Is the political climate getting the best of white bois that they can't even go see a movie until an appropriate time?
I it any wonder your women crave us?
Is the political climate getting the best of white bois that they can't even go see a movie until an appropriate time?
I it any wonder your women crave us?
Sage nigger bait threads
You can try to call your girl, but she wont answer.
>Served in the military
>Does MMA
>White Supremecist
>Black Panther is the most sophisticated thing they could come up with
>It's literally tribalism and quoting MEIN KAMPF
>I know because I own a copy of Mein Kampf
>Nigger thinks I'm scared of sub-humans
Can't even post an actual gif.
>Still not giving a fuck about sub-humans
As a biracial man that saw this movie I really enjoyed it I thought it was awesome I don't understand why everyone's hating it or on it I'm guessing because people are enjoying this movie and people hate to see other people happy
well its not like its sold out or anything so who cares. it will simply udnerpreform
White people are cucks just kill us all and put new us out of our misery
So your people have done so little to improve the world that you get racial pride from a movie about a black super hero from a fake country whos basically Trump and is based on a comic book written by jews?
see alot of these on twitter
HAHAHHAHAH! my sides.
We hate it, because Wakanda is National Socialists wet dream. And because it's full of niggers
Nice bait thread, also my black co-worker told me he is waiting to see black panther because he is worried a white supremacist is going to shoot up a packed theater.
>tfw all the pussies are scared
Can't say I'm looking forward to the figures.
>black panther underperformed because white people didn't support it
>black panther overperforming is proof that we don't need white people anymore
Why can't a movie just be a fucking movie?
the cia would probably organise that
>What is it like being a scared white man?
don't blame me kid russians hacked my amygdala
he can, just go online and download the cam version, the movie is a piece of shit, really, it is a bad
fucking movie.
>watching a hollywood movie
Lmao. If you would even consider watching a piece of normie trash like this then you definitely don’t belong here
I don't believe in coincidence,
So Ill just leave this here.