Why don't you like strong women?

why don't you like strong women?
do you want weak womanly sons?

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A strong woman is not feminine.
Women are not suppose to be strong , they are suppose to be caring and nurturing.
Millions of years of evolution have made women into weak creatures with less brain matter than men because it was an evolutionary advantage and only those kind of women reproduced.
Women give birth
Men provide
This is why strong women are just retarded penis envious cunts that will never achieve a mans level of strength.

wasnt that bitch a dyke?

shhh, don't ruin his fantasies

>He wants to have soyboy sons.

Poast Moar

Who said I don't like strong women? I like my women to be fit.

Why does that fish have breasts?

Isn't that a tranny?

It's also why despite countless support initiatives and a diabolically complicated societal structure, women are not even remotely as productive as men in the same jobs, mental and physical.
As ever with the bell curve some women can rise above the top, but there are more smart niggers than there are feministypically strong women, the number is minute.