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It may have taken 700 years but they still drove them out.
I can't believe this is never shown as an example to all other nations what Islam does. It conquers and shits up the place with more Islam. Like what is happening in our country now. I hope it won't take 700 years to drive them out but the sooner we drive the bastards into the sea the better
*blocks your path*
Why is Odin fighting moslems
The spanish and the portuguese fascists and raxists, always them. killing muslims was their sport and then enslave blacks. Worse than germans , both of them
When Rome fell, in 467, the Visigoths controlled a large portion of Western Europe. Including Hispania (Iberian Peninsula) and Aquitaine, a large territory of today's France. But the Franks expelled them from Gaul/France. So, the Goths got the Iberian Peninsula, and formed their own Kingdom there. The Suebi, another Germanic tribe, had their own small Kingdom in Hispania, but the Visigoths subdued them, and occupied the remaining territory. The Basques were also subdued. At this time, the Visigoths were already converted to Christianity. This same Visigothic Kingdom would be destroyed by the Muslim invaders, in the 8th century, who occupied the Iberian Peninsula. The fact that only noblemen were allowed to carry weapons, played an important role in the fast and easy victory of the Muslim armies. The Visigoths as a political, cultural and unified entity ceased to exist. But the Christian resistance, mainly noblemen who allegedly were the successors of the old Visigoths, would eventually give origin to the Kingdoms of Portugal and Spain, and beat the Muslims, in what we call the war of "Reconquista". - "Reconquest"- Which endured for centuries.
Santiago matamoros is literally the patron saint of spain, and they have a lot of anti moorish symbolism in the peninsula.
Too bad they are being invaded by morocans again.
Most parts of spain were for more time under roman, visigoth or frankish rule than under islam
and btw, it was a military invasion not a demographic one
In catalonia for example, only 5000 muslims were expelled in the 15th century, right now in just 15 years 500000 came
More muslims entered in the last 30 years in Spain than in eight centuries of muslim invasion
>Too bad they are being invaded by morocans again.
says the EU flag
those were the days...
What was lost in seven years took 700 to get back. In the west what was lost in seven decades will take 7000 years.
>The spanish and the portuguese fascists and raxists, always them. killing muslims was their sport and then enslave blacks.
You jelly bro? Nothing wrong with those sports , beats playing vidya
*blocks your path*
*reconquers their land*
This was Visigoth territory, clearly muslims are nothing more than barbaric savages for invading
*removes your kebab*
>tells you how to save your empire
Isabel was trully /ourqueen/
Let's be totally fucking honest with ourselves
Spain isn't an improvement on Andalus
You can thank the (((marranos)))
>american boat exploded
where did i saw this?
its amazing seeing all those libeals talking about the islamic golden age of spain when they hardly build more than 4 mosques and 2 palaces compared to the hundreds of beatiful christian buildings built in the middle ages
something something ww1
Honestly you gotta explain to me how Spanish people of all are organizing the invasion of europe by muslims, do you people don't study history ?
instant hard-on
its almost like... it's almost like americans have used this card since forever
It really makes you think...
The equivalent of a Spanish "Black Panther" movie
Oy vey (((Loyola)))
and what was the population back them? or calalonia was already germany like you catalonians teach in your schools hahahahaha
I don`t know who was worst I mean literally all ispanish inventions were from spanish muslims, spaniards just suck things up to the bone them move to the next
And how to you feel that now your politicians are now importing tons of blcks and mixed people from brazil or india? your ancestors should be proud. rotfl you will be london 2.0
fucking jej... i'll hand it to you brits, billions of people speak english, hundreds of millions as a first language, but you fuckers are still the unchallenged king of bantz
recent genetic studies show that mass amounts of Muslim and Jews just converted to christianity rather than be forced to leave... like 10-25% of the average Spanish person's DNA is from those shitskin invaders from that time period.
yes that's why andalucians and south portuguese look like arabs
Same shit in WW1. the sinking of the Lusitania (by coincidence the name means also Portugal, since Lusiania was an ancient Iberian Roman province including approximately all of modern Portugal south of the Douro river )
True subhumans. Spain should give that shithole to Portugal
the portuguese are our brothers. They don't deserve it.
>or calalonia was already germany like you catalonians teach in your schools hahahahaha
what are you babling about?
catalonia at that time probably had 500 000 or even a milion so the percentage was much less than today
Last I checked there's 200 years left on the Sicilian promise. It's just about time to chase these sand niggers back through their God forsaken shithole deserts and drive their crying women before us.
Catalonia has more Arabs and niggers than anywhere else in Spain
Seeing Saudi Arabia and the Islamic world today I believe the whole Islamic Golden Age is a myth produced by leftists academics.
north portugal should be part of spain then draw a line from Lisbon to Murcia and give it to Morocco
>You can thank the (((marranos)))
>draw a line from Lisbon to Murcia and give it to Morocco
yes it is, several spanish historians destroyed the myth of the Al-Andalucian golden age
Take peru back spain
We want a King again not this fucking corrutp clown we are stuck with.
people from that line down are all arabs anyway
Yeah true.. i think is the better answer tbqh.
Yeah you are right, and so does the UK, France etc. But at least the ethnic people are not andal*sian subhumans (except some txarnegos in Catalonia, obviously)
Trust me goy France is wh-
The virgin bucktoothed islander vs the chad med
you can't make the difference between immigrants and natives, blood is so mixed in southern iberia that even the natives who have been there for 15 generations are like 25% semitic
Read Ibn Hazm
American boats have a tendency to explode when a convenient need for war is needed.
we also have more chinks and sudacas, good economy and liberal policies atract migrants you know?
>his national anthem is about respecting the king who invaded his country
God Saves the Queen/King copied its music from a song that was written to celebrate the King of France being cured from an anal fistula.
At what point do they become "natives"? How many niggers in France now have nigger grandparents that were born there? What will it even matter what you consider to be "native" when there are barely any native whites left?
> are like 25% semitic
You pulled that number out of your ass.
Are you trying to argue that's a good thing?
you're clearly either a southern spic/portugas or a straight up arab
north africans aren't even semitic you idiot.
they destroy egypt wich was the primary wheat exporter in the christian world, they conquered persia, and they turn the mediterranean into a constant battle destroying trade, they were an empire constantly waging war, that's not really golden imo though
You are completly wrong, southern spanish and portugeese are as whites as any other iberian.
Remember when France fought a war started by Jews using a bunch of Berbers?
What did they mean by this?
maybe 1700 years ago but even Morocco who officially pretends they are 80% berbers are all genetically Semitic at this point except in the south where sub-saharan admixture is more prevalent.
no, Im saying that the cause us not us being catalans like manolos claim
You're level 1.
you gotta precise which war you mean
>now importing tons of blcks and mixed people from brazil or india
Typical ignorant . Those ppl from India are from Goa , Damão and Diu that were former portuguese colonies till 1960. Indians suaully have small business (mobile phones, mom & pop store)
The people from Brasil who come here are fleeing from Brasil's violence and they are either people working in restaurants and cleaning or they are rich enough to live out of business they have in Brasil. I know, i have seen forums and message boards filled with these rich guys asking how much is the interest on bank deposits and how much they would need to live here
In fact we have an invasion but it is of white people (French, German and Brits) who are buying old buildings downtown in Lisbon, Porto and Setubal to revamp them and to live here. Also some Dutch who prefer to go to the interior and buy abandoned land to convert into farms and live off the land.
read your posts again
Yours is about a socialist revolution
This one
Try making some sense.
>His national anthem talks about a tourist attraction
t. Andal*sian mutt
All the jews that arrived to the peninsula were semitic, they came with the invasion from the middle east. Many of the moors that settled on the south too.
But at least the english, french and other europeans are from your race and culture.... the other's that are going to your country and to spain too are africans, asians or brazilians that will make you like them, mixed and third world like rio of janeiro, enjoy it.
all your replies to me in this thread have been fallacies except the one where you complain that I use a fallacy to reply to your fallacies, pretty sure that also count as a fallacy by the way, and if you were in front of me we'd probably have reached level -1 at this point.
Germany started that war and we had africans, vietnamians, laotians, arabs and berbers in our colonial troops since the late 19th century.
My grandad was born in Portugal in 1888 (not kidding).
Can I get citizenship?
*sips tea*
>yuh fallacies
Please point out where I made the first fallacy, and we'll go from there.
>his national anthem has no words because Spainsoes not welcome nationalists
And French look like what you dumbass?
I was in Paris in 2016 at the time of the Euro (just coincidence; I did not went to see the football). Many french ppl congratulated me bcs of our win and they told whispering they did not review themselves in that french-nigga team of yours.
Go there and make portugal a new african jungle, my mutt friend, since france and britain are already gone
Then the Jews bought the ruins
Then the Jews convinced you attacking Algerians would be a state strengthening move
Then Marseilles became the capital of the Caliphate because once Muslims outbreed/displace you they'll just release another plague again
Spain had a expected population between 1 million and 2 million of people and just 20000 muslims invaded spain, thats why they never submited entirely all spain just beat resistance, and then people started retaken lands with the reconquista, changing the demographics in spain was hard fpr both visigoths and muslims,
Problematic Al-Andalus
BASED Britistan
really made me go "hmmm..."
thats hard fucking core
You do understand that post is in reply to a fallacy of yours, correct?