This is God and her boyfriend. Say something nice about them

This is God and her boyfriend. Say something nice about them.

Kyon kun denwa

is there a reason why she would rest upon the chair like that?

Nice bass.

your boyfriend is a really cute actual God

If Haruhi's ass was that fat I honestly wouldn't like her. She's just fine how she is in the anime so that over sexualized picture you posted of her is actually a downgrade from her natural body.

Why is Kyon so /fa/

you already have a thread cut this shit out

Is he inviting me to fuck her?

>less replies
Its too late user

I really should get around to finishing volume 10

Why is her head twice as big as his?

It's called hair dude.

because she has ugly bushy hair in a bob cut

Maybe her posterior is in pain.

Mei watches Haruhi apparently.

That posterior is huge! What the hell is she eating?

Kyon kun denwa

Kill yourself Sup Forumstard.

is there a reason why she would rest upon the chair like that?

Nice bass.

your boyfriend is a really cute actual God

I've been on Sup Forums for over 15 years and have never watched or read anything Haruhi. Where should I start?

Don't you mean god and his girlfriend?



the beginning

look up a watchlist. Most streaming sites actually sort the episodes in chronological watch order. Torrenting is a bit of a headache with haruhi.

>for over 15 years

Get out Ireland.

Did they end up together?

I really liked the ship.

go back, filthy Sup Forumsedditor

I want to cuddle with Haruhi so bad

Since when is Haruhi a girl (male)?

Everyone but the bassist.

What would be the source of said pain?
