Pic related, even reading plot summaries or watching clips of it don't ring any bells for me. For some reason I have much more clear memories of Otome than I do Hime. Can anyone explain why that might be?
ITT: Animes you've watched but remember nothing about
Uh they all get a magical pet and need to fight
they don't and decide to be friends until plot fucks them over then every one dies and then gets better
Oh and Natsuki got lesbo raped
Fresh, Doki, Happiness charge precure.
probably because it's 3 shows locked in mortal combat, an ecchi comedy, a high school drama piece, and a mahou shoujo.
eventually the mahou shoujo kills the other two shows and the cast spirals into madness as nearly everyone kills each other over the course of the last 8 episodes.
I watched when I was underage, it was on netflix at the time, and I can't remember a single thing that happened.
>rec thread
>reddit spacing
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>Being a tremendous faggot
>being a retarded newfag and not lurking like you're supposed to
fuck off, cancer. lurk more
I don't remember anything that happened in this show, but it's on my list so I sure watched it.
I don't see how listing anime that didn't catch your interest enough to even remember is a commendation thread. If anything, it discourages me from watching these titles.
should i bother with otome ? the only good things in hime were mai's glorious tiddies and the osst
still the worst thing i've ever watched even tho i don't remember/understand it
As I say, I remember Otome a lot more fondly than Hime.
>onagi teacher
>some love hina
>he is my master
>rosario & vampire
>fruits basket
>b-gata h-kei
>to heart
>fruits basket
Wasn't that supposed to be good?
that was pretty much it
New Mai Hime series when?
>Oreshura (Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru)
I saw some random mention of it somewhere and realized that i remembered fuck all about it. I can't recall anything about it, it ends up as a weird mashup of Oregairu and Masamune-kun's Revenge (Both not very memorable shows in their own right).
Pretty much describes how I feel about this.
>Everything goes to shit.
>MC you need to take charge and save us all.
>Holy shit MC stop trying to be in charge.
I remember that much at least, and also that basically everyone was a huge cunt.
I doubt it.
All I remember about that show is that I went in for the lesbians, but found none.
This show became so significantly less interesting when they left the dystonia cyberpunk city for...sand sailing?
It's near the end
Ergo Proxy wasn't deep, it just had a very poor narration.
There was some shit about existentialism within but it wasn't needed for the main story.
Green is a slut, that's all you need to know.
Odd, there were definitely lesbians.