This anime is fucking awful

This anime is fucking awful.

Nah it's alright

Just read the manga.

Just make the anime not shit.

This, the reason they animate it is so that people that dont want to pick up the manga can just watch it.

If you are mad for berserk anime remember this shit has a god tier animation

It's the toothiest anime ever made.


Thiq anime is what you deserve for not wanting to pick up the manga

This shit right here is why I'm almost glad we'll never see Claymore continued.

It has to be animated to be considered an anime.

>the movies were absolute shit, terrible pacing and bad CGI

>the movies are amazing now

Was the anime all a plot to get people to buy the movies?

>abs on his chest

>friend of mine has only watched the new Berserk
>he likes it


Tell your friend to fucking kill himself.

They were good back then as well.

just end my suffering already

Its more popular than any version thats been made so far

prove it

Why would you not want to pick up the manga?