Found this vice article from 2005, couldn't believe it's still up after all these years. Especially considering the Vice SJW takeover
Other urls found in this thread:
Archive broke images so here's the link
Vice was pretty non-political back in the day and was just drug addicts stealing articles from newswires and thinking up stupid experiments to do whilst on drugs
I remember talking about Vice in artschool in the late 00s and I said I liked Vice because they made fun of liberals and everyone looked at me like I had 2 heads
that's pretty funny op. Shame that vice is so political now because they usually make top notch documentaries
I really liked VICE before the globalist shills took over
I only read threads that have pictures of a woman’s ass
Phat bottom girls make the world go round
Vice made its name with a nigger hate thread ( a bunch of documentaries about General Butt Naked and the cannibal warlords of Liberia )
dirty nigger
that was such a good documentary. Is that what made them famous?
Well, do you have two heads?
Why is the median mental maturity on Sup Forums Sup Forums 12 years old?
What ceilinged your minds to have certain dimensions stop evolving at age 12?
Is it related to high sugar intake, coupled with excessive hollywood garbage tv?
Or is this just to be expected from a human race that is 99.98% non-vegan and 99.8% subtly-mutated (genetically)?
Wtf vice was right wing?
it's been so long, i forgot vice used to be good and i would watch it regularly
now when i see a vice link my cursor instinctively moves away
That's Jim Goad m88. How new are ya?
it used to be very un-PC
I remember when the world hadn't gone completely insane yet.
I think it was the Bulgarian nukes black sea story
Reminder that pic related founded Vice and left when it became a nest of SJWs and Marxists.
>reading at all
user I...
>the truth picks sides
No, you sweet naive child. Back in what they call, the day, facts mattered and people paid them proper credence
Vice was started by Gavin McInnes
Im only gonna explain this once cuz you dumbfucks only appear to know what Sup Forums tells you about jews.
Jews don't like the schwartz's (blacks) at all. Why does Lansky (jew) own blacked dot com and we see all the shilling for it? First because SJW are morons thinking they are working for their cause, but ultimately it's not to normalize interracial relationships; Instead it's to create racial divide.
Take it for what you want.
that Jim Goad guy is edgy
Use this to redpill libs, their conditioning will make them accept any message if it's formulated in the way they're used to (and that's a good thing).
what's Sup Forums's actual opinion on him? i think he's actually pretty funny, though i don't agree with some of his opinions
It wasn't written by VICE writers, it was written by Jim Goad who was hired to write a few things then FIRED for the article you linked to. Ask him about it, he's on twitter and such.
That article wasn't right or left wing. Are the kind of person that thinks whatever you like falls under your definition of "right" vs things you don't like under "left"?
pretty much what i think
most of Sup Forums is unsurprisingly obsessed with the dildo incident
He's good for the underage fags. Gen Z should all have their Proudboy phase before they join the alt right.
Idk, why are you such an obvious shill?
Someone should inform the ADL that shane smith is peddling such antisemitic filth, don't you think?
Wait, schwartz is black? What kind of a surname is Schwarzenegger then?
More or less the same as you. He's entertaining and I like how he trolls supposedly pro news casters all to hell. Especially the women. They get mad as fuck. Like that one where he was telling the woman that she'd be much happier being a housewife and having kids coming to greet her whenever she gets home and she literally starts shaking. Great stuff.
WTF did I just read?? Thanks OP. Made my day. I used to like vice reporting. Watched it on HBO and liked it. Turned it on HBO a week ago, and it was a solid hour of trump bashing.
Nice to remember it wasn’t always so.
Krokodil doc was good too
>have 300 heads
>they look at me like I just have two
I always assumed it means pic related, I am not austrian tho
The Heavy Metal Gangs of Wadeye was pretty good, too. Australian aboriginals would divid up into groups based on heavy metal bands, and then kill each other over it.
That was a good article. Wtf happened to vice?
The author is Jim Goad, a pretty interesting guy. He is a big Trump supporter and does a good job at slapping the left down, although he doesn’t have a huge platform.
He recently has been tweeting about the white nationalist Nicolas Cruz hoax and the Redneck Revolt antifag inciting the violence that made James Fields fled for his safety and hit that hamplanet with his car in Charolettesville last August.
Another good article by him that’s much better written imo.
I used to read their "Idiot of the week" segment every day and then when that disappeared I had nothing to do but attack people on vice facebook comments. They removed the ability to add photo comments to their posts now I put 0 traffic into that site. It was great, albeit some degenerate content, but pre-2008 it was much less PC. Even pre-2014 it still had some integrity 2016 was the year of the pro-cuck articles and I realized the Vice takeover was complete.
Someone should clip it into an image. They'll remove it shortly once they see traffic from Sup Forums.
>Jim Goad
He became an Alt-Right podcaster. His claim to fame is a prison record.
Oh, the nigger's funny as hell. There are times when I think he doesn't give a shit about this whole "western chauvinism" thing, that he's really just a comedian doing a bit and taking his act to an alternative series of venues from the club circuit. Not particularly smart or insightful, but he's hilarious.
His book is pretty shit, though.
Man I miss old Vice
I'm trying to make an unpozzed VICE and have spent a lot of time and hundreds of dollars trying to find writers. It's very hard, close to impossible. After 2 years of emailing over 1000 people I still have no non-SJW writers. 100% of the submissions are SJW and I've had to write anything non-SJW myself, despite offering to pay.
Any of you interested in writing or know someone who might be?
Everyone did.
There was even significant resistance once they hired that sjw cunt before she jumped ship to salon
I think one of the most important facts to know about slavery is that it was illegal in the USA until a fucking black man wanted to fuck over another black man and took it to court.
Back then, if you went into debt, you could end up in debtors prison. Well this is pretty much where a lot of indentured servants came from. A man would "pay off the debt" and then the prsioner would be indebted to that man for some finite amount of labor. Slavery started because a black man didn't want to give up his indentured servant and our legal system is fucked.
Somewhere along the lines, the laws changed. Originally Americans were only allowed to own one slave of their same race. I bet 100 shekels Jews were involved in much of the legislative support for slavery
holy shit, I can't believe this is real
Can i have sause
cuz i need it to plea...
research purposeses
sure. should I contact you on there or do you have a throwaway mail for that purpose?
DM or email if serious.
underrated krautbantz
have an archive
How can you not have some admiration for a guy who ironically created a men's club that routinely kicks the shit out of antifa for lols
Jews buy out and ruin everything.
>eg: the gaming industry
Liberals outlawed success.
You can only be successful in the virtual world now, and liberals are trying to outlaw that, too.
Vince's coverage of Anita Sarkeesian was what made me stop reading their shit. Haven't missed them at all. It was shocking how quickly they were taken over though, it was maybe a matter of three months between that coverage and then every post being "muh white males"
I used to write for Horse-news back in the day, before there started to be a more obvious political dicide among the writers.
>not answer me and the suicide issue that was said to inspire cobain to be come an hero. Or the rape issue that landed him in court
>not the Redneck manifesto
Yeah, prison is why he's got any claim to fame
>Why is the median mental maturity on Sup Forums Sup Forums 12 years old?
I'm sure you're bringing it up
thanks, user
she pissed herself?
It means black acres, like black soil/fertile land.
Holy fuck that article is solid. If that was written today, the writer would be out of a job, hounded by media, put on 'hate lists' etc.
A mere 13 years ago...
Really shows how far the rot has taken hold doesn't it? The boiling frog is overdone at this point.
probably because it's fucking disgusting and nobody wants that kind of fag around them
You sound like leftist.
Gavin McInnes was one of the founder of vice.
This, lobertarian or whatever shows stuff up his ass for some reason opinion discarded.
Ok. I'll get back to you as soon as I consulted the counsel.
lol. Like I said, impossible. No wonder culture is going left-wing when only one side is literate.
>"The oldest synagogue in America was built by Aaron Lopez, a Jewish slave trader"
How do we get BLM to turn on the Jews and tear down this synagogue of slavery?
The left has driven many people to the dark web because anything you say, can and will be used against you by anyone who can do a search query for your name. It could be appealing to write under a false identity but giving honest opinions is just asking to be targeted by trolls
What? You asked if I knew someone who'd be interested, and I do. Might even talk to the lad tonight. I could write shit for you as well but it would be more expensive since I am not a neet.
Their videos they snuck in North Korea were pretty good
>"The oldest synagogue in America was built by Aaron Lopez, a Jewish slave trader"
Holy shit, if this was published today, it's be considered ebil alt right propaganda. Seems like alot of things which would have been normal to say 20 years are now considered "problematic". No doubt, the (((left))) has done a great job kg shifting the overton window all the way to the left. We should dig more of these things up to show how extreme everything has gotten.
>Complains about art
>On a forum that was created to discuss art
the absolute state of mutt education
Proud Boy Magazine has a bunch of not SJW writers
Aka bought out by jews.
It will surely eventually be deleted from the site so I saved it as a separate file. Do keep spreading the truth, user.
>Sup Forums
Go back to watching your women get denigrated by invaders Hans
>a Korean ntr forum
The absolutely state of kraut cuckoldry.
if you post asses long enough on pol, this will become hornier than /b
Like my tip?
deposity 2 rupee in muh BA
Vice is almost a tabloid, vice news is a completely different companies.
The Ukraine and ISIS dispatch vlogs they use to post were raw.