Seriously why aren't we having a conversation about men and masculinity?


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Because nobody gives a shit about how men are doing.

That guys claim is anecdotal evidence

Because I'll fucking shoot you if you try.

because of racist fascist that occupies the white house

By definition someone who kills someone who isn’t a threat to them is mentally ill.

Because it's deeply opressive to raise boys differently because of a 96 mass shootings done by 0.0001% of their population.

How did you let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes! He looks like a bloody Pheasant!

>Modern men
Hah! I say blame the media Jews and blame the Jews that've been putting shit in the water for the last 30 years. I dont recall hearing about many school shootings before the early 90s

>why aren't we having a conversation about men and masculinity?
thats the only thing feminist talk about

>yes, blame men some more, it's almost like the fact that men get shit on every fucking day isn't causing any of this
this cunt deserves to die in a shooting, too

>Only mentally ill people shouldn't have guns.
Okay, so let's make restrictions on who can have the-
>But you're only mentally ill once you use your gun to kill someone for no good reason.
... okay. So what you're saying is that there's no way to stop it.

My question, and this is oft overlooked in this debate. What causes the proliferation of mass shootings in America? If guns don't do it, if it's not black people, then what is it?

He is right, but non in the way he thinks he is.

Men are not encouraged to act like men anymore, nobody teaches them how to stand up for themselves, especially if they grew up in a single mother household.

That fucking Cruz kid could have made it, he could have become a decent person assuming the predispositon towards mental illness wasn't extremely strong. Nobody knew how to help him or didn't care enough to do it, though.

Yes goyim, we need to medicate your sons and fix them by making them even more mentally ill.

This guy probably doesn't have kids, or if he does the kids aren't really his.
If 20% of the US population is tarded, and 25% of school shooters have a diagnosed mental illness (and I am sure that others did but where not diagnosed), is it not a somewhat good indicator of their behavior?

and it's a lie. you don't get psychotropics without a diagnosis.

I know
Silly men killing people who have a chance
Women kill babies

Funny how men were perfectly okay 80 years ago.

>asswipers think they're physicians

>men are the problem
But that's fucking wrong. Men are obtruded and attacked. Their male only cultures destroyed and there is no sense of comradeship anymore. Modern men are mostly man children, chads (who chase the wrong things) and soyboy betas.

>Seriously why aren't we having a conversation about men and masculinity?
cuz we're not polesmoking faggots or witless blue haired harpies reeking of fishkunt & niggerstank;ergo, men and their masculinity are not our concerns.

better question...why are we not enforcing the communist control act?

I blame (((Hollywood)))

How about boys and social isolation? These kids aren't developing right, people aren't noticing, and so they don't get help.

A damn community is what these boys need, but all the community centers are brimming with niggers, and all the schools are filled with degenerates.


so mentally ill people are overrepresented as school shooters?
not even suprised
also whites are underrepresented in mass-shootings

He killed Jews in self-defense.

Women have abandoned men. Because of that, men are starting to go crazy like those monkeys in that wire experiment. Fix women, fix men. There. Got it covered.

>our culture needs to change
>how we raise boys

correct, lets first stop with the constant
>want to blame someone, blame men.

then maybe boys/men won't feel cast out or shunned by society and can become productive members of it.

>very few are a danger
>very few = nonzero

Why would a woman go on a killing spree? The world is their fucking oyster. No woman knows what true isolation is.

Ever stop to think that maybe the ones you believe to be peaceful are only pretending to be non-violent that way you cant hold them in a mental hospital forever?

I agree.
We need to stop trying to force men to be women so they won't build up a dangerous amount of anger inside them.

>anecdotal evidence
>if x is y then checkmate z.

I hope we have a good mod left that finally starts to ban this absolute abhorrent fb/ig/twatter screencap 0 content posting.

We need to kill all the Jews and then this won't even be an issue.

Clean your room and learn to take responsibility for the actions of your gender.

Or deliver the world to the gender relativists.

if you start talking about sex we might just start talking about race
and majority of gun killing are done by niggers on niggers

>blaming mental illness is ridiculous
Hi there, I work at UVM and have to deal with violent patients who require considerable manpower to assure their calm cooperation just to accomplish rudimentary requests. That post is nothing more than self aggrandizing via his own stupidity.


The fuck are you talking about? Your country is a pill farm.

>dont generalize 20% of the population for being dangerous even though their diagnosis means theyre a higher risk to society
>instead lets generalize and blame 50% of the population because fuck men!
seems logical


Working with retards who eat pencils is slightly different than working with retards who kick puppies because they make a funny sound.

>intellectual moderation on Sup Forums
we'll have an ethnostate before that, senpai

>Thinking anecdotes are proof of anything
OP is a faggot.

If he would have been masculine he wouldn't have been so socially awkward and probably wouldn't have been driven to shoot up a bunch of people. Leftist anti-male doctrine is literally causing mass murders.

If you think I’m raising my son to be a fucking whiny pussy bitch bc liberals don’t want their weak genes to be exposed, you’re wrong.

Stop demonizing men and masculinity and you will see a sharp decrease in pathological behavior in those men.

Lack of fathers in households. Lack of strong male leadership. Endless list of distractions so people have the easy option to withdraw from society completely. A hyper politicized environment that treats those with differing opinions as inhuman enemies. culture of extreme competition leading to disappointment in men who never grow the fuck up. Feminism leading all school attention from teachers and role models going to girls so boys fall through the cracks.

Men will ALWAYS be more aggressive. We have more testosterone and natural aggressive tendencies compared to women. A girl would just kill herself, but an especially vengeful, hurt man with a touch of crazy will take out his frustration on everyone around him in what is essentially a deadly temper tantrum.

well you don't just walk into a pharmacy and say you want zoloft or wellbutrin. you need to be DIAGNOSED by a doctor. do they teach you how to reading comprehension up there or just how to slobber all over migrant cock?

let's give all the mentally ill people guns!

It's definitely a male problem that disproportionately affects men. Guns are equalizers - a mentally ill woman with a gun in a crowd of children is just as deadly as a man in the same position. It doesn't happen though because men have more problems in society's treatment of them and their own failures that make mass shooting innocent people seem like a good option.

>masculinity has been eroded for the last decades
>mass shootings on the rise
there seems to be a trend. not the one this soygoy is suggesting though

How old are you gramps?

the self-hating faggot is right, you know...

>all mental illnesses are the same
he himself is mentally ill

Listen to this fucking pussy - what a fucking pussy

>worked with the mentally ill for almost 20 years, and very few were ever a danger to others.

That's because you're working with the good cases. Have him do work at a juvenile hall and he'll change his tune.

We need to kill people like this.

All wrong, Democrats cause mass shootings.

Yep, but I don't think women should be pointing out the achievements of each sex unless they really feel like getting humiliated


This is fucking retarded. They're actively ruining everything, and now they want to do this? Cuck fags need to crawl into a hole.

Raise your men to be women and don't be surprised when the countries that still raise men overtake USA and fuck you up the ass.

not the issue of mental illness moron, its the treatment of it with useless pharmaceuticals that cause more negative mental health side effects in complete irony

Why aren't we talking about the Jewish male ego that leads to so much mental illness and violence? Cruz is Jewish.

You don't need a diagnosis to get a prescription for psychiatric drugs.

It's all this "empowering women" bullshit that needs to be redirected to both genders, because women are miserable, too. Just not so much to head off and kill.

Opportunity cost: when you chose one over the other it is at the cost of the one not chosen. Typically boys and men in this discussion.

How would that be interpreted by a young man? In some cases, like this school shooting.

>men get raised without a outlet for masculine impulses - desires to be superior to competition
>be surprised when men lash out trying to attain the very things that have been out of their reach their entire lives

Mental illness is only responsible for lowering inhibitions.

>state of the housing market
>state of employment and entry level jobs
>state of marriage laws
>modern Christianity
Gosh, what could we have done wrong to disenfranchise young men?

We used to have male organizations and schools to help men direct their masculinity in a positive way (through discipline, sense of belonging and achievement, and fraternity, e.g. Like Boy Scouts) but feminists keep destroying what young boys need to cultivate themselves because it's "sexist"

That's true we no longer have instances to be men away from female interference, but back when we had those institutions we killed a lot more.

Thats what he said

being a mens is a disability

Christ. Do you even know how to generate statistics or analyze data? Generate percentages based on total population per ethnic group and compare those. Whites will always have higher discrete numbers because they’re the majority. Don’t be so fucking brainwashed by numbers other ppl try to throw at you.


Fenism died in the last #metoo bullshit, everybody knows how full of shit this bitter woman actually are and man are less afraid to talk about this shit even in public or by public figures.

Fuck woman and fuck feminism, back to the fucking kitchen they go

>less than 25% over 25 years
>last 96 mass shootings

Those are concrete statistics. Only the claim that few of the people he worked with are threats to others is anecdotal.

Since we all know that restricting guns obviously won't stop the epidemic of mass shootings that every country with tighter gun restrictions than the US doesn't have, the US needs to find a sensible alternative approach.

Now, the US reports that men make up the majority of the homeless, the majority of the prison population, the majority of murderers, the majority of the mentally ill, and the majority of violent criminals. Mass shooters are a tiny outlier.

But mass shooters are not SPECIAL. Across the board, the big common thread linking them isn't race or even political ideology - it's a history of domestic violence. Which is ALSO disproportionately common among people who commit other violent crimes. A common thread linking homelessness is a history of incarceration.

What if the way they raise men isn't just predisposing .0001% of them to be mass shooters, but ALSO predisposing a much higher percentage to be shitheads in ways that wind up ultimately hurting both them and others? If changing the way we raise boys cuts down on the overall rate of dumbfuck violent crime, it will be better for society as a whole - INCLUDING the boys in question, because prison is not actually a positive experience.

Can you even read?
Whites are 62% of the population yet they are only responsible for 48% of the mass-shootings, ergo they are underrepresented in mass-shootings

need to fix men before women can ever be “fixed”, assuming that it’s even possible in the first place as they lack any and all self-awareness or mindfulness of others.

Men are weak so women, being the opportunists they are-as is their nature-are seizing this and shitting all over men as a direct result. Is it any wonder why all these young men are being radicalised after listening to how horrible they are on a daily basis from all forms of media, how he has no sense of belonging or place in the west’s hyper-feminized society.
No shit young blokes are going to crack under the immense pressure they face from both society and their peers as a whole.

I feel nothing but apathy when i hear about yet another shooting where the perpetrator is a young, white male. And ironically, the left experiences a true taste of what a real mental illness looks like, manifested in the form of an extremely angry & extremely confused young man who has been lied to his whole life. Not saying what he did was right, by any means but i’ve also got a good feeling this will become way more common than it should if ever.

Then post that graph. Not the graph showing discrete data.

Except that the US and Europe had more murders per capita before all the social change you're whining about.

Genuine question here.

Most of these guys were loners / outcasts

Why do they never discuss focusing on helping these kind of kids?

If they are out at the point where mass shooting is the only option, things must be really bad not only for them, but also for the millions of kids who don’t go that far.

My parents made me go to my GP when I was 16/17 because they thought I was depressed. The doc spent about 10 minutes trying to get me to say that I was anxious before I just said "sure, I'm anxious" and gave me a grocery bag full of zoloft samles. No psychiatrist involved. I didn't take any and there was no follow up whatsoever.

It's really not that hard to get on these drugs.

>Then post that graph.
I did are you an idiot?

>blaming 5% of the population for the actions of a few is unfair
>we should blame 50% instead!

>going on a mass shooting before doing an hero is how masculinity is being geared nowadays
Is this what this fucker unironically believes? Overpopulation, stagnation of wages and social mobility, overmedication and depleted social welfare dindu nuffin? Well shieeeeet.

Lanttu seems to be making two mistakes. First, he is assuming that Americans can look up the ethnic composition of their own country when handed a graph with discrete data and draw conclusions from that.

Second, he seems to be assuming that a total sample size of 83 is enough to draw conclusions as to the racial propensity towards mass shootings. The sample size is small enough that random statistical noise could be hiding or inflating it.

Go home, Jereb, you're drunk.

>Why aren't we having a conversation about males and masculinity?
Because you're to busy making my dinner you dopey bitch

Deep down, women don't want men to be fully emasculated. They know they still need men to be men when the water heater breaks down and needs replacing. They simply want to control men's masculinity. They want all the benefits of it and none of the downsides. Just another classic example of women wanting to have their cake and eat it too. In which case I say go fuck yourselves you fickle cunts.

all school shooters are male

>Why do they never discuss focusing on helping these kind of kids?

because then they'll have to drop their bad seed narrative with men. Then they will have to treat men with value without those men having provided anything to the. They do not want to do those things. They actively want to not do those things.

(((Social constructivist)))

Because that's a solution to the problem. Solutions because of Democracy's totalitarian nature, are bad. The point isn't to stop mass shootings, the point is to cause A) An increase in government power (no guns = your safety is solely in the hands of the govt) and B) score a minor politixal victory ("vote for us, we'll fix x").

Men are just better at getting things done

These cunts don't realize that mass shooters are a product of the feminization of men. You tell them to be quiet, tell them they are pigs, tell them that girls are leagues better and that they are useless rapist monsters, and finally you sedate them and freak out when they break out of that sedation and find out what was taken from them.

You posted discrete numbers. Not percentage of ethnic groups. Do you even know the difference fucktard?

Women target children or the enfeebled. See: nurses who have murdered patients; we probably don't even know the extent to which it happens. I requested male nurses when I had to stay in the hospital for a few days (claiming religious reasons) for this exact reason. Some fat bitch gets cheated on her husband and decides to hate me that day? Next thing you know she's putting an air bubble in your drip. I don't feel like dying over a day surgery and a day of recovery because some cunt decides to let off steam by murdering a patient.

Many such cases!

Never change Finland

that's the point. they want to create an angry, disenfranchised, pariah class of young white men. the goal is instability and i cannot think of a better way to do it.

isnt it quite opposite? that most of these shoters were omega virgin faggots whose masculinity was taken away by kikes, feminists and leftists?