What do you guys think of Yamato 2199?
What do you guys think of Yamato 2199?
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Greatest anime ever made.
very good
I only ever watched Captain Harlock.
Do we have BDs yet for the movies?
Good times, and a grim reminder that anime used to try a little harder once to be creative and tell a good space opera. 2199 also added in some ass, just to fit in with the modern fanservice crowds.
>2199 also added in some ass
Just more confirmation that Xebec is handsdown the best studio in existence
>best space opera in form of 2199
>best mecha in form of fafner
>best ecchi in form of loveru
>undisputed best sports anime in form of keijo
Enjoyed it. Only the ending was kinda wonky but acceptable.
Sadly the episodes of the sequel take forever to release.
just watch the original. it's much better. that's not even nostalgia. pure fact
I haven't seen it, but after seeing a chunk of its plot in SRWV I feel like I have to now.
Melda a cute.
2202 is better.
Excellent. It's how you properly do a remake. Great designs, music, pacing. Haven't actually finished it yet, but I really enjoy it.
everything i know about this is from super robot wars
the attacks are cool
How is the original better in your opinion? I've seen both and 2199 improves on the original in every way. And I love old Matsumoto series like 999 and Harlock.
anime of its year
Im old enough to have watched star blazers on normal television
its too obscured by nostalgia for me to take it seriously as a modern show, kind of like watching the original star trek
but the yamato itself is still really awesome, its a testament to it's visual quality that I never got the feeling that I was looking at japanese nationalism stuff
This. Anybody who disagrees doesn't pay attention when watching anime.
It is cancerous waifu faggotry. Watch the original.