Left or right?
Left or right?
Both are dogshit but I'd rather take left over the chest cancer one.
Right, but only because left is a terrible fucking edit.
Left, but only if her thighs were thin too
Right but I'd rather have Tooru.
I am genuinely confused as to why I don't have my own Tohru yet. Presumably there's been some sort of admin error, and she'll be turning up tomorrow.
Right, because she smiles, looks happy and confident.
Left is my favorite bodytype.
What kind of sick fuck would make that thing on the left?
this but left because i'm not into titty monsters
SJW? Though I guess the might've made her fatter too.
This is what a real anime girl looks like!
Left doesn't seem very happy.
*unzpis dick*
>All these DFC fags desecrating the image of a THICC Goddess
Your blasphemy hasn't gone unnoticed.
Her hope and dreams were stolen by a filthy photoshopper. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue them titties?
You're gay son, and that's a fact
Her titties were ridiculous but, left looks extremely boring and realistic, her whole torso looks square and not fun to look at. I bet she'd look better with Tooru-size tits.
Honestly either is fine.
Right is an Aztec goddess. Left is a Mexican with a weird hair job.
You need to go outside first
the left is right
you sick
The clear choice.
>main focus is on her thighs/hips
Left is the only choice.
I want right to have lefts mouth.
>Right hand peace sign
>Left hand displaying ring
Then who tok pictur?e
she probably used her pterodactyl goddess magic to do it
Why would she be sad? Tits mean happiness. Many women pay for their and she got a pair for free.
Right. Left it literally HERESY!!!!!!
of cause right
Right you damn idiot.
Delete left right this instant
Bigger is always better
Oh shit for real?
Thanks user
That guy is like gook sparrow
Left was made on Sup Forums, so I take the pure Sup Forums option.
what about cancer
where are the nipples
Well lets just stick to breasts
i don't see any difference.
Delete left. It's a sacrilege.
I would rape left so hard the friction between my titanium hard penis and her terrified vagina would cause us to burst into flames, resulting in the hottest sex ever recorded by man
When will Minori get her own show?
When I win the lottery.
But what would it even be about?
a fox is fine too
How can one shota contain so much homosexuality?
left is superior
If Tawawa can get away with "girl with huge tits just existing" then so can Minori.
Not today user, not today!
How is that even a question
Who's her love interest?
Cause she's drawn with a shota sometimes and then other times unfortunately she's with some faceless creepy dude.
Left just looks weird now
What is this, super duper sumos?
A 10/10 Chad who would have the looks and outgoing personality to land a sexual dynamo like Minori. I mean let's be honest here.
Eh well I'd prefer that to some bore.
Minori seems to be growing a little horizontally these days.
Well her name was originally O-cup-chan
Bless kunaboto
Is that recent? I mean that's literally as big as a watermelon, a decent sized one too.
Actually no I just saved that one and it's pretty old
Big tits just make it harder to detect, flat girls are just as susceptible.
Right because I want to protect that smile.
Right because I'm not a huge homosexual.
if you don't like big breasts, you are a homosexual
prove me wrong
Right. Her design is total shit, but at least she has boobs going for her.
>not posting the edit where her tits are even bigger
This guy gets it.
Fix that for you.
Also, left.
>implying flat girls aren't the most unhappy cunts on the planet
Cowtits = happy girls.
Anime needs wet t-shirt contests
This. I like THICC as much as my next brother of dark skin but Lucoa was too much; proportionally Tohru's chest is about as large as you can go without looking ridiculous. Had they downsized Lucoa's tits to nearer Tohru's they'd have made the perfect not-dragon and anyone attempting to change her would have to fight me over the internet.
Lucoa was total perfection. Tohru was the absolute boring vanilla normal. Elma was fat butt central.
when is this body type going to become the trend?
Obesity is already all around you user. Go harpoon yourself a good one.
Me on the right
Right because boobs
Squarewave manga when?
they sure as shit don't look like that
None of the dragons had vanilla bodies. Tohru was the most balanced but all of her curves were still phenomenal even if her bust wasnt as over the top as Lucoa's joke tits. She or anyone of her body shape would definitely drop jaws in real life.
Muronaga is doing his best to fill the hole in my heart methonium left
>real life
It's not real life though. It's anime. For an anime, Tohru was vanilla. Lucoa was the only one turning heads in that show. Bigger = better.