Why did they do this?
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Fuck off
What the fuck bros this was supposed to be the savior of manime
>new Kino announced
>people excited for no fucking reason, as this piece of shit studio is said to be doing it
>key visual released, and what a surprise, it looks like complete shit
>people still in denial, saying "at least it's something!111", all the while ignoring any comparisons to the 2003 version
i can't believe people are actually still saying this shit looks good. they're even going as far as to say Lerche is a good studio even though they've only made one show that's even bearable.
Do what? That looks fine.
Why would anyone bother listening to 2003fags? They like to pretend the source material is irrelevant to explain why 2003 disregarded so much content and changed a bunch of shit.
Gee, Kino, how come your studio lets you have two subtitles?
Goddamn old potato Kino looks retarded
I'd say more like a cantaloupe than a potato.
They got the "reverse trap" part right, at least.
I don't even care, this just means more Kino merch and doujins
Does Kino get a love interest yet?
doggu looks really weird
Food, oh wait, wrong Kino
Ti looks good
Is this the guy who travels with master?
will we get the arc where master sends Kino off to learn how to make bombs?
>Is this the guy who travels with master?
>will we get the arc where master sends Kino off to learn how to make bombs?
Well the little girl likes hand grenades, so perhaps.
Oh man. The present Kino is so fucking sex. That budding breast is just amazing.
There was one guy Kino had stay with him for a day named Dismas. He was a doctor who specialized in euthanasia who was one of the few people who wasn't on the verge of starving to death or forcing her cooking down their throats to memorize it who genuinely enjoyed her cooking. Wasn't really romantic, but it was nice.
I think it's because his tongue isn't hanging out. Wonder how they'll animate him talking? I want to shove my face into his fur and rub his belly.
>after all these years people are still upset Kino ruined SaiGAR forever
As expected from the manliest man (female) ever.
Smaller boobs are more aerodynamic
Does the new anime mean we'll see more Kino lewds?
Not from Yugami Gooshu at least. His new waifu is a boatslut.
I adjusted her face a bit
So, what is the problem here exactly? Looks good.
Looks better.
Does she play mahjong?
Thigh Gap inspired by Kuroboshi Kouhaku too I guess?
This looks good. How many cours? 1 or 2?
Did they skip adaptation of 'Land without borders' in 2003 because of weed?
Is this a sequel or reboot?
Reboot, they are retelling the doggu story after all.
I hope they adapt some different stories and don't just do a scene by scene reboot of the original series.
Monstergirls and Phantasm were fine
Well shit, hopefully we get more than 12-13 episodes.
It doesn't mean it's a reboot. The doggu was in other chapters as well
Official site calls the series a 再TVアニメ化. It's a reboot.
Hahaha, beaten by the girl!
I want to put my head through Kino's thigh gap. Her legs are so fucking cute and dainty.
Ha, those designs suck ass. I knew it was going to be shit the moment they announced seiyuu change, but this is undeniably bad. Go ahead, defend this, faggots.
Looks better than the 2003 designs. I like girlier Kino.
>liking girly boys
What are you, a faggot?
The original looked like dogshit, don't try to pretend otherwise.
Spoiler: Kino gets a love interest. Here's her with her girlfriend.
TTGL did a lot more to ruin that autism festival than the couple Kinofags abusing proxies. I'm glad it died as early as it did.
>they made him a twig
Man fuck this.
It fits given how much of a fuccboi Shizu is. A muscular man like that losing to a small, scrawny little girl on several occasions is just pitiful.
Am I the only one who doesn't see a problem with these designs?
And I loved the first animated series.
Looks generic as fuck
>Am I the only one who doesn't see a problem with these designs?
They're more faithful to the LN so of course they're better.
Here's a picture of Kino and our kids.
To be honest, I don't see how will they be able to re-do the magic the 2003 version had.
I don't really remember but what was the reason they took this photo?
They're not even trying to re-do the magic of the prequel. Whole staff is different after all. They might be trying to pander a little to LN readers but designs are a bit different from kuroboshi style so it's hard to tell.
>One good show
>Phantasm, Monmuse, and gakkougurashi
Yeah I don't know about that one. I do agree that this probably won't be as good as the original. Its aesthetic was everything and this clearly won't have that. Also they changed the seiyuu to fucking Madoka, so nah.
New Kino is sex
But that was the thing that people kept anyone watching, its magic! the way things look, the sounds and the design!
It's on the boorus.
The camera didn't really have a film inside.
Is dude near Shisho new proto-Kino?
Looks better than twink fuckboi in the manga
The old show clearly had a miniscule budget to work with, and it was made at a time where most anime looked like trash due to the switch to digital animation and the growing pains that came with it. 2003 Kino tried to overcome those shortcomings with a ton of stylistic embellishments, which worked to its benefit, but it was still far from an aesthetic show. That said, this new series is looking kinda bland, and that's the worst thing that a Kino no Tabi adaptation can be. I'm still one of the more optimistic ones, though.
That's Shishou's not-fucktoy/driver. He's shorter than her.
Is he the most enviable character in anime?
It kinda feels like they're taking visual cues from the more modern volumes rather than the stylistic art style of the earlier volumes, at least as far as the colored pages are concerned. I hope they find a way to translate some of the monochrome chapter images to the show. Those always look great.
The Kino fanbase doesn't have enough secondaries to bait like that. Hell, I feel like a filthy casual and I was a huge fan of the anime back in 2003, watched all the OVAs and read the one LN that got an official release. But there's too much I'm not aware of, like who the little girl with Shizu is, or whether that woman in the top right is actually young Master, so I was keeping my mouth shut and hoping someone else would confirm it.
Current manga look
Roughly more than half of the LNs have been translated on baka-tsuki, so you can always start reading.
The white-haired loli is introduced in the epilogue of volume 8 (untuned-strings.blogspot.com
>Most likely only 12-13 episodes
>Land of Shared Pain and Land of Adults are almost guaranteed to be redone
>Land of the Colosseum is guaranteed to be redone in order to introduce Shizu
>Shizu gets his own episodes
>Master gets her own episodes
This is gonna be a complete clusterfuck if it doesn't get more episodes. Even if they don't redo any of the stories covered in 2003, Kino might only get as little as two new stories.
I kinda like that manga's art style over pic related.
Aoi in the lead guarantees it will get more seasons.
>they readapt the volcano country
>have some little girl voice Sakura
>decade later little girl voices Kino in the future readaption of Kino no Tabi
Makes me think of Hina from Hinamatsuri for some reason.
this show is kino
no shit
What's your favorite story from the series, Sup Forums?
This new show is also going to have a minuscule budget, don't act like it will look like something special.
Also, at least the original series had Nakamura to make it excellent even without a huge budget.
Fucking kill yourselves Sup Forums shitters.
I was just telling you guys the name of the eponymous show
What the fuck? Stop lying you dumb shit, if anything Nakamura improved the LNs.
He literally changed nothing from he original source.
From the series? I don't know. Maybe the start, with original Kino. Overall, probably Land of Seven Heroes.
>He literally changed nothing from he original source.
The library episode is drastically different from the original chapter.
This. The stories are often ham-handed and reductionist, but the anime was grounded by Nakamura’s directional choices. He poses these exaggerated stories of people’s failures as think-pieces about human nature, likening the anime to a dark fairy tale as opposed to a realistic depiction of humanity.
Without Nakamura it's only a (slightly) above par LN.
This is going to be the new Brotherhood vs 2003 isn't it?
But with the hack we have now, God knows how it can go!
>a realistic depiction of humanity.
I really wouldn't call some of the places or situations Kino and the other protagonists realistic. All the stories are parables or short stories and emphasis of them aren't to pose the mistakes of society and its peoples, but to present ideas and concepts and leave them for the reader to come to their own conclusions as Kino or the others interact with the residents and more importantly, to tell an interesting story. The world is a scary, terrible place, but it's not a dark and melancholy one when there's joy and happiness and peace to be found wherever you look as well.
carnival phantasm and gakkougurashi are both good.
They really shouldn't have made the dog a main character. Fucker got bit one day and Megu-nee chained him to a corner of a room to study it becoming a zombie, then threw it out the window when she was done. Miki suffered way more before meeting the club and they messed with the dynamic the manga presented with her being the odd man out. They removed Helicopter-kun, removed Yuki's post-fire scene but most importantly removed the fucking thigh-nibbling. That's the worst thing of all.