Sup Forums I am taking another risk this might be a good isekai
The wrong way to use healing magic
if any of you guys know about source material tell me please
I loved the comedy aspect
What the hell kind of culture looks down on its medical practitioners? Everyone needs a doctor some time in their lives.
violence influenced one
user you're not really this daft are you? Do you realize how useless the Red Cross would be if the world didn't collectively include "don't shoot medics" in the rules of war?
Europeans before the rise of the Red Cross.
Yeah, especially since the only place in war a doctor can help people is in the middle of the front lines, medics can't operate anywhere else
But even before those rules, medics weren't "targets of insult", because what the hell kind of soldier insults the guy saving his and his buddies' lives?
t. historylets
For a long while in Europe, the practice of medicine is taught to be the working of demon worshipers and witches.
It takes a great deal of effort until just several centuries before now for them to believe otherwise.
>implying anyone respect that rule
Medics were witches in the middle ages. Prior to that only the Romans fielded combat doctors and even then they were relegated to camp duties.
Healing magic isn't uncommon, but the healing magic everyone can learn is low tier. Greens can use high tier healing magic, but can't use any other type of magic.
You can have 100 guys with first aid kits and rifles, or you can have 90 guys with rifles and 10 medics who need to be protected because they can't fight.
user there were several centuries between the middle ages and the first Geneva Convention. Did the armies of the Napoleonic Wars treat medical personnel as useless?
But the first group will lose 30-60 guys to injuries that low tier first aid kits can't handle, with formations breaking as dudes have to stop fighting to treat what little injury they can, while the second will lose only 10-20 because they have proper medics with the capability to handle lost limbs and shit and the dedicated medics can run all around the battlefield. Why not give the magical medics crossbows for personal protection? Even in OP image example, the MC says he goes straight for the medics first in games. But in games, healers are also essential.
So Sup Forums, what's your list of good isekai or faux-isekai manga? Don't list too much, 3 or 5 would be enough. Also don't take the novels into account, only manga.
>inb4 /r/ is that way
I've probably read more of those than you have.
My list:
- Isekai Tensei Soudouki (pic) - at best average art for professional standards, with some noticeable inspirations from Kouta Hirano's style, but the story itself keeps decently fresh and the characters are fun. Also a simple style allows for more comedic effects. Hopefully it doesn't go to shit too much.
- Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There - you can argue if it's isekai or not, you can not like the art and the artist has quite a furry approach to monster girls too, you can not like the silly nationalistic vibes, but there's something very satisfying about modern military curbstomping ancient Romans. The manga slowly enters the more RPG-like territory of the novels, but it's still fun.
- Knights & Magic - I honestly think this is the best version, better than the novel and the anime. The pace is the best here, you don't have to torment yourself with a half machine translations done by some third worlder for a pocket change on his patreon (actually I don't know if it's the case here, but it often is with other novels). The mechasexual trap is cute, the art is very competent and while it's the usual "MC is normal smart and the whole world is dumb as a brick so he comes off as an unprecedented genius", at least it's about creating robots rather than fighting demigods or whatever elder dragons in this universe are.
There are a few others I could mention, but they fall under one of these cases:
a) They started good but went downhill with time
b) I'm too familiar with the novel so I don't read the manga much
c) The novel was pretty good for the genre but the manga serialization has barely any chapters available in English
user, you really are stupid. Field doctors during the 1800s were associated with death, disease, and rot. If you were brought into their tent you had a 50/50 chance of leaving with a badly infected amputation wound or being killed by the doctor because nothing could be done.
>Also don't take the novels into account, only manga.
Well screw this then.
Muv-Luv Alternative - unfortunately the scans are incredibly slow.
Does shieldbro fall under a)
I have a soft spot for strong 2D women, so I'm picking this up. Thanks user.
Is there any site to track WN/LN translation beside novelupdates ?
Manga covered a pretty decent amount of material already. Nowhere near the size of the whole thing of course, but there are at least some arcs now. Do you consider the adaptation bad?
For me definitely. It started going downhill as soon as the side effect of exp grinding showed up on the loli. Isekai seems to have a general problem of having a decent premise, then falling flat on its face as soon as the beginning arc ends and ideas run out.
Difference is that back in the day, medics were mostly useless because there was nothing they could really do against most injuries, many of them were just quacks that sold useless herbs. In this world, medics are magic and their magic clearly does heal people, so there's no reason for anyone to look down on them.
Guys, death march anime announced.
Studio : Silver Links
>I honestly think this is the best version, better than the novel and the anime. The pace is the best here, you don't have to torment yourself with a half machine translations done by some third worlder for a pocket change on his patreon (actually I don't know if it's the case here, but it often is with other novels).
>claims it's better than the novel
>clearly admits he's never read the novel
The best is the novel, while the illustrations of the manga are better in some aspects it's not overwhelming enough that it dominates over everything unlike a series like Maoyuu. The novel is the only medium that properly integrates all the mecha world building properly and includes all the scenes which while minor ultimately help the reader grasp how everything works and why everything plays out the way it does.
You might think a lot of it is just fluff, but a volume or two down the line most of the information introduced is relevant one way or another.
Anime is alright if you ignore Eru turning into Ernie because retards sub anime nowadays, but it moves at break neck speeds and basically turns a mecha world building series into some cheap Gundam spin off in the same vein as GBF Try. What makes it fun is animating the robots and Eru and how everyone reacts to Eru.
You're not being logical. Our world gives field medic more advantages than this isekai did. Most are trained to be able to participate in combat, even in the Red Cross(though for them it's "self defense".)
This series has already presented a quantifiable reason why they would be looked down on.
They can't use offensive combat magic.
Imagine marines or army regulars with a combat medic that is physically incapable of ever shooting a gun, throwing a grenade, using a radio, etc.
Dungeon Defense
Release that Witch
The Amber Sword
God of Cooking
If you're some JP elitist then read Sevens because Japanese people don't know how to fucking do isekai right
>They can't use offensive combat magic.
And of course magic is literally the only way to fight against anything, and no soldier could ever have any serious need for anything beyond the most rudimentary of medical treatment. They're fucking retards.
Literally everyone does except a handful of religiously fanatical extremist groups, and I really mean only the worst of them. Please don't talk about things you don't know anything about.
t. vet of two wars
Arifureta. The art is pretty good and it's clear that the story gets more light hearted after the fall.
I wonder why Shield Hero is so beloved on Sup Forums when they're pretty much the same story. Protag gets seemingly weak power and gets bullied because of it and then eventually betrayed. Protag uses this opportunity to abuse his power and become op, (another point, at least Nagumo's "tinkers" sorta make sense, someone try to justify why Naofumi gets wrath or whatever offensive ability that is) also they get a loyal waifu. They're both game worlds, both of them have fucked up gods, both of them strive for and achieve returning to Earth as their main goal. Both the protags have the same cold attitude, the other classmates think they're the righteous ones. Yet Arifureta is accused of being too edgy, of course if you think both series are trash I think you'd be right
So Shield Hero introduced a world where humans with knowledge of video games look down on the tank/caster class. Then another series makes blacksmiths a looked down upon class.
Now we're covering white mages as the next "useless" class choice that the MC will show everyone the errors of their way. Fucking hell the next series I find will have DPS classes being underestimated.
That aside.
>ah finally, a non-isekai in a proper fantasy sett-
>rpg stats
What the fuck is their problem?
Have you read Only Sense Online?
Gotta establish the power levels of the world so we can understand how hard the MC shatters them.
>Beginner alchemist skill
>Can be used to create potions that have better healing rates than store bought equivalents
>free ammunition for archers
>doesn't even cost mana to use
Are nips just retarded. This kind of class abilities would be the cornerstone of any guild. And you can't even use the excuse of "this is a new MMO just out of beta" people have figured out the importance of support roles for the longest time.
Fuck these stories just another way to give the MC an easy OP ability and making them super special.
Don't ask a question (are nips retarded) if you know the exact reason they do this (last line).
>But [isekai writer], this skill would be great in any MMO or a fantasy world!
>Ummmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's a speshul setting okaaaaaaaay
user, are you really this dumb? Would you go rushing onto a battlefield waving a sword when there are 50 guys 300 yards away from you with rifles, machine guns, and assault rifles?
Calling people stupid in discussion is childish
>the artist has quite a furry approach to monster girls too,
But that is the best part.
The manga moves at a sluggish pace in favour of flashy panels and pages where you can't even tell what and why is exactly happening half of the time.
Novel translations on the other hand have been removed due to licensing, so you can't even read what happens after
>inb4 buy the novel
Maybe if it was good.
To be fair they do respect it but it's only one place that hates shields to the point of barely having any in stock in shops n shit
Manga Persia is great, you know it, I know it, but many anons can't appreciate her greatness.
You mean arifuretA?
Just in general I like how Sao Satarou approaches his characters. He has a case of same-face for sure; but he has a good attention to detail with regards to differentiating characters. Especially with regards to his non-human characters who completely avoid the same face issue I mentioned. Everybody looks distinct and it's not just because they're different animals. Even members of the same race have a very good designed to them that makes them each unique.
calling people childish in discussion is stupid
Wtf? They call veterinarians to help too?
I only like ore to kawazu-san no isekai hourouki.
In the real world, most of the wounded are so severely so that they are removed from combat as a consideration for that battle. It's not like an RPG where a cast of cure makes it like the wounds never happened and the same fight continues.
in this case it might be a image problem
ie: "I don't need healing. I'm a strong person! being healed is gay"
Yeah i'm not sure the wrath shield can be justified as it runs on perpetual and literal anger which only gets worse as he uses it for extended ammounts of time. Then again the curse series weapons the other heroes have function similarly.
>main heroine is the other male student
There's a WN and LN, but they don't seem to be translated at all.