Why are young males checking out of society?
Why are young males checking out of society?
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No vagina to smash
omg look at his little gay mactop
Why aren't you?
Soceity is meant to reward participation not punish it. If participating in a soceity isn't beneficial there is no reason to contribute to it.
Dudes just relaxing.
consumerism is against mans nature
jews are killing humanity
slide thread
also a shit thread
>if youre a cis white male youre literally worse than hitler
>constantly,mocked, belittled and attacked
>everything you hold important is stupid and worthless and must be taken from you because youre white
>you are to apologize for even existing and expected to grovel before women and minorities
>meanwhile, youre supposed to work and produce enough to sustain society, especially women and minorities
>fulfilling relationships are explicitly denied to you, you are supposed to be just a provider to kids that might not even be yours, your emotions, your mental health, your desires are to be completely ignored
>you are constantly held back at workplace because of your skin color and bogus rape charges by stronk womyn.
>you are not allowed to complain about any of this because it makes you hitler times ten
Yeah I wonder why westcuck bois are rather staying home to play vidya all day.
VR is honestly not good enough yet to check out of society. Getting closer every iteration though.
Man, you sure are weak.
Are you aware of how pathetic you sound?
Man up, for christ’s sake.
It's close enough for me as is. I got immersed enough in Second Life to not leave my apartment for days/weeks at a time. In a couple years VR and drugs are all I'm going to want to do before I kill myself. Maybe the excitement of new technology will be enough to keep pushing that back, but who knows.
because society is shit and shallow
The fuck are you even talking about? This is YOUR society. YOU live in that one. Trying to ignore cultural marxism and pretending everything is okay led to everything being so fucked as it is now. Its unimaginable to have a fraction of that happening in east european societies.
Also, you sound like a hole or an omega
In the end does it really matter?
Of course it does, we need them all otherwise they are just parasites.
>any of this occurring in fucking Hungary
Someone post the original version of the picture he's copying.
Do you even hear yourself?
Furiously typing away on the internet?
Why don’t you go work out?
Get a girlfriend?
Raise a family?
Do your job as a man?
Instead you spend your time complaining about how the man is societally disadvantaged like you’re some SJW teen girl on tumblr. Where is your offspring? Why are you here rather than serving your duty?
>your duty
Fuck off shill
They played by a huge variety of names before assuming that name. One time the guy who announced them forgot their name or something and just called them "Butthole Surfers" because they were about to play their song Butthole Surfer. The rest is history.
Haha, I posted on the wrong board. Nevermind this.
Take your boomer individualism and shove it up your ass.
I will answer your question with a question.
How horribly are women treating men?
Fucking idiot, he is describing us
And he is right.
Ily user. Don’t give in.
>l-look at my list of a-assumptions!
>w-w-why d-do you even care about the well being of society!
>just "man up" and continue feeding all those parasites! what are you, weak?!
Cant decide if youre either just a deluded omega or a shill.
You think all the affirmative action laws, divorce laws, paternity tests getting restricted or banned outright, feminist lobby groups, minority movements etc. doesnt have an impact on your life?
Hate to break it to you drugs get boring too
all of this is based on luck nowadays user.
Women have the power to completely ruin you at a drop of a hat if they want, they can take everything you've earnt and take away your kids too.
If you think this doesn't play any role on society and we should just "man up" through this horseshit then i don't know what to tell you, you're beyond delusional.
(((Society))) told them they're monsters and treats them accordingly while their parents told them they're special and can accomplish anything by just following their dreams.
>just keep on going into the meat grinder, nothing bad will ever happen if I listen to the farmer
Thanks bud.
Believe me, I'm way past that point. Boring is whatever, I just want to feel something even if it's miserable.
nothing else matters
They're not.
Why can't the left meme?
I was gonna give a meme answer, but fuck it.
Lack of incentives. Everything seems so stacked against you in all things. In love, in business, in anything. There are those that have the will to go against that stack, and I envy them.
It just seems to me like such a hassle for so little reward. Sure, I can go to school and attempt a career, but what then? Crippling debt, rapidly deflating economy and having to scrape to just get by.
Sure, I can find a woman and start a family, but what then? The second she gets bored or the least bit unsatisfied she'll chuck my ass to the curb, and I'll have to both pay the legal fees to fight here in a lopsided court system and eventually pay child support to watch my kid grow up to be fucked by our marxist education system.
Hell, I'm still not even sure this country will last all that much longer.
this is the truth.
>be born male
>dick hacked off immediately
>told everything you do is evil
>told sexual attraction = rape
>told to submit to matriarchy
>told that play/sport/roughhousing is dangerous
>only recreational and social outlet left is vidya
It's either be a man against the wishes of the world around you, drop out entirely and avoid the world or go on a fucking violent rampage to end it all and take as many of the fucks who put you in this situation with you as you can.
With regards to women, read this
And this
>women dindu nuffin, its not their faiult, they are so creative and awesome guys, you must be fucking up by not giving them enough love and attention
Jesus fuck, how could you fall for that shit so easily?
I wouldn't have if I didn't already apply it.
They still need their individual political rights and their labour rights revoked, but how are you going to get them to do that if you haven't acquired their absolute loyalty?
ty dude
While I don't fully get all of these, I can definitely see the method behind them and it makes some amount of sense.
But my problem is that women hold way too much power to risk it. Used to be that you could be relatively sure that when you had a fight that it'd blow over, but these days she's just as likely to go to some beta orbiter and cheat on you to "feel validated".
So, how do you sell revoking female voting rights?
lucid dreaming > VR
That’s pretty autistic of you to say.
lack of incentives, mainly.
how does one ACTUALLY work towards lucid dreaming as a practice? I've experienced it to a degree, but I have trouble focusing/meditating in a way that is conducive to restful dream sleep.
Any supplements or anything? Would like to hear your thoughts.
Shitty ROI
The niggers?
It is why we left Africa like 50,000 years ago. to get away from the niggers you know.
This so much
>Why are you here rather than serving your duty?
Because society has devalued that duty to the point where an increasing number of young men look at life's options and decide it's not fighting. My girlfriend died a few years ago, and I see similar levels of grief and abandonment in other guys my age as I do in myself. Men grieve, and are bailing out, because they are living in a game that they can't win, for all the reasons Hungary originally listed.
I laughed out loud at that pic. Well done.
are these made by the same artist?
>>you are to apologize for even existing and expected to grovel before women and minorities
They're only minorities in your country
It looks like it's referencing the same idea, but more realistically.
So unfortunate and so true
Preparing for school shooting.
According to those posts, women seek to serve their husband. Nothing makes them happier than that (besides children), and doing a poor job deeply depresses them. It genuinely hurts them and if bad enough breaks them down completely.
When they get confused and think they're doing something wrong, they stop making an effort.
When you let them know through hints or blunt statements that you like what they're doing, they increase their efforts.
What we have to do then, after securing their loyalty, is make it very obvious to them that what would really help the family, and really make you specifically happy, is if women didn't have to spend all day working a job to help you and the family make ends meet.
Now, when enough women are convinced that they don't need political rights to be happy, and that their political rights and labour rights are actually causing their husband/family/children harm, they themselves will organise a movement for the abolition of those rights.
It's exactly the same thing the (((suffragettes))) did for their (((families))) and (((husbands))), but in reverse, in accordance with nature, and thanks to social media it won't take 50 years to establish.
Stay awake as long as possible, it shuts down the left hemisphere of your brain; the part that keeps track of time and logic. It is about overloading your imagination by putting your right hemisphere in control. Forgetting about time makes your dreams last longer. Even if you have normal dreams, non lucid you should be able to notice a disconnect between real world time and dream time, say a dream feels like 5 minutes, but in real world time hours have elapsed. Ignoring time/shutting down your left hemisphere alters your brain activity. Beware though, completely shutting down the left hemisphere causes some weird dreams; have you ever opened a book or read text in a dream? It's usually gibberish in those cases. Lucid dreaming is weird, balancing a bunch of things can make it more interesting, diet affects it also, but not as much as fatigue.
Incredibly spot on and concise.
she had such a great fucking rack, someone post the webm please asking for a friend
>Why are young males checking out of society?
because there is not much to win anymore for an average, reliable, loyal guy.
just a few decades ago he got a wive, a family and house. today he might still be able to get that, but society will take it away from him eventually.
I'm think about quitting my corporate jobs @ corning Inc. next week just to get a vacation and become a homeless neat? What the reason to work any more? No girl, no money, and told I cost 160K to be there each year! I make 2500 a month for god sakes!
This is why men are opting out.
If you have to understand all this stuff and watch your womans behaviour and know exactly what to do when she acts up............its just not worth it.
If women dont now how to act, I've got no issue just walking away. I'm not their parent.
>being this fucking retarded
I don't think I'm willing to fuck with by brain any more than I already am. I understand sleep deprivation but that is not really what I'm aiming for. Interesting though.
There is no place to be a man besides the military or police. Even then it’s luck of the draw if you get stuck doing bitch work. Relatively few get to claim their honor in combat, or get to do anything meaningful as a law officer.
this pic is so old, has to be like 10+ years old. remember it from '06 ffs
You have no fucking clue what that word means anymore user you just spout it at anything you don't understand now.
You look up the techniques like DILD, WILD, FILD, SSILD, etc and stick to one for a while, whichever is more convenient for you, it takes some research, sites like dreamviews are really helpful.
Also you need to obviously remember your lucid dreams if you do the techniques and have one you might still forget about it when you wake up if your dream recall is not great, so keeping a dream journal is important too when starting.
Basically a lot of research, work, effort and discipline involved and you have to be willing to stick with it even when you get no results for a month or longer (which is why I have so much trouble with it) unless you are one of the lucky few who lucid dream naturally but thats like what, 5% of the population maybe. But the result is an experience better than any vidya or VR can provide, we naturally dream every night so taking control of those dreams is something amazing, whether you do so via reality checks done in a dream which makes you realize you are dreaming (DILD) or directly entering a dream from waking consciousness as your body falls asleep but your mind stays awake into dream entry (WILD).
It just takes a fuckton of effort and discipline
I'm not sure but this is a conversation worth having.
Sleep deprivation(beginning after ~24 hours) will reset your brain electro-chemically. A depressed brain has less waking activity than normal. Once you cross the 24 hour mark the brain begins getting increasingly active to try staying awake, it thinks you are trying to survive. So you kinda jump start yourself out of depression. I do it every few months, usually 48 hours is perfect. going to do it over my weekend, been feelin slugggish and hate everything that I’d normally like. It’s incredibly effective.
A combination of things leading the vidya or the whatever to be more attractive than going outside, working, talking to people, playing with people, touching people, or dealing with people in any way
Hint -
They were stressed
They were traumatized
They cannot or don’t know how to make happiness with people
Due to being shut down
By force or by nature or by people or by chemical
They are the result of an undercurrent of these things
Largely unnoticed because they prefer it or their parents or guardians prefer it if they are unnoticed
Society itself prefers not to think about them
But they are there and as parents continue to hand iPads to babies, the problem will likely evolve in the future
dumb ass burger no wonder your country is going to shit
What the fuck are you talking about, thats not how it works. If you sleep deprive yourself your brain will just catch up on that lost sleep and go longer through NREM the non dreaming portion of the sleep cycle.
Incidentally, if you look into most religions, they all advocate for a hermitic/virgin lifestyle - to avoid harm
Holy shit that img is 100% cringe tier
It's like I'm back in 2009 /x/ with all the obsession over self-sleep-deprivation experiments
Roastie detected
what's old is new.
>bolted on silicon
I am about as much of a failure as is possible for somebody of my age.
I get ostracized as a gun nut and a fanatic whenever I express my beliefs on the Constitution and what it means to be a free man.
I get called a racist whenever I say that I just want to live around other people like myself.
I get called a zealot and delusional whenever I say that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and that I wish we had stuck with them.
I get called sexist and a pig whenever I say that hookup culture and shit is getting out of hand and that I would want to marry a virgin.
I get called an evil white male for shit that my ancestors never even did.
My family helped build this country. We've been here since 1750, and for all of these generations we've worked on merchant ships and fishing boats and in the navy, helping to feed this country, protect this country, and expand the commerce that has made this country thrive. My mother's side has an equally proud pedigree, they've been working the railroads ever since the Civil War. Now I feel like a fucking stranger in this place. This whole time my family was building this country, they weren't building it for me or my family. Because all our government has done is handed it over to foreigners and usurpers.
So tell me, why the fuck should I care at all what happens to this shithole now? The United States and all of the fuckers in it can sink into the ocean and drown, I don't care. I have no reason to be ambitious about anything when no matter what I do I'll be lambasted and persecuted for it.
>Why are young males checking out of society?
Cause they don't get that you're suppose to slap a hoe and women ain't shit.
They think women's standards are so high and irrational that they'd rather buy an onahole or rub one out than bother with dates and frienzone siding and constant rejection and not being rich chad.
You see the ugly retard with a chick on his arm and chest out all confident. Why? Cause he doesn't give too much fucks about her and would slap her and put her in her place when she starts with bull shit, that why she calls that lump of stupid meat a real man, cause he's got an attitude problem just like her dumb ass dad.
I forgot, it’s not effective in the long term. It’s pretty cyclic for me though so it works perfectly. Pops me out of a depression cycle.
Try to sleep for 5/6 hours, wake up for half hour and think about lucid dreams and then go back to sleep, sometimes it works with me.
Man Sup Forums has really become a den of pathetic self-hating cucks.
I remember when Sup Forums was one of the chaddiest boards. Ever since leddit and teenagers invaded this place has been fucking garbage.
>judeo-christian values
Those who love the country end up owning the country. Take your pick of the countries. If you can’t find anything satisfactory, they aren’t the problem.
you want to suck jew dick go for it man.
Also, it especially fucking irks me when Democrats and BLM fuckers try to tell me I owe them reparations (again, for shit my family never did). My great-great-great-grandfather's brother died at the fucking Battle of Gettysburg to free these ungrateful niggers and they're going to tell them we should give them money too.
Sup Forums has never been chad, m8. There's always been a lot of crossover with /r9k/.
clean your room
many probably never go on dates with women, and many who do suffer disappointment after disappointment and can't understand what is going wrong.
he who has a why can endure any how. the most obvious "why" that our biology gives us is mating, and when that looks difficult or impossible as it likely does to lots of young men in the face of today's dating world, depression programming kicks in to save us from unnecessary suffering until better days come around. these biological programs are dysfunctional in ways functionally no one understands so very few people are actually learning how to beat depression and get laid.
couple this with easy access to endless vices and you've got the basics of (((their))) recipe for the destruction of western civilization.
How is the mutt meme at all applicable here you stupid fucking Turk.
holy shit
It's the fucking e-Celeb's fault.