This is perfection right here. No other girl is more perfect than Vignette. Pure, can do chores, intelligent, and strong.
This is perfection right here. No other girl is more perfect than Vignette. Pure, can do chores, intelligent...
Almost certainly the biggest slit of the four.
What did he mean by this?
My wife Vigne has a big pussy.
Calm down, Gabu
My girlfriend Vigne is so powerful.
my wife
That's just juvenile whims. Once she grow older she'll turn into decent demoness, slutty and malicious.
Vigne is such a great social worker. She helped disappear over 500 virgins in one year.
That's not true, she will become a model citizen after marrying a human male, which will be me.
>That's just juvenile whims.
Probably the dumbest thing I've read in 5 minutes.
Waifubait as fuck. Raphi is the only choice.
You only like Raphi for her body.
Raphi is for satan
You faggots need to be enlightened already.
She is just so sweet
I wish the manga wasn't yuribait and there was a chance of seeing her try to deal with a boy liking her. As it stands there either will be no relationships or she will end up with Gabu considering all the affection he has shown her so far.
I wish Sup Forums would ditch this buzzword.
This is my wife.
It is an accurate and useful descriptor, though
Not for this series.
She already has a boyfriend aka me.
she won't be so perfect after satania is done with her
Which of the angels is the most angelic? I'd say it's Vignette. And Raphi is more demonic than Satania.
>more demonic than Satania
You're not setting the bar too high.
In terms of kindness:
Vigne > Satania > Gab > Raphi
Even that human trash Gab is worse than the cunt Raphi really is.
Did you watch the second OVA? Gabu is pretty soft and kind.
it is, though, its pretty clear Vignette has feelings for Gab. She is even the first soft and cute thin that comes to her mind. She thinks about her all the time, takes care of her, and is clearly more interested in her thn any of the other girls. In the latest chapter of the manga she was sad Gabu was not in the Karaoke bar with her and Satania because she really wanted to hear how she sings. There is obvious interest there beyond what she shows for the rest of her friends.
Yeah, as a friend
More than she cares about her other friends. If there is ever romance in this series it will either be between Gabu and Vigne or between Tap and that new demon loli. Hetero romance seems impossible right now since there are no young boys in the series, and it would be odd if all the girls go through all of highschool without falling in love at least once.
For what it's worth the author is writing a GabxVigne yuri doujin.
Though I doubt it will spill too much into the main series.
Source + translation pls? Last time I heard he is just making some guest art for an illustration book. Not writing a yuri doujin.
That's called subtext, bro. Not bait.
Subtext is what makes it yuribait. Yuribait is a descriptor for the show that contains yuri subtext. At least this is how I see it used most often, and since language is descriptive rather than prescriptive, I figured that's how I will be using it as well.
I want to force Vigne down by her horns and then tickle her armpits!
No, yuribait is when girls are teased whom have heterosexual interests. It's exactly why when Hibike! aired it changed yuri discussion on Sup Forums forever by that term becoming revolutionized.
Why is a girl so cute and kind wearing such sexual outfits in the art?
because she's secretly a demon
Lies. She is too sweet and pure. If she is a demon she is clearly a reformed one.
Well I heard she does LEWD things to pay for Gabu's microtransactions
For a total retard, you sure do try to sound smart.
The term bait means "appearing as something other than what it is in order to fool."
Subtext means that something doesn't take a leading role in the story, but is inferred through actions rather than directly stated. What it doesn't mean is something is not there. For example, the fact a character breaths is often subtext based information.
Yuri subtext is still yuri.
Yuri bait is not yuri.
why nip do this all the time?
They make demons be the good guys and angels be the worst piece of shit ever.
I have seen it a lot in video games also.
>let's kill the demon lord
>but wait , the demon lord wasn't a bad guy after all
>he just feared humanity without actually talking with a human ,ever
Gap moe.
>Looks like a lewd succubus
>Is actually a super nice and innocent girl protected by even God's purity protecting light beams.
they think it's a clever subversion
the fact that these outfits are only in the EDs is the worst part of the show
They throw angel/demon symbolism in everywhere since there's no taboo like in western media, and then they want to find a "unique" spin
It stops being a subversion when everyone keeps doing it.
Wild sex with Gab.
Passionate sex with Vigne.
Trick sex with Satania.
Hatesex with Raphi.
yeah hence the "they think"
Satania is a ______
Dont mind me, just posting best girl
Straight girl among three lesbians one of who is constantly molesting her and creeping on her.
Literally who.
Tapu-chan's girlfriend.
From the most recent manga chapter.
I know, what I meant was she's a literal who being a no name demon.
But Vigne is Tapu's girlfriend. How come she gets to have 2 girlfriends?
It's still a subversion of the Christian doctrine even if all Japshit is doing it
The thread has been decent. Can you please not start your shit.
Isn't her middlename like Sugarbell or something? Absolutely prime for bullying. Raphiel already got a headstart on that
I don't recall this, why is Raphi threatening her?
This was the exact moment I fell for her.
Tapris was talking shit about Satania,
Raphiel gives of an heir of actually being very protective of her demon, in the same way a sociopathic child refuses to share or let go of their toys.
When she washed her hands? That's normal for a succubus, they don't want old cum on their hands
Why is it even a meme? She's clearly bad at being bad, which means that even if she was succubus, she would not touch a male, let alone have any sort of sexual activity with him.
It's called subtext, user. They don't show Vigne's filthy nighttime activities because it would bring the tone down.
It's actually quite cute or interesting at least, that Raphiel is the one who tends to show most concern for Satanias wellbeing
But why does she not recieve any stipend then?
Again, it's because she's a psychopath and has an unwarrented sense of possesion over her.
That wasn't in the manga.
Who cares. The manga is shit anyways.
Its because they are paired up, just like Gabu and Vigne as well as Tap and the new goth loli demon girl. Its all subtext but it says something quite clearly about their relationships.
I wouldnt b surprised if by the end Vigne and Raph figure out they need to swap places in heaven/hell and manage to do it, leaving them to live with their "partner". Vigne clearly has a heart of gold, and Raph is more talented in mischief than in kindness.
I always suspected a vacation arc. something like:
>Raphiel finds out Satania is a bakers daughter
>She doesnt want to stay in her massive mansion with her baka rape meido
>She bullies Vigne into swapping places for her
>Not very hard to sell her luxurious lifestyle
>Unlike Satania, Vigne and Raphiel have the wits to pull it off
Fast foward
>Satania is bored on her holiday, and goes to see what Vignette is doing
>Knock on door
>pic related
>All the demons in hell are impressed by the new exchange student and her malice
>All the angels in heaven are inspired by the kindness of the new exchange student
My wife Vigne is so cute.
That is actually really fucking good. I hope you are the author
This is along the lines of what I was thinking, too. But what happens to all their parents?
Hmm.. They could try and sell the exchange student thing. Like
>this girl is from over by the other firelike, can she stay with us?
sort of thing
Or at the end of their highschool days they are already 18+ so they stop being useless neets and actually move out of home.
What happened to the Sup Forums sings?
>ever stopping being a usless neet
Nice one, mate.
Her best friend/girlfriend (depending on how far the author goes with their relationship) Vigne would support her.
Also, spoiler, she promised to work on 2 days per week instead of 1 day for the restaurant owner if he allows pets in the flats he rents out, so that his tenant Satana could keep her dog. On the other hand Gab knocked out Satana more than once.
>Satania-sama, you will live here now okay.
>This is your cage and this is your foodbowl
>Gabriel, I gave your computer to the red cross, here's a book you can read instead
>Its called the bible
Satania's body is tough. Her heart, not so much.
Finally someone understands
If theres a second season this outfit needs to make a lot more appearances
same with satanias demon lingerie
>On the other hand Gab knocked out Satana more than once
Satania is a combat class arch-demon. She's built to fight angels.
More of her actual demon attire
>ah.. kuma
>beary demonic
goddammit raphi
Did someone say perfection?
krauts get off my manga
I don't know why, but in the three different versions I've read her name goes from Weine to Vignette to Vigene. It is fucking peculiar.
>beary demonic
is probably the easiest way to translate the pun.
Demon in moon is akuma, and bear is kuma. So as the other user implied, Raphi originally says "Ah.. Kuma", which triggers the demon