THIS IS WHERE THE FIGHT FOR EUROPE BEGINS. On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late. THE CAMPAIGN- .We need a list of Swedish laws concerning immigration from 1970-now. It doesn’t have to be comprehensive, but it does need the breakdown of votes from the 2 major parties. .We need a list of European mandates & regulations that Sweden has passed into law. .We need ideas for drawing publicity & sparkaing reactions from the left, and a list of contact information for Swedish news outlets. .If you have a reddit/flashback account, we need to start mining information. Specifically, we need to create & bump political threads & threads asking people’s opinions on the EU. We’re going to need that data, and it wouldn’t hurt to drop some redpills in the meantime. .Join the discord! We need to stay organised & active when the threads aren’t up.
Once the problems are at the forefront of every Sven’s mind, you’re free to pick which solution you think is more effective for Sweden’s current state.
THE CANDIDATES- .SVERIGEDEMOKRATERNA (Sweden Democrats) PROS- Wants to tackle the asylum issue, re-implementing Standards for asylum acceptance to drastically cut the number of approvals & encouraging those already in Sweden to leave; make those remaining respect Swedish customs and standards by ending multicult policies, and stop letting them get away with literal murder. CONS- Current thinking among the leadership is that they’ll become more electable by softening the policies that made them popular in the first place, so they’ve adopted a pro-israel CivNat stance & have gone full UKIP on more radical members of their party. As a result, they’ve fallen behind M in the polls, meaning Sweden might get four more years of the people who started the crisis in the first place. NORDFRONT (Nordic Resistance Movement) PROS- Openly NatSoc, Going further then the SD in their policies & fully Redpilled on the JQ. Good street presence, fantastic work in exposing the faults of the Swedish mainstream, including leaking covered-up stats. CONS- Openly state they’d prefer to get a far-left government in power to accelerate the collapse of Sweden in the hopes that they’ll be in a better position to win if they have no power, more migrants to fight & burnt bridges in every direction, then accept sharing the spotlight with the less redpilled. Prone to cause infighting if you settle on the attainable decent rather than suicidal odds on excellent. DET FRIA SVERIGE- .Not standing in the election or doing much political activism, but a social movement trying to restore conservative values & community. Not much to disagree with wherever you stand, and they could use your support. >IMPORTANT This is the kind of thing that the Swedes have to be made aware of. We have just over 6 months to get it through people's heads that their culture is being erased.
Hudson Rogers
Where the FUCK has /sweg/ been lately? I noticed threads died down a bit. Latest threads I browsed were when discord got (((infiltrated)))
Is everything daijobu now? Also no shill I've been consuming more NMR stuff lately and hope they do good shit for May 1st and Almedalen. Maybe next election they can be /ourguys/
Sweden's current development is the inevitable evolutionary future of every modern, civilized society. When people become aware of issues that were previously deemed non-issues, progressive law and debate is necessary.
Logan Clark
>NMR You think they will succeed? kek These days even being a moderat is enough to be branded a horrible racist so...yeah kek
Ethan Howard
Hopefully. We're still here, focus right now is to get Swedes to open their eyes about this
Hunter Barnes
Levi Wilson
We had some trouble with NMR trying to obstruct the threads becaus the goal was to get SD elected and build on a small victory, and they took that as complete endorsement of SD. So we tried posting some operation-only threads for a while. They didn't take off. So in order to avoid losing any more activity on the threads due to a misunderstanding, we've edited the OP to lay out the voting options instead.
Blake Ortiz
Gabriel Williams
Alright lads, thanks for the update. You're doing gods work
The NQ (nmr question) is a difficult one to navigate for sure. They obviously dont have broad appeal and cannot do much other than change the overton window in this election, but who knows what will happen in the next 5-10 years when the multiculti intensifies
What are you guys opinion on the Akilov case? Is it mass redpilling the normies or do you believe people see it as an isolated incident? There's 2000 more of these islamic extremist fuckers so I've no doubt this will keep happening but I'm torn on the effects it has/will have
Connor Campbell
Many Swedes are being redpilled these last years and Akilov is one of the reasons (as should be). But all the other factors play in too of course, we just need to keep pushing the truth.
Jordan Hughes
Sadly, it's not going to be enough on it's own. Just another "oh, how awful! Well, good thing it's an isolated case!" And the cycle continues. Collected together, though? Put the whole picture in font of people's faces every day for the next six months, and you're one step closer to never having another Akilov again.
Tråkigt att SVT inte kunde publicerat bilden första gången när hon blev överfallen (av en invandare är mest troligt), då hade ju folk kunnat länka till en trovärdig källa. Det var inte en svart som gjorde det, det var faktiskt en babbe.
Tyler Scott
Nolan Ramirez
>next 5-10 years when the multiculti intensifies More multiculti will prolly = more islamic parties Not kidding, JaSin was an islamic party that wanted to run in this years election not sure why they didnt but there was a dispute and then look at MP, they are heavily influenced by islamists
>Is it mass redpilling the normies or do you believe people see it as an isolated incident? I dont think its redpilling many because the debate is moving too slow People still think its racist to question ethnicity and crime stats and this wont change
Keep pushing the truth but we aware that the social stigma is still there, it doesnt take much for you to be branded as a racist.
Ayden Flores
Can i know what you guys are talking about ? I personaly hope that there are some party that will stop all non-european immigration to Sweden
Jason Johnson
SD will do that. They only want to let in refugees from neighboring countries in case of war.
Colton Lee
You're aware of the pew research I'm guessing? The muslims won't have electoral success for a long time yet. Honestly a muslim party and sharia courts would be good redpills at the moment I believe. We need more of them showing how different to us and our values they truly are, refusing to shake hands with females and things like that. Especially since a political representative of muslims would be one of the "good" educated ones
However if things keep progressing the way they are and muslims are 20% of the population or more in 20-30 years then things will look really bleak since they vote as a bloc and stick to their own and their values
Kayden Clark
And there's this.
John Ross
Evan Rogers
>You're aware of the pew research I'm guessing? Somewhat but i cant keep up with all their reports I think its a scary thought that the migrants are running the shit nowadays
>However if things keep progressing Problem is alot of places have 50-90% of people age 0-14 as muslim or migrants What happens when they grow up and get to vote?
Logan Ortiz
Get ready for the Bogs UN speech on freedom.
This bog is for SWEDEN
Wyatt Rogers
Wasn't this just Sup Forums propaganda
Mason Miller
>letting a rumour convince you God, what a useless woman
Cameron White
how about connecting islam with homosexuality, posters with faggots fucking in a mosque dragqueens taking of their high heels to pray white women in burkas something like that
This is what I am referencing. In 2050 Sweden will be 20-30% muslim according to this research. It varies based on the model used to predict it and that has to do with migration levels in coming years
So we have time to turn the ship around, but things are getting dire. This is prime redpill material and there have been infographics about this research in previous threads, but normies will either attack the source, claim (hurr we shut the borders already so this will not happen) or just virtue signal that 30% muslim Sweden is fine
Obviously it is not and your fears of muslim electoral success will be a reality if we cannot change this predicted outcome. Thats why we are all here I guess, so I am not really contributing anything new or insightfull.. just kinda giving my 0.02$ on muslim pop in Sweden and their ability to influence society at the moment I guess
Zachary Harris
SD wants to stop all asylum seekers but they're fine with labor immigration. They have some people in the party talking about repatriation, but hopefully they'll push more for that in the future.
Carter Sanchez
kek good thinking. I was also thinking about using imported MRSA.
Jacob Myers
revealing their true colors once again
Parker Watson
Yeah news articles are Sup Forums propaganda. Wez control da news mang! we iz anonomouse!
Oliver Myers
problem isnt only islamic parties In the sububs or Göteborg a whopping 98% voted for S in one election when Mona Sahlin came out there These parts are growing and they depend on gibs, they will vote for the party that provides gibs no matter the cost
We need to turn things around, quick
Jason Parker
Between the ages 0-44 37% are non ethnic Swedes. This replacement has gone far and it's rather actute. Muslims tend to vote for S or such, as far as I know there's no registred Islamic party, serves a purpose I'm sure.
Angel Rodriguez
>non ethnic Swede That implies finish, danish and norwegian people too im sure and i dont have a problem with those I have an issue with the middle eastern and africans
Christopher Reyes
Adrian Bennett
Yes but the Finish who used to be the largest is now the second largest. Not too long ago in the 70s Sweden was pretty much an ethnostate.
Juan Martinez
>Not too long ago in the 70s Sweden was pretty much an ethnostate. ugh, dont remind me but the issue is not european migration I dont mind that migration as much, its problematic in some cases for sure but manageable
its the non-european one thats hurtful
Thomas Flores
Putting the largest European groups together (excluding Romania) the number is around 4% (on that list). We also don't know how many of said germans, danes etc are non ethnic.
Bentley Young
Finland is #2 as of 2017, truly a historic moment in history
Hjälp det svenska folket genom att hjälpa oss sprida sanningen. :)
Anthony Reed
Ethan Garcia
ignore nmr shitposters
Brandon Peterson
Som du förmodligen vet radikaliseras inte människor över en natt. Det borde du ha märkt i och med att du bor i Sverige. Med tanke på läget vi har är det god tid att börja dock. De personer som hävdar invandringen inte för några problem med sig är väldigt bluepillade. De förkastar allting som har med natsoc att göra utan att överhuvudtaget göra några associationer. När det kommer till propaganda gäller det att vara smart. Vi har inte mycket tid kvar, vill du hjälpa ditt folk på riktigt är det dags att dra ditt strå till stacken, låt inte ditt folk dö ut.
Jose Diaz
Gör du absolut ingenting är du inte mycket bättre än rasförrädarna S.
William Rivera
Shitpost for your party all you like. But we're not here to infight, we're here to work and get more activity.
Anthony Peterson
New campaign proposal. >Swexit, Yes ! Pls, make this shit happen.
Evan Lopez
Daniel Perry
Äsh inget att oroa dig för, ju värre Sverige blir ju mer radikaliserade blir våra landsmän. För varje valår ser jag folk hoppa ett steg längre in i radikaliseringen.
De som röstade S och insåg att de gick åt helvete hoppar till M. De som röstade M och insåg att de gick åt helvete hoppar till SD. De som röstar SD och insåg att de gick åt helvete hoppar till NMR. Snart är vi alla dödsnazistrasister och kan fasha tillsammans. Sieg heil!
Easton Long
Du borde läsa mer om hur människan fungerar innan du gör sådana uttalanden. Den vita rasen utmärker sig med högt medel IQ, visa att du förstår det. Våran folkgrupp krymper snabbt, vi har inte flera år på oss. Judarna är också en väldigt smart grupp, underskatta aldrig fienden. Du kommer ångra det.
Jose Watson
Accelerationism is a jewish meme, user. You don't make your country better by making it wose and doing nothing to stengthen your position in the meantime. But i agree on the attitude. Whether they do good or bad, an SD influence in a parliament where they aren't blocked out is going to swing voters to the right.
Xavier Clark
>IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT*IMPORTANT If we can turn EU membership into a voting issue for this election, it's going to strengthen the hand of the right since the mainstream parties are all cucked on the issue. For that, we're going to need material on the EU.
Henry Howard
Forgot to link There's some good stuff in here, certainly as a place to start.
Chilla med domedagssnacket kompis, du kommer bara skrämma upp dig själv och trycka i dig för mycket svarta piller. Europa har varit med om bra mycket värre. Det kommer ordna sig.
Ryan Moore
Har du en med gult kors och blå text i korset? Gärna med sopgubben med.
Samuel Bennett
Isaac Martin
Svarta piller är när du ger upp och accepterar nederlag, defeatism. Jag gör motsatsen. Hur mycket vet du egentligen om JQ? Det har varit i rullningen ett bra tag ska du veta, inte bara de senaste 100 åren. Du gör precis vad judarna vill att du ska göra just nu.
Landon Stewart
Luis Ortiz
It's thanks to the EU we have thousands of gypsy beggars from Balkan on our streets
Dominic Foster
Ian Stewart
Nicholas Jackson
Fixar snart
Adam Morris
Joseph Watson
Matthew Bell
Are there any polls that show support for each party by demographic?
Aiden Gomez
Judarna har blivit utslängda ur sina värdenationer 359 gånger sedan 733 Lugn i stormen, de kommer ske igen. Precis som du säger, folk radikaliseras inte över en natt. Det är dumt om du sätter kaffet i fel strupe och drunknar innan vi hunnit komma någon vart. Du gör ingen nytta genom att skrämma upp dig själv. Det kommer ordna sig, ta det lugnt och informera folk om hur samhället ser ut i lugn och fin takt. Börjar du skrika om domedagsprofetior kommer de tolk dig lika seriöst som de som var rädda för 2012, y2k, etc.
Cooper Reyes
So because Europe's been in bad situations before, It's acceptable to plunge headfirst into civil war with the rapefugees, at least half your own country, and any EU nation that might have a vested interest in keeping the situation under control all fighting against you? We didn't get out of those situations through suicidal last stands, user. At least not untill we'd exhausted everything else.