>spams an infinite combo
>five minutes long and presumably past the match time limit or after the health bar is empty
Saitama was right, the game is obviously broken.
>spams an infinite combo
>five minutes long and presumably past the match time limit or after the health bar is empty
Saitama was right, the game is obviously broken.
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh this shitty MS translation, even more cringy than I imagined.
Saitama is Garou of the future.
>You can set time limit to infinite
>Some VS games allows continuation of combos even if there's no hp left as long as the enemy stays airborne and not touch the ground.
Nowhere there is written "the game is broken"
>posting shitty niggastream translation
That's better.
Where can I read this version? NiggaStream is fucking shit.
Almost all fighting games have combo proration, that is individual moves do less damage the longer the combo goes on. After 100 hits King was probably doing 1 damage per hit.
> MS didn't make Darkshine talk like a nigger
Color me surprised.
They are playing with time set to unlimited and anyways, the translation is rather off.
How do the shitters at niggastream have the audacity to always be on their high horse about their translations when they produce indefensible, outright mistranslated garbage like this?
They get ad revenue.
That's it. Next thread I'm pushing UK's version out first so no one has to deal with this terrible shit again
I mean. The problem with the last thread was that, UK's version was already done, and someone still decided to post the rushjob translation instead.
This is different though. The good translation was out and this fuck posted this one on purpose. MS didn't even get the title for the chapter right. What's worse is this is the version spread every so we'll have to deal with retards later
>game is broken
>yell in anger
Who the FUCK translated this shit?
daigo moment in my OPM?
ONE confirmed for bros.
Fuck you. I was the one who posted the previous thread and UK translation wasn't typesetted yet when I posted that.
fucking hell
TFW MS translation is actually better than UK.
You're a fucking retard
Post UK version then.
MS translation, the indubitably superior translation is already out but thread is dead
What killed the hype?
I am somewhat hyped for Murata's Black Sperm, but mostly interested in continuation of webcomic
Usually they are on the reddit site of opm so you will never find all the chapter in the same album but here is the latest.
Heh, took me a second
What i meant to say is that there isn't a list from where you can select the chapters but they are in different albums of imgr.
Next to him seems there is Enel from one piece.
>mangastream adds unnecessary swearing to most of their translations
>this chapter they can't fuck up
Then they do this
That one isn't unnecessary.
What Saitama should have done
clips.twitch.tv slash PoorIgnorantWaspBCWarrior
The raw literally says "shitty game", and they still fuck it up.
You are literally retarded. shitty isn't a literal translation. It could be interpreted in many ways.
It was the best not the literal translation.
so what happens to last sperm
it impregnated Tatsumaki
The literal translation is kusoge, which means shit game.
Takes one to know one.
>kuso doesn't mean shitty
>This translation from niggastream of all people
I don't understand
Yeah come on! Use the links from our friends on reddit instead.
>no PV
S2 is cancelled.
Why using filter?
>he doesn't know what a kusoge is
Look at this fag. I bet he plays smash.
Why don't you ask the guy who made it?
I remember when people were excited for infinite combo being the "next update"... a long time ago before the tournament started. How long ago was that? Has to be at 2015 if not earlier.
Death Gatling vs Garou next chap?
No but Genos vs Garou is
He's actually right desu. Yeah, that's technically what it means, but re: fighting games, it does have connotations other than the game being bad. Like, even if you say mortal kombat x is a bad game, it's not a "kusoge" because it isn't buggy/ridiculous in the way that kusoge are.
But I dunno if saitama would distinguish that, so he probably just means it's bad.
It felt like it would never end, but we're finally there. Now just another 10 years and we'll get to the climax of the arc.
Daigo is like a real-life shonen anime character.
>He's the kind of guy who wouldn't lose even if you beat him
>playing Chun-li
>the best poking attacker in the game
>one small hit away from winning
>instead pulling a telegraphed super move from far away
>into the mfing Daigo
Why would he? Darkshine isn't black.
No, Garou will be changing his shirt for 3 days straight because ONE isn't even trying anymore with his padding garbage.
You seriously think niggerstream read the webcomic?
It's monthly
So is attack on titan with fewer pages.
>MS translation, the indubitably superior translation
And a tremendous amount of shipping material.
8 girls. Woa so much shipping material
You never played the arcsys hokuto no ken game?
Any character can do 100-200 hit infinite combos that do 200%
The game is only limited by the player
The side toruney this evo had people taking fucking coffe breaks and selfie breakes while they get bodied because of how long combos can be
Multiplied by however many males and the relentless autism of shippers, yeah it adds up quite a bite.
There are actually people here who doesn't realize King's infinite combo is literally a reference to King's infinite combo in Tekken.
Not everybody here played tekken.
IIRC he has a manga about him
The same could be said of AOT.
Most of which die quick or barely ever appear.
Vote Hunter x Hunter to help OPM survive polltab.com
Uh... I was talking about AoT since the beginning. Shipping and OPM don't go together well enough for the shippers to unleash for autism upon the series.
I mean, AoT threads are basically nothing more than a shippers' wasteland, that's just how it is.
My misunderstanding, sorry.
Oh wow, I found it. It's on Batoto.
I'm totally going to read this.
The Mangastream TL was mostly better. Prove me wrong
We can't, It's indubitably superior.
People act like MS translation is shit yet they keep using "THE STRONG" instead of "STRONG GUYS"
The strong sounds cooler.
Just look at OP's translate.
There's nothing wrong with the translation at all.
He is saying the game is broken because he can't move his character while getting juggled by King.
>because he can't move his character while getting juggled by King.
That's how a combo works. Even more after his HP are depleted.
They were obviously playing HnK where all that stuff is normal.
King seems like the sort of guy who mains Claw in Super Turbo.
Having seen this sort of thing happen (ragequit after a ToD combo), I think "this game is shit" more accurately captures the spirit of things.
People don't usually call games broken, they call characters broken. They just call games shit.
It's not how it should work retard
I haven't read mangastream trash in years.
Different translations get different things right or wrong, shocking as it is. "The strong" sounds better, however there was no reason to tamper with the infinite combo.
Fubuki's thighs seem to be escaping her body
What's your favorite kusoge Sup Forums? I'm partial to Blade Arcus.
You don't know kusoge unless you've played Takeshi's challenge.
Have you ever been in AOT threads?
95% are fujoshit and wifu fags.
Fubuki in Tats clothes never fails to make my dick go crazy
But with or without her panties showing and long boots?
As if you've played it either. Besides, I'm talking about fighting games.
So what do you expect from Black Sperm's VA? Comical high pitched voice or literally Dimple?
The panties I'm indifferent, but the long boots STAY.