>Death stare initialized
>tracking target
>a shit found
Why didn't she kill both Bert and Reiner right then and there? She could've spared us at least 30 chapters of fillers.
Shingeki no Kyojin
I will literally fucking fade you if you post annie in the thread
AA now.
JM soon
LM never.
Here is a god. Also a MAN.
Because you are speedreader and a speed watcher.
She isn't just a heartless monster user.
Not even caught up on the manga, fell behind shortly after I fucking forgot where. Definitely caught up on the anime though, did they ever explain the reason why she didn't kill them both though?
He's not dead if he's alive in my heart.
>mfw unless current mikasa is pregnant or some shit she should be somewhere around levi-tier
>literally stronger than ape titan
Dude what the fuck
We haven't even seen her unleash her full potential yet, no one knows how strong she is. She practically took FT one on one, not once but twice.
I just broke no fap for mikasa
You fapped to bara?
I remember the first time I saw pic related, was on like a two months no fap and had to quit it.
That's pretty gay dude
She's a girl dude.
Say that again?
>tfw no male gf
she is all girl bro with the mentality of a loyal bro
Mikasa is so hot
I'd snort a wasabi line off each of her abs.
My wishes for season 3:
>it actually comes out in spring of 2018
>more scenes of Uri and Kenny
>Kenny doesn't have a super deep voice, sounds more like Trevor from GTA5
>Uprising arc gets un-fucked
>more UK scenes
Uprising arc was doomed from the start, wtf were they thinking doin an arc about historia?
Mikasa a slut. Hisu a cute.
Uprising is my favourite arc. I feel that the characters who get a focus are some of the most interesting. I'm looking forward to it a lot.
Lets give love to this thread too!
What's wrong with Historia? The arc is absolutely necessary but it could be made much better. I hope they keep in the shit machine and Armin crossdressing, though. Those are highlights. And of course, more UK scenes, less talking about nothing/repeating shit we already know scenes.
Uprising might be better in anime, better paced and flashbacks better placed
who /bestAckerman/ here?
>most loyal waifu
I hope so.
>ywn go to sleep with your face buried in Mika butt.
That would be quite the hard surface
So she's got some schoolgirl crush. Doesn't mean she would actually be loyal. Deep down she's just a slut.
Hell that's probably why Eren doesn't kiss her, he's afraid of having his heart broken.
Uri Reiss is ugly! UGLY!
That's okay user, I don't judge by butt or tit size.
D-Delet this. He's cute.
Only psychos can kill people without hesitation while looking them in the eye, unless they've been trained specifically to kill other people.
Uri a cute.
>What's wrong with Historia?
No abs, no butt, no cute personality.
>Isayama tried so hard to make Historia waifu bait that it ended up making Mikasa look more appealing in the end
Nothing can make me not love her. She'll always be my waifu.
Is Eren sterile?
I expected to hate everything involving Marley when it was introduced as a concept, but seeing the story of RBA really made me enjoy it. I hate this.
Yes. If he weren't, Armin would be pregnant by now.
>found out your sexual target is dying in 8 years
>did nothing
Is there any hope left for EMfags at this point?
>Armin Reiss
So that setup of the Paradisians needing to use both Eren and Armin to sink the investigatory ships it's pretty much confirmed Eren or Armin solo'd them.
What if Armin extracted some of his own spinal fluid, and fed it to Eren in secret? What if Eren is a Colossal Attack Titan?
Marley itself isn't interesting to me, but the Warriors are. The only thing about Marley that interests me is Magath. And WarHammer-kun, I guess, but I wouldn't necessarily lump him in with the Marley themselves.
Yes, neither of the two will die.
>Doesn't mean she would actually be loyal
You seriously need to stop projecting your own slutness on anime characters
As cool as that sounds if it were possible Eren would be too OP and Warhammer would be obliterated so I doubt it
I'm no whore like mikasa is. One person is all I need.
She's not a whore though?
>One person is all I need.
>You say so, but deep down you just a slut.
Do we know that? We're not getting a sex scene or full confession (I hope), but there might be some indication after the timeskip that their relationship has progressed somewhat.
Nah, I'm not mikasa. With her, you can just tell.
Little Erwin deserves ____?
Annie is kill
A good dicking.
That's right! He's so sweet.
I don't think so.
So now that the last chapter confirmed EH, the only real question is who will Mikasa end up with?
Do not feed him
Hange will become the female titan.
Why are people saying this? What the fuck is this meme?
Mikasa is waifu for laifu
Does the female titan have to be female?
It would be nice, she would get her eye back
Zeke loves Pieck so much.
Just EHwhales being deluded as usual.
>Mikasa Ackerman
>A virgin
She has only given herself to Eren.
Funny joke, but the next best candidate is Jean.
EM forced as fuck, just read/watch episode 50, even at the face of death she still can't tell him that she loves him. Outside of saving him which part of their relationship is charming, hell Eren and Jean are better in interacting with each other and dont make me bring up Hisu Their goals already pushing each other apart. Eren wants to be free by doing dangerous shits but Mikasa wants to contain him. This relationship is doomed from the start. Mikasa deserves better than someone who doesn't love her romantically.
Cute idea but delusional. It's just a crush, hiding her true colours.
stop trying so hard you deluded EHfag
>I will literally let old men lick my butt for infos fags telling anyone their waifu is shit
Fire and ice, he stops her from going numb to the world and she stops him from burning himself up. Eren's probably too messed up to have a proper romance with anyone but if it could be with someone it would be Mikasa.
P.S. if you are a Jeanfag you are being rather subtle.
I'll lick Mikasa's butt.
If you think there's even a slim chance of EH happening, you should probably reread the manga and consider how shallow their dynamic really was.
>thread is just shipping and waifuwars
Wew. I take it you all didn't like the last chapter?
inb4 one side replies blaming the other for the shitposting
I just want to marry Mikasa user.
I'm a Jeanfag and Erenfag but not a fujo. I don't want Jean to end up with Mikasa, he deserves to be someone first love. Just let the man finish his job so he and Mikasa can be free from each other
I not an EHfag, it won't be fair for Hisu to lose someone again. They just good friends who had better interactions than EM
There's nothing to discuss dude. Annie kicked Reiner in the face and Reiner became Marcel but then was also still Reiner.
That's it, bravo samy
This is all somehow Armin's fault
Endgame right here, faggots
>he deserves to be someone first love.
>Just let the man finish his job so he and Mikasa can be free from each other
Do you mean Eren or Jean? Cause if Eren, if he finishes the job and lives, that would be the time to find out if EM could actually work out because Eren wouldn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders anymore.
Selforgiveness and many many books.
How old is he
Armin will.
Then he will become the first transexual titan: the colossal faggot.
she asked herself this question, and it turns out she wasn't as sociopathic as she wanted to be
When I first watched the first season on some shitty fansub website I thought armin was a girl the whole time, am I a faggot?
>Armin not fainting from being so close to Annie
Okay, now I know this is fanart
>I thought Armin was a girl
t. Molester-kun