drumpy doodle dandy getting BTFO!!!
Drumpy doodle dandy getting BTFO!!!
Every new dumb play on Trump's name just reminds me that leftists have the mental capacity of pre schoolers
My prayers and condolences for that absolute fucking roasting. Trump eternally BTFO!
Yes, the stupid forced memes that circulate the toilet that is Sup Forums are so clever and enlightened. Not to mention the fact that you're too fucking stupid to realize it's rightists making these ridiculous bait threads. Shoot yourself.
Shame she wasn't one of the victims
Suck fat cock with all these 'BTFO BTFOOO HURRR DURRR' threads
You faggot cocksuckers... Sage
>but gun control will prevent it from happening again
If Obama said the my prayers shit
they would be sucking his dick, not
calling him names like middle schoolers.
Then, instantly it's "GUN CONTROL GUN CONTROL!!"
May the curse strike her down
So powerful, maybe we should make schools gun free safe zones
Meth and Crack are illegal yet still readily available . .. .
Lets not do anything crazy and protect our kids like the way we protect our banks and jewelry stores with evil guns
Did Obama's prayers and well-wishes get responses like this?
Or monopolies or MIC or corrupt politicians.
Those condolences were wery welcome back when king nigger was in charge though. Fucking filthy hypocrite whores.
>account created January 2018
>makes EPIC tweet that utterly DESTROYS DRUMPF
>"This account's tweets are protected"
Why are you leftists so prone to anger?
nobody said there is no way to prevent it. We said gun control isn't the way.
>Fucking filthy hypocrite whores.
Sounds like Nikolas missed a few deserving targets
Would be easy to prevent it. Just make schools so that you can only enter from a few designated points which all have security checks with armed guards.
>Why do stupid people make non-retards mad
Probably because you ruin everything you touch with your tard hands.
Yeah just arm all the students and teachers.
You retards do realize that at a lot of these school shootings (including Columbine) they HAD armed guards, right?
>fucking price of shit
throw everybody s rights out the window, something bad happen. can you imagine if they did that every time something happen. we wouldn't have any rights by now.
You never have a problem with throwing people's rights out if they're not covered by amendment 2.
>Yeah just arm all the students and teachers.
because gun free zone work so well
She meant price of urine. That's more his thing.
no, they are talking about involuntary examinations. sharing private records with the police. all kinds of stuff.
oh you'll take them
whether you want em or not
>(including Columbine) they HAD armed guards, right?
You do know Columbine happened during the Clinton Assault weapons ban right?
Of course they don't. They're a good step, but this is one of the most gun-filled countries on Earth. They're just too readily available.
>It's literally nothing
>Multiple of my fellow classmates
Are you sure she actually went to school, user?
>Of course they don't. They're a good step,
Which is it then?
>but this is one of the most gun-filled countries on Earth. They're just too readily available.
And they're not in Mexico or the middle east?
>one of the most gun-filled countries on Earth.
Germany 81.41 Million
France 66.81 Million
United Kingdom 65.14 Million
Italy 60.8 Million
Canada 35.85 Million
Australia 23.78 Million
USA 321.4 Million
California 39.14 Million
Texas 27.47 Million
Florida 20.27 Million
They hate themselves and their lives, that's why they're leftists.
"you fucking price of shit" someone get this woman a scholarship we have a future author.
>They're a good step,
For Target practice
Like when liberals get government-funded universities to ban conservative speakers?
Not even worth arguing with these dumb faggots, because they aren't even remotely rational. The ones who aren't just parroting popular opinions only want to advance their agenda. Just ignore them and wait for it to die down. Day of the rope can't come soon enough, I swear.
At my children's school all of the doors are locked at all times and they have to buzz you in if you want to enter during school hours. I don't understand how wacked out psychos with ARs are just walking into schools. Is my children's school not the norm?
Atleast your children s school doesn't warn everyone about a nut job who might shoot up the school then just let them walk in with an AR15
She could've tried to go to a private school, could've petitioned for a metal detector system, asked for armed guards at the school, or anything else if she really felt the need to stop something like this happening.
Instead the woman will always use emotional guilt, as the reproducing jew that she is, to make others do her bidding and hope the victim of her manipulative tactics forgets her inability to prematurely solve the problem and take responsibility for not proactively attempting a solution.
Notice how she words her response, as nearly all will do in the following pattern.
>mentions her own rage, threatening with emotional respite her next move
>then going into detail why you should feel sympathy after an insult
>then giving out the solution to stopping the emotional barrage by accomplishing said tasks she wants you to do
>then ending by restating she is right and why she is, hoping the change from attack to 'let's fix it together' will be enough to make you cuck to demands
>price of urine. That's more his thing.
Dont you just wish if there was one thing about pissgate that were true its that he paid hookers to piss on the Obama bed? I know I do
>account made 1 moth ago
you can't make this up. No mourning of the dead, straight to gun grabbing.
>being this rude to your president
What the h*ck is Sarah's problem?
>failing to point out that gun sales are lower now that trump is president
>Europe and Canada and Australia are so far ahead!
>What Bataclan Theater? No, there’s no gun violence here!
>We’re only technocratic neo-feudal nightmares where citizens are irrelevant plebs and a self-selected aristocracy makes decisions for everyone
>Yeah, they’re royally fucking up economies and jailing people for tweets, but we’re a gun-free paradise!
Yuropoors and Cuckanucks should fucking gas themselves. When America is building moon bases while ya’ll are sitting in your wind-powered prisons for offending brown people, just know that you asked for it.
why do you inbreed hicks keep shooting kids in schools?
Can somebody search her history and see if she indulged in
If only we made guns illegal like killing people is
Then Criminals wouldnt kill people
>mentally ill shill that might shoot up school
Take a salt tablet
>why do you inbreed hicks keep shooting kids in schools?
Gun free zones are soft targets
Better listen to that 16 year old girl! Ban guns!
Its because they really believe they are smarter than everyone else. And if you don't agree with them then you're some kinda inbreed hick.
No condolences here. I hope that anyone who is a friend of that cunt gets shot. When people have their rights, 10 or 20 get killed here and there. Under Communism, with an unarmed populace, MILLIONS die. They specialize in industrial scale murder.
>this is one of the most gun-filled countries on Earth
Then please feel free to go live in one of your socialist utopias
OMFG Zlumpf blown the fuck out of this galaxy
I can't believe people actually just let Donald J Trump himself walk into that building and just shoot all those kids. How can he get away with it?!
>Better listen to that 16 year old girl! Ban guns!
How about we ban crazy fucks and lock them up in mental hospitals like we used to do before dems decided it was too cruel and now they live among us
The largest Mental hospital in Connecticut was closed when Adam Lanza was 3yrs old...where was it located? Newtown
>jew raised by mexicans
>white hicks fault
>Sara @chaddiedabaddie
Wish she would have gotten shot instead
Oh, no, some retarded teenager on Shitter is crying, better burn the Constitution!
>Obama does fuck all when shootings happen (particularly Sandy Hook)
>that's okay, Obama, it's those damn Republicans fault
>Trump posts condolences the day of a shooting
Are they this blind to how they're handling this?
>gun control will prevent it from happening again
lol, no, the muslim piloting the truck of peace in France slaughtered 86 innocents, that's more than the vegas shooter managed with dozens of automatic weapons and thousands of rounds.
Gun grabbers are actually, properly, fucking retarded.
No, but then again I don’t speak Arabic nor practice Islam so I never understood what he was saying.
Wait thoughts are prayers are unwanted now? They were so crucial during the most recent Islamic terrorist atrocities. Maybe they only work when bolstered by Facebook filters.
Amen. I'm sick of everyone dancing around the problem.
>It's not the shooters fault it's the gun
>it's not the shooters fault it's the president
>it's not the shooters fault it's the bullies
How about we blame the shooter for shooting people. Even if he couldn't get a gun legally I doubt that would have prevented anything, look at those situations where people make home made bombs, look at situations where people buy firearms illegally. In my city it's faster to get a gun illegally than it is legally, mother fuckers will come to your house if you let them.
The only thing that would ever prevent someone from harming another is to restrain and/or reform that particular someone. We keep criminals in jail for a reason, there's no reason we can't see this coming with mental patients with several decades of research.
Reminder that the Second Amendment isn’t in the Constitution. It’s just an amendment to the Constitution and is a retarded thing to get so worked up over.
Ok. So he passes an executive order that states that all teachers are required to attend firearms training and concealed carry classes. Then issues weapons to all teachers in the US.
Then a few months down the road we get another shooting by a "deranged teacher" then they go for the abolishment of the second amendment.
There is no way to win. They are going to try to take guns away no matter what.
>They're just too readily available.
Google the gun ownership rates of all the countries with higher gun murder rates. Most are below global average.
Amendments to a document may as well be counted as revision of said document when compiled together, legitimately the only difference is that they stay separate, but they are obviously still literal amendments to the original document. In the constitutions case, they are typically refinements or fixes of previous oversights.
This. Banning guns doesn’t solve anything. Mental illness needs to be taken more seriously and needs to be monitored more regularly. There needs to be regulations in place that make it so mental illness is a serious consideration when deciding certain privileges.
Post the new homicides data for brit and Germany from the last 2 years faggles. Where is it?
When analyzing this data you better take into account population. The US population is much larger then either of those countries so our numbers will always be higher in comparison.
>Mental illness needs to be taken more seriously and needs to be monitored more regularly.
But that might be offensive!!
Why don't we just let these basketcases *live in harmony with us, you don't want to be inhumane by **hurting someones feelings do you?
*finally snap and murder us all
**realistically assessing risks and tendencies
Start popping the (((cunts))) who advocate for this commie faggotry that'll fix it quick