Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I literally have a jew right now trying to make me lose my job through some fabricated outrage.

I even made the mistake of trying to have a meeting with this jew but it's clear she has nothing on her mind but trying to get me fired or written up. I'm also one of the only white guys where I work.

You guys aren't lying at all about them.

I think I'm ready.

>one of the only white guys where I work
Just fucking quit before your company goes down the toilet then.

Honestly, if he quits the company will probably go down the toilet.
Just like the entire world, it's the white guys holding shit together.

It's in the shitter but the health coverage is nice. I was thinking of leaving in a year, but this Jew seems to be forcing my hand.

Glad you became enlightened OP

so you think only white poeple work hard? you don't how fucking brained washed you sound right now. white supremacy capitalism had put every road block against every non white person in the country. in the 1900s white union workers murderd blacks trying to work in the factories.

white supremacy need violenct to service

what claims does she have?

fuck off back in your gulag


The thing niggers and commies don't understand is that it's not about how hard you're working, it's how much you get done correctly.

Dude in the work force I have personally only seen whites, and illegal mexicans doing any hard work. Niggers never do anything labor intensive for long. They also complain the loudest.

I don't know if I should go into specifics, but right now I don't think she actually has any. She's trying hard to make something out of nothing, so I'm hoping this goes in my favor. I'm thinking of firing back as well... maybe even claim that I think she's prejudiced against white people.

you could say that she found out that your grandfather was a muslim and she hates you for that (aka play the sargon card)

I'll let you in on some advice, son, this woman is in love with you.
This is why she is doing this.
You gotta have the balls to ask her out.

stop wage cucking and pick up plumbing welding masonry hvac or some such, work for yourself, they can call you racist all day but they still gotta pay if they want their shit fixed and soyboys be unlikely to fuxor in on your angle because they might get dirty or sweat so they are unlikely to swoop in and offer anti-racist welding/hvac etc

Seek legal counsel user

>I have a personal conflict with one member of an ethnic group

No, user.

She's a gross 50 year old man-faced Jewess.

Where do you think all the anti-Semitism around the world came from do you think it just comes out of people's assholes?

fucking leaf

I actually like this advice.

just watch and see op, if it ends up to be nothing her reputation will be tarnished anyway, dont do that claim, might lead to lawsuits.

It's just a coincidence m i right?

Weak b8 m8 2/8

Just let her oyvey it up while you look for a new position then. Record all interactions. Once you're out the door see if you have anything a tribunal might like.

Haha, faggot.

If he falls for your "advice" he deserves what's coming to him.

Pretend to be gay make her look homophobic

Playing the white card doesn’t work... yet

Were these blacks considered "scabs"? In that, they were crossing picket line? Trying to work in factories who's workforce were on strike?

It's not a coincidence, conflicts happen between people.

Women in the workplace were a mistake.

Be careful mate she's fishing for a reaction from you. Make sure you have someone with you to mediate. Next thing you know it's a harrassment charge

She only looks like that because she is lonely.
You show her some affection, and she will be in her 30s, and of acceptable looks.

There’s modern precedent. In the early 2000’s certain companies imported Somalis and trained them before they laid off the workforce

>I'm also one of the only white guys where I work.
Forget the jew, here is your real problem. Find a place where you fit in.

At least he didn’t meme flag

I know... that's why I was thinking of trying it. It hasn't worked, but maybe it just might now.

>I think I'm ready

What did he mean by this?

What do you plan to do for income after you get fired?

Lol, it isn't because we work harder

For while we do work in an equivalent scale, we in opposition to most folks of the earth strive for productiveness rather than merely making oneself ''destiny'' manifest via the repression of potential opponents. So while we don't work 24/7 like those slaves, we take care with our actions so that their effect might be long lasting and a single job well done will last way longer than whatever the fuck you manage to force peoples to cobble together.

I know a senior IT woman who work with Philipino and she say they are absurdly lazy at times, to the extant that her most productive Philipino get threatened by his coworker for ''going too fast''.

Peoples who do not live with white peoples fail to realize that productivity and effectiveness is in fact a priority only to us, for the rest of the world? Feeding yourself and enjoying the rest of the day is more important. that it that all, no need to delve deeper into the subject.

had this experience too, but i disliked them and knew their tricks (thanks to /pol) before it hit me and was therefore well prepared.
>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>Jewish pilpul (aka. bullshit-talk)

the only thing that helps is to protocol their behavior and their shittalk
get some other dude as a witness/attester - because it's hilarious for bystanders to watch them screech and making up shit on the spot.
they have the tendency to hang themselves in their own web of lies because they make things up on the spot and aren't consistent in their lies - nail them to that (but you said x days ago something different).

they always try to play the victim and sympathy card - destroy it and their house of cards will fall apart.

they also come up with some sexual BS on a regular basis too, you can nail them because they are usually pretty big mouthed about it. ("I didnt know a few weeks ago why ms. jew came to me with an inappropriate small-talk about her weird sexual fantasies, but it's hilarious that she accuses me now of exactly that as a form of payback for some hurt feelings since i didn't responded well to her sexist offhand remarks.")

in a commie utopia that philipino would get his hands cut off for wotking harder than the rest and not beeing equal

Wow! Thanks for the reply. That sure is an ugly precedent. I hope there company went to shit, and went bankrupt.

Failing that, I hope Lord Trump's policies put an end to that.

I can recommend you buy some chinese cheap smart watch and put an sd card un
in it and record. I get comments from people thinking mine is Apple watch because its white.

Records in good quality too. Less suspicious than a pen in your breasts pocket

Hahaha, well my supervisor, who is also her supervisor, seems to be on my side. The thing is, this jew has another jew on her side.

The two jewesses outrank me, but my supervisor outranks them both. I hope we just make peace or reach some FAIR understanding, but these jews are coming for me and they are not letting up.

It's actually so ridiculous.

Forgot to say i would not recommend you link it to your phone via BT or use it for anything other than a watch and audio recorder. Never know how safe a cheap chinese 10$ smartwatch is.

>maybe even claim that I think she's prejudiced against white people

Good luck with that one. Seriously.

Call in the Orkin™ man.

I think the Jews trick is that by doing that, he legitimize his actions to the eyes of the emotionally-inclined folks among us because he add layers of implications as to make proper emphatic perception of their situation erroneous and favorable to his own machinations, else he wouldn't need to fool peoples into believing him with such contrived methods. Of course the logically minded peoples aren't affected but alas, when it comes to emotions its feels vs feels, logic has little weight unless you use it to utterly smash the ground upon which the Jew use to make it emotionally inducing.

Just tell your boss you caught her spitting in the office coffee pot, more than once. She grabbed you butt and when you refused her advances she said she would do whatever it takes to get you fired. Tell boss you already contacted an attorney and the attorney is looking over the employee manual.

YES, my man.

Honestly, if I didn't discover Sup Forums I would be a deer caught in the headlights right now over this.

I wouldn't recognize that these Jews are actually working against me. Would have just seen them as a couple of whites.

Everyone else at work seems to be confused by these two coming at me the way they are. Well, it's just one of them, but I see the other one helping too in the background.

I know someone who just lost their job because a Jew invested all of the money in his friend's company which quickly went out of business and tanked the company.

With Jews you really do lose.

All they do is lie.

I know. Thank you.

Yeah no, it doesn't work like this. When a jew is parasitizing on you– it's because your employer is docile scum on the verge of self-destruction, so you get the fuck out.


It's over bro. Happens all the time. Start looking for another job.

>literally the only reason non-white people exist in the numbers that they do in modern day Europe
>somehow against non-white people

I'm surprised commies can remember to breathe desu

If the company listens to her, be sure to sue them for your job back plus damages. Then donate some of the money to a White Nationalist group.

>Accusing a jew of reverse racism
Yeah, that will backfire nicely.
Don't make it about race, don't show your power level.

Take my advice from a jew, if you really want to beat her, the only way is cutting her head off before she bites, like a snake
But litteraly cut her head off, make it an accident. Thats how you manage to win a jew. By force, not by papers and bureucracy

The thing is (and I might be beginning to say too much now) my employer was supposed to have a committee hearing about people they hire. He actually went over their heads to hire me personally and get me started. I think he knows what's going on. All the other people my age here are latinos. My boss is white. I think he was figuring it out. And now these Jews are trying to get me on something (these Jews are on this committee by the way). I think they're mad he went over their heads to hire a white guy like me.

I love you, man.

Real talk.

I have been fantasizing about choking the life out of her and whispering "Heil Hitler" in her ear as she dies.

Instinct tells me this is the only way to win.

FBI chill out, just fantasy ;)

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to white countries tomorrow.

sorry for plebbit spacing there. Just felt right.

Ok rabbi

>these Jews are actually working against me
>Well, it's just one of them

Come on man.


I know, I know. I'm so green it shows. I know it's both.

how does one accidentally cut another person's head off

lol I read that in a SJW numale faggot voice in my head, hilarious

While sharpening your Katana!

Or it's literally just one angry cunt who happens to be Jewish.

Maybe her being Jewish is what makes her a cunt, maybe not.

fucking kek at image


No, I think it's because they are Jewish. I googled their names. Without giving specifics, these two are hyper liberals. I mean, more so than you actually think. It all started coming together for me.

Honestly if one were to kill a jew or two, where could they run off to realistically that doesn't fucking suck?

Asking for a friend.

Remember, her handbag is probably recording everything.

Give more detail. Maybe we can help you

So far, I've been strictly professional around her, but you're also probably right.

look, if you're the only white male, then this entire thing will be heavily biased against you - you have to win this by pure reason and logic.
you simply have to nail her on the contradicting web of lies, be calm and flattering but also a bit insulting

if she gets hyper emotional etc. and starts crying after you pointed out her mistakes, say that she is probably not likely to keep performing well under her current emotional and mental state and she should take a little leave and sort herself out because YOU want to back to work now (you offer the human resources manager a deal in that way, kick that bitch for a few days).

stay all the time calm and stick to your narrative

it should go basically like this
>i dont know why we have trouble about this, it's all a web of lies
>i feel flattered by you ms jew that you are so heavily emotional invested in me but you're simply wrong about everything you say and you should misuse the human resources department for your personal vendetta
>isnt it obvious that what you say contradicts each other? i cannot do this and do that and then do that - it doesnt match
>why should i do x and y? i dont hold any anger against you. i always prefer an open and friendly working atmosphere here in that company.
>i think its quite disrespectful, not only if you tell lies about my person, but also lie into the face of your human resources manager
>if you lie, at last put that much effort in it that the lies are consistent and dont stand in conflict with each other
jews start crying or raging
>i dont think that ms jew is in the mental and emotional state to keep performing well today - maybe she should take a short leave to sort herself out and to be honest, i would like to get back to work

Lots of Jews get killed by Jew-haters, it would take more than a few isolated incidents for any number of Jews to move anywhere.

As to where, I would guess Israel or Western Europe.

just set up a situation where she has a chance to steal from the company, she will not be able to help herself, and you just record her secretly while she does it

Found the retard. ITT and in that pic


>why didnt he made the salut?
>his wife was a jew
race traitors are scum

Was probably scratching his balls.

dont let that jewleaf lie to you

Ignore commie posts, they are usually the same usual bullshit.

Huuurrrr durrrrr *parrots what his favorite YouTuber says* “DURRRRRR! Huhehaa I won dah argument cuz I don’t get response hahhurrrr!!!!”

You will figure it out after the act has been done

ehh i work in a phosphate mine there are some redpilled blacks that can work. I'm talking the kind of blacks that crack jokes about asking me if i have an oak tree in my front yard.

Yes, channel that inner jew. Fight fire with fire

>why is everyone raising their arms
>my feet hurt

bump, thanks for all the advice so far guys, I love reading through these.

When I was talking to my employer in private and he seemed to be agreeing with me (based on logic and reasoning), I so desperately wanted to say, "IT'S THESE JEWS, MAN" but thankfully I'm not that much of a sperg (yet).

I think one day it needs to come out into the open. I mean... it seems to be coming out into the open already, but I think it needs to be REALLY out in the open, like a staple in culture to recognize the jews.

Without finding Sup Forums, I would have never known what was going on. Just some outraged females, and I might have even been somewhat convinced I actually did something wrong in some way, even if they are fabricating parts of what they are saying (yup, I know, de wae of the numale was strong in me before).

Agree with user. Some old bitch got me fired because i wouldn't go over to her house or go out for lunch. It was hell working with her. Accusing me of random shit. One co worker said to me she wants you too fuck her but you aint giving it to her. He said once you fuck her it will be back to normal. I got fired. In a way its sexual harassment.

my most recent experience with a jew is one who has literally jewed them self. made me realize full 1488 is the only way.

Drinking glass and stairs. Alternately, aquarium and linoleum/tile.
Slippery when wet.
Standard procedure otherwise.
I thought everybody knew this stuff?

If your boss is a sole trader or majority shareholder (i.e. is wearing the shit kicking boots) you need to make it absolutely clear that you just want to get on with your job in peace and she's fucking with you on company time.
Although, really, get out of there and find work in an all white all male environment. Office girls manning phones and such are tolerable, but you don't want to be working alongside one.

We need NatSoc Germany politics and culture World wide.

>that nigger communist again
like clockwork

>she's prejudiced against white people
unless you live far from the coasts, don't
you'll lose
and tone down the autism

A jewess I was working for held my fucking pay for like two weeks before christmas, and finally paid me after the banks had closed for the holiday. This led to me not being able to do required repair on my vehicle, and now its really messed up needing a headgasket job. and im totally out of business. Then they wonder why the things that have happend to them throughout history have happend. oh and she shorted the pay also.

Are you heavily scarred, and an anti semite too? Lmao