Why does Princess Principal keep screwing with the order. Chise just shows up in E4, then they make E5 take place before thay
Why does Princess Principal keep screwing with the order. Chise just shows up in E4...
typical brainlet, get out of Sup Forums
although a lot of people are too fucking stupid somehow to watch it, it is a bit annoying how they aren't going in order
Have years of exposition dumps being the norm in anime ruined your ability to think about what you're watching?
I would love to see you watch Touka Gettan
It's not really the big problem you make it out to be.
Have years of horrible subs being the norm in anime ruined your ability to read what you're seeing? I'm just fine watching it queer, some people have issues following it
You can follow it, but you seem pretty heated about the episode order.
I'm not quite sure I understand, what is the problem here?
>in media res is somehow jarring or unusual now
Just how fucking retarded has this board become
You can always wait until it stops airing, then bug someone for a view order if it's that hard to follow.
So brainlets like you have a hard time with it
Of Ange's hymen breaking and spraying blood all over princess's body because she was too rough.
not heated at all, every thread is just people saying its too hard to process, like I said it's not really an issue for me, YOU tell me what the problem is since you replied
I would love to have these retards try to watch Bacanno! and Concrete Revolutio
I haven't seen anyone say it's hard to understand since the threads for Episode 2, though.
As for the episode order specifically, this is the first time I've seen someone complain about it.
It's half-assedly trying to be Baccano.
They already started in media res in episode one, then went back in time to explain. Then they skipped the japanese kid's introduction and just had her exist in the team. THEN they went back again and are introducing her. Stories don't just fucking jump all over the place randomly without a purpose, dipshit.
This didn't have a purpose.
>some people have issues following it
And they're retarded
Hot opinions, retard
>these faggots never watched Haruhi
You don't have to have issues with following something to want it to be cohesive and sensible.
Baccano jumps all over the fucking place but you can still completely understand it and still prefer it to play out from start to end chronologically.
they probably watched it chrono
Just because some series do it well doesn't mean all series do. Princess Principal doesn't.
>Princess Principal doesn't.
Then why do I think it does? Am I CRAZY? I think the show would be a lot less interesting if they just did it all chronologically like normal.
>Then why do I think it does?
Because it has cute girls and you'll swallow anything with girls you can squirm and delight over.
it's cohesive if you're not a retard, sure though if some people want to wait until all episodes come out to watch it in order they can
so does haruhi you mong
Just curious, what would make it well done?
What do we get out of the story being shown out of order?
I think having one of the last things in the story shown first works fine, cause we're clued in on what the story is building towards, but switching up things like ep 4 and 5 seems pretty pointless to me. Does it make it more interesting? Or is it just to make it seem like the director is being clever?
what? did you see last weeks threads? the tards probably dropped it by now though
Because you say so, right?
I'm usually in every thread, can't imagine people being confused about last week's episode.
>you'll swallow anything with girls you can squirm and delight over.
It's the opposite really, I've watched so much anime at this point that shit with nothing going for it besides the cute girls don't catch my eye that much, or else I'd probably be all over battle girl high.
On the other hand I'll admit I'll swallow anything that deviates from the standard in any way, such as this show and the way it tells the story.
It's intriguing I guess. Things were like this at first and then they were like that so it makes you wonder how it happened, and I mean it was very obvious that sooner or later they'd tell how samurai girl joined the team and wouldn't just pretend she joined offscreen and that's it.
Also your post makes me think you think you're outsmarting the director, that accepting his way of telling the story means he wins and you lose.
>start with random case showing what show is about
>second episode is real beginning
>now we are on episodic character of the week format with plot here and there
It's simple story telling user, like would anybody care about Chise killing her father in this episode if she was just introduced? I wouldn't but because she was already in 2 episodes now I do.
This is actually a good point.
Nah, I was just not sure what exactly it was supposed to contribute to the narrative. I don't mind unconventional storytelling (not that this is so out of the ordinary though), I just don't like it when it feels gimmicky and just for the sake of it. I think put it well, and I agree with his point.
We also learn in Case 9 that the team still doesn't trust Chise completely to reveal all their secrets, even two missions after they meet her. It helps put Case 7 into perspective immediately, that whatever happens here is enough for her to join, but isn't a true test of loyalty, setting our expectations for the episode.
This is what Chise thought. Which secrets they didn't reveal?
Yes, that's how it works. Blanks get filled in whenever suits. You're actually unironically a pleb.
>This didn't have a purpose.
Breaking up the pacing so its not as boring is 'purpose' enough you fuck
>Princess Principal doesn't.
Are you actually going to go ahead and explain yourself you utter autismo?
>chise shows up
>quickly do her backstory
>quickly try make us care for us enough to feel for her when she kills her father
>introduce her early
>we get to know her a little bit
>her personality, quirks etc
>now we give a little bit of a fuck about her
>now the emotional payoff is much better
It's like you didn't do high school English or something
It works with PriPri because it's an episodic show, and they're trying to reduce the negative effects of its episodic nature by keeping things hidden. Revealing everything in order would just leave the impression of a repetitive show with no mystery.
Not him but Haruhi's out of order episodes don't aren't running against an overarching plot. Sure elements like character development are important (especially Nagato's stuff) but a casual viewer won't notice it until the island episodes.
Meanwhile in PP there is a lot of conversation and political talk between both sides that makes it more taxing on the viewer, since it's less about isolated episodes and more about the whole journey it can create confusion much more easily. I don't mind it but I don't see what they are trying to accomplish to be honest.