Where you were when rockney foresaw the death of your waifu?
Tower of God
>implying the author even has the balls to kill off Androssi
Bam would fucking murder Rachel if that happened and the we wouldn't have that 'when will Rachel stab us in the back' tension anymore.
Bam wouldnt do anything to Rachel even if she were to kill all his friends.
How many of Bam s party do you think she has hurt?
She even killed chiken ninja.
>She even killed chiken ninja.
It was very long ago, but I don't think she's done it personally?
Now, Akraptor on the other hand.
Has Bam even interacted with chicken man more than 2 minutes? That's so long ago I can't even remember. He's way closer to Androssi than some random chickenman.
Androssi is literally the main girl. Yuri's just a nee-san and rachel hates his guts.
>the death of your waifu?
Androssi is my waifu, not Rachel.
>Bam wouldnt do anything to Rachel even if she were to kill all his friends.
Baam has his moments but he is not that retarded.
Then why he is still helping Rachel even tough he said he was over her a long time ago?
>hey the plot device with plot armor now also got a plot weapon
im so close droping this piece of ass webtoon, just kill her and be done with it at this point the story doesn't need her.
Bam is a fucking cuck
I want Androssi to look down on me with her cold eyes while harshly scolding me on how the tower works.
Because he is not fully honest with himself. When he will learn that she is responsible for the death of two of his friends his attitude with her will change for sure.
Baam should just give Androssi the D already.
That stingray looks like Demaro's in Tails Got Trolled.
I don't think that speaks too good about the incoming quality of this story arc.
Don't forget she killed Akraptor, a personal friend and teammate of Bam's
What really bothers me it's that SIU should abandon the shonen style for a little while, clear some crucial things in the plot (Wagnan's role, Rak in the memory chamber, Baam's true feelings for Rachel and/or Androssi, or why Rachel is so unfairly lucky on a cosmic level) and finally continue climbing the tower. I mean, there is a limit of how much tension you can build before it finally breaks or people lose interest and stop reading.
Honestly, it looks like southkoreans love endless stories as much as they love endless grinding MMOs
Don't think Hwa Ryun will die that easily.
Clearing the Hell Train is part of the Tower climb.
at this point i would be glad if the author kill Androssi off so Bam will finally have some motivation to murder Rachel.
Yeah, but how much have they been on that? Not even the Workshop batlle took that long, and even then you had plot progression and character development for a lot of people, not just Baam
Not animu and mango, fuck off
This is the last floor and it'll be the end. There has been progression for more people than Baam IMO. SIU posted that the Rachel_Baam-Androssi relationship will be more explored on this floor.
So fill me in, did Endrosi only want to meet Garam so she could become her slut enabler?
Androssi is pure.
Well she wanted to have somebody say her that fucking Baam is is a-okay. I mean as much as I second the notion that he is hot, she is supposed to be in celibacy and all that
>Androssi is a pure slut
Well its a progression like any other desu. And while Name Hunt did overstay its welcome, Floor of Death, its quality aside, is probably the most vital/interesting floor on the tower (next to 77th and 134th) so it makes sense a lot of time was spent there.
>next to 77th and 134th
Either you mistyped, or gooks are far more advanced on the story than translation let know which is a good thing, it convinces me that the damn story will move forward in a near future
No, i meant that. Out of floors of the towers, the ones that are easily the most important are 43 (no guardian), 77 (headquaters of Wing Tree & one of only 2 levels not ruled by zahard) and 134 (top of current tower). They have not been there yet, but from setting standpoint, those 3 easily stand out.
She wants to fuck him since S1. Garam reminded her that it's going to be hell if she keeps trying to do that.
I am aware, but she was all like "wow you are really not doing bad out here, guess ill be fine".
>guess ill be fine
She will, right?
3 levels; second floor , floor of death and the floor of Urek
Floor of death is 43, urek's is 77. I guess second and first are also kind of important
Baam knows why he's here now. He should look at both sides of the story before making a decision. But first he has to remove Rachel.
Also, who do you think Gustang was talking to?
My first guess would be Mecseth, but not sure how rachel would be his pawn. Mirchea would be obvious but Gustang strikes me as someone incredibly haughty and someone who would consider him inferior.
I meant floors without the goverment of Zahard. The second floor was under someone called Evankhell and he was in good terms with Zahard if I recall correctly
>who do you think Gustang was talking to?
Oh, right sorry. But if i recall correctly, Evankhell is actually not underling of Zahard (in fact, SIU stated he killed previous ruler who was zahard's), even though his relationship with empire doesnt seem that bad.
What I should have said is "floors that have rulers that aren't under zahard", which would be more accurate (since 1st and 43rd dont have any to begin with)
I wonder why Evankhell was hyped even back in the beginning of the Season 1 and yet we haven't seen him yet.
Well he was absent for plot reasons (so Yuri and her squad wont get smashed by him) and introducing him right now for sake of introducing someone strong makes no sense because SIU already dropped stronger characters.
I bet once we go back to FUG stuff (politics, not Karaka babysitting White) he might show up. Maybe together with Hwaryuns and Madaraco plot?
Because SIU plans to use him later. We have not even see the face of Zahard and most of the heads despite their hype.