That's the point. Tax Paying, not "They have the right opinion"