never forget
Never forget
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so why is Momoka so rude
Because your life always had meaning and you're just a whiny bitch wanting to go to the child broiler.
fate-san read her shitty light novels
Meeting with the children of those who got her killed and her delusional sister obsessed with becoming herself could not have been much fun.
It could also be that hat was the ”evil” side of her when they got slit up into two.
I demand an explanation
I think it's the time to watch this again.
plebs, although I haven't seen re:zero so I can't really say if it's bad. but it doesn't seem that great.
ITT: Disappointments.
First 10 episodes are torture. Last 14 episodes explain all the torture you endured.
Not sure if worth it.
torture in what way? are they boring?
Broader appeal
Easier to follow
Himari is super cute.
Oh i thought you were talking about RE:Zero
I didn't find any of those things a negative in penguindrum.
I cried a lot in penguindrum.
I fapped a lot to RE:Zero.
RE:Zero is the best.
Typical fan of Penguindrum
Funny slapstick
I want to die.
Kanba a fucking shit
Man, i miss this show.
But Kanba was the best character.
What was even the point of this pile of shit? Just to make brainlet otakus think they are smart with its dumb plot? Disgusting
Penguinshit could've been an actually good anime if
>Ringo is the main character
>story is about Ringo and her stalker hijinks - she ends up with Shaw at the end ofc
>no pink guy, no Momogay
>muh brother Ojou is Ringo's rival
It's not too late to fix this.
You have Maria+Holic for that
Edgy gary stu
You clearly don't know what a mary sue is.
He never was that. Just a playboy in love with his sister.
It wasn't a very good series. It pains me to say this cause I love Ikuhara, but it just wasn't. The whole thing played out like a bad schizophrenic Murakami novel (sorry that's redundant).
>dude i didn't get an apple so i'll become a cool edgy teenage terrorist *bombs u w/ smartphone app*
this series needed to be about twice as long
Ending was a letdown and it had more gainax endings than evangelion
>Does Mawaru Penguindrum suck?
Why would you start a review like that? Clickbaiting for modern classics baka
If you see the guy talking, you're presented with a pretty much stereotypical wapanese trying too much. It becomes so much cringy you just want to curl your whole skin in your face in embarrassment.
the only problem I had with this show was that we got almost zero info about what was happening in second half until last 2 episodes
having scenes where viewer don't know the motives of characters and he will learn later why they did this or that is ok, but not for fucking 10 episodes in a row
I couldn't get what Sanetoshi was trying to do
Itt:Anime that tried to be deep yet failed spectacularly
This tripe having 8.06 tells you everything that's wrong with modern audiences.
Still better than Yurikuma Arashit
Shit like this is why I wish Utena never became a mainstream title. Thank goodness Penguindrum and Yuri Kuma are still relatively niche.
Spotted the mad brainlet
I only remember fragments of this thing now. I think I felt like the first half was repeated in the second third, then in the fifth sixth, and then about three times in only the last episode. I don't even know anymore. Time to rewatch, I guess.
Too late
Penguindrum is Ikuhara's masterpiece, and is superior to Utena.
Have you ever heard of Asahara Shōkō?
He's pretty explicit that he wants to destroy the world:
>I never amounted to anything.
>No, I finally gained power.
>I'm going to take my revenge on the world that never needed me.
>I finally will become visible.
>Human beings are such inconvenient creatures.
>Why, you ask?
>Because they can never escape the box called "self."
>Those boxes don't protect us.
>They take things precious to us away.
>Even if someone was next to you,
>you can't tear down the wall and bond.
>We're all alone.
>We will never gain anything inside our boxes.
>There are no exits.
>No one can save you.
>So, we can only destroy...
>the boxes,
>the people,
>the world!
No one realized that penguindrum was based on a true story.
>based on a true story.
What the fuck did I just watch?
I did.
As far as I remember (I only watched it on release), he was a ghost feeding on the sense of unescapable tragedy and despair that marked the metro bombing events, he's why he's directly related to every character's past misfortune. Reading on that terrorist attack and the philosophy of the cult behind it, Aleph, is essential to understanding the story and this character in particular.
What did Ikuhara mean with this?
Everyone has discussed the relation with the Sarin Gas Incident to death already.
I didn't understand this anime. I am retarded.
To be clearer, he's the "spirit" of that event, the trauma, haunting the protagonists' lives.
How is it trying to be deep?
Because it doesn't adhere to the normal presentation you have been led to expect in the medium?
Penguindrum is extremely straightforward, you'd have to be an idiot to think it's "deep", there isn't any need for you to know about anything it relates itself to to understand what it is about.
Read about the sarin attack then watch Night on the Galactic Railroad
Refer to this
Read Murakami's book Underground. It contains his interviews with people present at the sarin attack and some members of Aum.
Murakami sucks /lit/ dick
You are so, so wrong.
Penguindrum's ending never fails to make me cry though, whereas Utena's ending doesn't have that effect.
Ikuni is clearly a fan. A little surreal imagery here, a sprinkling of incest there.
A shitty anime
It's actually good, but whatever user.
Try Kenji Miyazawa instead you fucking pleb. Murakami is mainstream melodrama trash. Miyazaka is definitely Ikuni's favorite author.
You are so right.
Shitty shows?
Go back to your re:zero thread, user.
Why did you group me with re:zero? I didn't watch that trash either. Your fucking fake incest show with an equally trash ending.
>equally trash ending
Probably just 2deep4u.
>dead simple
>self-insert MC
>appeals to the masses
Pay it no mind user. And while you're at it, pay no mind to MAL at all.
You should be more worried about this.
I lurk a show before I watch it. Just more trash from that faggot just like .
I don't watch otaku pandering shit. Be happy and enjoy Ikuhara while he masturbates himself with symbolism.
>not being able to appreciate Ikuhara
Such a sad life you must live. Must really be 2deep4u.
I'm of the unpopular opinion that Penguindrum was better than Utena.
>implying symbolism is bad
If you want something direct, why not just read an instruction manual you absolute autist.
otaku have shit taste confirmed.
a lot of it (and utena's score) are just brainlets who watch it and get confused, then go on to rate it a 1 because it made them feel stupid.
Keep lapping up pretentious garbage, retard.
Ah there he goes again, using a word to describe something he'll never understand. I bet you hate Yuasa too.
Way worse, actually.
Yeah, this is really depressing.
Haven't watched anything from that person. I heard some of the titles he did were just pretentious crap though.
I'm with you there.
>Haven't watched anything from that person
Why are you here again?
Fuck off.
I don't see the problem with pointing out flaws in a community that's objectively cancer.
No, Ikuhawa just masturbates himself with symbolism. If you want to know how symbolism is done right watch Abe and Konaka shows. Haibane Renmei is a masterpiece in that regard.
And by the way just beacuse there is symbolism doesn't mean its deep you retard.
Not him, but it's both self-evident and well known for anyone who's been around for more than a few months.
Just seems like beating a dead cancer-ridden horse.
To watch cute little girls doing cute things or violence. You pretentious morons are a hair away from being normalfags who only like mature things because they're "deep".
Abe is merely an ilustrator in those shows. I would advise to watch more of Dezaki's works, since he's clearly the main influence of Ikuhara, who seems to be only reorganising his motifs over and over.
Himari wasn't related to either of them.
No, Haibane script and series composition was done by Abe himself, originally it a doujinshi that he made. Probably you are referring to Lain and Texhnolyze.
Dezaki is a great director but I don't like his works.