>"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, because they knew death was better than bondage"
>"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, because they knew death was better than bondage"
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It’s a hidden country which was found by white people in the 20th century, doubtful his people even cared about the slavery of other countries in Africa, they were super advanced and they didn’t give a shit about Africa
Kinda doubt the ones that drowned in the Atlantic went onto have many children.
they literally think every black person in the world is a descendant of those enslaved by Americans
His ancestors, by definition, did not jump from ships because if they did, they wouldn't have been able to survive.
And were also chained to one-another.
And also the Wakandan's were never slaves; only inferiors were colonized.
>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships
..but he can't be descendant from them by definition.
They jumped from ships because they knew death was better than work.
>enslaved by Americans
Never happened but there were enslaved by other niggers and brought the the kingdom of god know as America.
>It’s a hidden country which was found by white people in the 20th century
I guess you mean in the sense that it's a comic book? Not that it's the in-universe backstory right?
>niggers haven't learned to swim in 400 years
no, now get back to ork
Sure he can. If my grandfathers brother died before he had any children he's still my ancestor.
He could. I am descended from some American pioneers, because two of my great-great-great-...-grandparents left some children behind before they emigrated.
>my ancestors are smiling at me, imperial. Can you say the same?
Wasn't that the Irish and not the niggers?
>but the Irish are niggers
>. If my grandfathers brother died before he had any children he's still my ancestor.
What the fuck? Your grandfathers brothers children aren't your ancestors, and they're still a generation above yours in the family tree. Why would your grandfather's brother be? His parents would be, but only because he ties into your direct descent through your father.
>I am descended from some American pioneers, because two of my great-great-great-...-grandparents left some children behind before they emigrated.
You claim american pioneer heritage while being on the side of the family that never emigrated?
I'm genuinely baffled.
I guess we're all 100% black african too then, since we had some ancestors way back that never left. Right? That's how it works? Are you fucking retarded?
Lol. Karlheinz, you're alright.
I saw Black Panther today and it was OFF THE FUCKING CHAIN, MAN!!!!! Shuri is so fucking hot, I'm madly in love with her and I want to fuck her coon poon. I also love how Black Panther decided to buy those buildings in California at the end of the movie. BLACK PANTHER FUCKIN' RULES!!!!! FUCK Y'ALL THAT DON'T KNOW!!!!!
>You claim american pioneer heritage while being on the side of the family that never emigrated?
My direct ancestors did emigrate. How are you not getting this?
> (OP)
>His ancestors, by definition, did not jump from ships because if they did, they wouldn't have been able to survive.
His ancestors could have conceived before being enslaved. I have an ancestor - somewhen in the late 1800 - who fell off a boat during a brawl with another sailor at high see. Both died, he was barely in his early 20's but already spread his seed, so here I am.
dudes muslim, lol
They were enslaved by kikes, but yes they were prisoners of war from nigger tribes who sold them to the kikes.
He's supposed to a parody of those African American KANGZ types who try to larp as actual Africans right?
>My direct ancestors did emigrate. How are you not getting this?
..after spawning and leaving kids back home, of which you are the descendant.
I get what you're saying but you're laying a claim on what they did after diverging from your line. It's like saying you're the descendant of martians because your father's father left his first family on Earth and then founded the first martian colony.
It's pretty disingenuous.
Both, I’m pretty sure klaue was the first to discover wakandas location, everything else was el dorado levels of “does it even exist”
Isnt wakanda in ethiopia? do nigs believe the slaves were from the whole africa and not the trade outposts from the gulf of guinea? just what kind of rubbish do they learn in the inner cities?
>tfw nignogs got conned into thinking this was a black power movie
>the villain is a full on chimping nig that wants to kill every other race or basically "BLM The Character"
>the hero is the opposite
Also what's funnier is that the villain from the first half was the only interesting and funny character
>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors
for fuck sake
yeah I was gonna say, you dont have to bury them, just throw them over. They bury themselves.
I am still directly descended from American pioneers. Blood does not diverge. I am literally descended from a cowboy in the wild west and there is NOTHING you can do about it, Schlomo.
The jumping never happened, niggers are docile and easily controlled and went to their fate like sheep to the slaughterman. All this gangsta acting is just cover for the fact that you are really the cattle of all races of men, scared boys trying to ape us. Slavery was wrong, the jews were wrong to do it, but lets not lie, gods jewels were purely ornamental.
You dishonest liar, they were purchased by dutchmen and then sold to the Americas.
>jumped from ships
>they had decendants
am I missing something?
i find it funn they claim the are "technological advanced" and still use sharpened sticks like the bacward monkeys they are
If Those people jumped from the boat and died then they can't be his ancestor. What a fucking retarded quote
i hope that's a real line from the movie. if so, it could've used a rewrite. what a clumsy way to phrase the sentiment.
They didn't. That was the premise of the entire movie.
Alright Rachel Dolezal, you're a real Kang.
stupid niggers
It's nice to be right. Big of you to admit that you were wrong. Respect.
You realize that they could have had children before becoming slaves?
They were kikes who happened to live here, of course a country in a golden age attracts kikes, just look at the USA and Britain before them
actualy a lot of slave trading companies were owned by jews
Not an argument
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
And were bought by white plantation owners. Can't blame all your problems on the Jews.
OP here, obviously I think it's a fucking stupid nig-appropriate line but, to be fair, those guys who jumped could've had kids before they were put on the ships, meaning they could be descendants.
Although, (i know nothing of the Marvel universe) I'm guessing these super advanced nigs from Wakanda or whatever the fuck it's called never got enslaved cause they were super special advanced kangz, so I don't know what he's talking about
You can, my grand father was gassed 6 times and died 4 of those times in Auschwitz ....so how come im still here?
super advanced yet they still used sharpened sticks
Actually, a lot of plantation owners were Jewish, too.
Mind giving me examples or proof?
>black parents ditching kids their kids since before America was a thing
some thing never change
Killmonger's dad was from Wakanda, but married an African American woman who was not of Wakandan ancestry, so Killmonger was referring to his ancestors on the maternal side of his family.
i don't think so ,, they were tho very involved in the triangular trade
they moved merchendise around
I literally learnt this in history class, trying to tell us how important Jews were in building our country, while it's actually putting them in a bad light
>muh ancestors
>ancestor = previous generations that are in your family that are responsible for your existence
dead people can reproduce ?
Your granduncle fucking your grandmother doesn't count Cletus.
That doesn't make white people innocent. If someone sells you crack and you decide to buy and use the crack would you be exempt from blame for your crack addiction. The US isn't full of niggers because of Jews, it is full of niggers because short sighted white people decided to buy niggers from the Jews.
dumb whitey baka
They could have had children who were left behind in Africa when they jumped from the ships.
>gassed 6 times
>died 4 times
Wow, was your grandfather some kind of SuperJew?
What was his alias? Captain Kike?
The Magnificent Mister Menorah?
I don't give a fuck. Other than Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, and Kurt Russell's scenes in GOTG II this was probably the best capeshit yet.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up user
i agree with that i pointed to dutch-bro more than you that owning a slave farm is more tedious than moving the money, stuff and slaves around
nose man?
Ah I guess they changed it in the movie
so if a man with 2 sons jumps overboard, his sons cease to exist?
the master race everyone
not all nogs had kids when they were taken as a slave and jumped tho
>Wanakanda was enslaved
dumbest of brainletts
>"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, because they knew death was better than bondage"
Not with my ancestors that traded my ass for some trinkets.
Powerful retarded slide thread
So? Jews worked in money because white people in medieval Europe refused to and banks were useful institutions. From banking Jews moved into other undesirable but necessary businesses such as slave trading. Furthermore small business management isn't significantly harder than running a slave trade, they still have to deal with ship supplies, where to buy slaves from, navigation routes and times, etc. It wasn't just buy slaves and sell slaves there were logistics involved.
You're welcome.
I completely agree with you and, like you, I don't give a fuck. The Black Panther movie is kino as fuck. Spider-Man 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange and Black Panther are the best Marvel movies, in my opinion.
They didn't. His dad was Wakandan but his mom was some Oakland negress, so he's presumably talking about those ancestors.
They can have kids before they jump, retard.
>not deadpool
He wasn't offered life so that he could be enslaved. He was offered life so he could take responsibility for his crimes. His 'bondage' would be no different than a white man who committed a crime.
He did the typical nigger thing - refuse to take responsibility.
And yes, I can see why niggers found this scene 'powerful' - it epitomises the niggers attitude to all their failures. They are proud of their cowardice. Only the nigger sees running away as a victory.
yes it wasn't just by and sell but a slave farmer had a longer time for ROI than slave retail
>>not deadpool
I've never watched the Deadpool movie, but I've read the Deadpool comics. Deadpool and Black Panther are /ourguys/.
nice job checking that nigga, ya Swede.
Based Hans.
>What was his alias?
The Gold Dreidal, able to spin and take shekels within a 10 mile radius. Can also make a mean Rueben
You got to see it if youre into the comics. Ryan reynolds is spot on
The real twist is In part 2 when you finding out they bought all their tech with money from selling slaves. Kek
Serious question here: Is the real Wakanda hidden inside a mountain? Because I remember Black Panther flying his air-ship through a mountain to enter Wakanda, yet most people in the world think Wakanda is just another impoverished, third-world African country. So it seems like there are two Wakandas - the fake Wakanda that most people in the world think is just another impoverished, third-world African country and the REAL prosperous, technologically advanced, isolationistic Wakanda which exists inside a hollowed-out mountain.
It would be great if all these muh ancestor motherfuckers would step into and live in the 21st century ffs.
Hol up Hol up!
How did they jump if they were chained together and locked into place?
Jews owned over 70% of slaves in the south on their plantations, and over 40% nationwide. IIRC, only 7% of white people had slaves, and the majority of them were more like nannies or maids instead of your stereotypical cotton pickers.
>There were black slave owners
>Whites were the ones that decided to give rights to the slaves and freec blaks
>Haiti was one of the most prosperous colonies in in existence, until it was given to the nogs
>Slaves had rights, and the owner could face corporal punishment for neglecting or mistreating their slaves
>Other empires (frogs & spics) had slaves as well, yet their progeny aren't persecuted for it
I wish all of them would've jumped from those ships