
I'll give credit where credit's due here.


Im against gun control so i think next best option to protect kids at school is to use metal detectors just like all the nigger schools use. There would be an astronomical amount of gun shootings at nigger schools if they didn't already have detectors, you know I'm right.

While kids are filing through the detectors, clustered and crowded into a confined space, little Johnny enacts his revenge in full rage.

how bad is the problem really? I read 36 shootings so far this year and then when you looked up the cases it could be a suicide in a school parking lot etc that counted towards it. And remember over 300 million people live there, so we're talking not even 0,1% percentage of the population lose their life to shootings. How many people die yearly because of places like mcdonalds?


It’s not really an issue statistically. They just get a lot of press each time because it’s children and they’re being used to push an agenda. When niggers in the hood do drive bys it’s we need mo money fo dem programs.

mass shootings are a complete non-issue. most gun deaths are from suicide, followed by nogs killing each other

The trucks of peace aren't a real issue either, the merkel blocks are but a minor annoyance.

Nigs nogging at school only happens in America?