RAWS are out!
Parallel Paradise 17
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>Enemies leave at first sign of alphadom
I'm just impressed how beta this world is. Even the enemies back down at the slightest hint of aggression. Also, the cock is nigh unbeatable.
They are bros, you dumbfuck, you don't touch your bro's girl.
>Even the enemies back down at the slightest hint of aggression
No, they just understand that NTR is bad.
Bigger is just for scanning group only.
We already had this thread yesterday.
That's wrong
Lumi is very very not pleased by Misaki telling Lumi that she loves Youta. Misaki says the reason she was born was to be his piece of meat he can have at any time, which is why she will never leave him. Lumi disagrees and says that she is the one who mates with Youta.
This manga is very enlightened.
How about a Distributed Goddess of Jealousy?
If he wants to kill her, he has to kill everyone he fucked & his descendants & himself.
So Lumi or Roomi?
At this rate, the threesome is a just question of time.
Is this manga even popular in Japan?
Good stuff, thanks for reminding me of this.
Just started. Wait few more days before we will get a result of sells for the first volume.
Now, I'm just curious what will happens, once girls learn that mating is for making babies.
A bit popular in 2ch.
"Kimi wa midarana" 260 thousands copies sold, so this also will sell well.
ParaPara vol.1 started to sell 3days ago
The moment Lumi is not more manga dropped
So the tsundere lost to the cock. Did she at least fight well?
Translation when?
>Can't beat the cock - The Manga
Literal mind change in the single page. All that MC had to do was turn around.
Translation of page:
>"Don't mock me."
>"I will never beg you!!"
>"I will never beg a man....!!"
>"You will no longer...."
>"Make a fool of me!!"
>"I see. Sorry."
>"I got carried away."
>"My bad."
>"Let's get going."
>"I'm so sorry!!"
>"Please don't go!!"
>"Please!! Mate with me!!"
>What....am I saying?
>"Plant....your seed in me!!"
>"I beg you!!"
>"I want your sperm, Youta!!"
>I....no longer...
>Be Carl
>Hanging out in the woods with my bros
>Suddenly a group o bitches shows up
>When we're about to facefuck this big titted blonde, this unpassing trap interrupts
>Not even a trap, literally just a dude with a wig
>Boner deflates
>I'm going home
>Misaki says the reason she was born was to be his piece of meat he can have at any time,
Did she actually say that? Cause that single sentence is damn boner-inducing.
unless you and your bro is fine doing threesome with the girl
I still don't get how the juices smell from fruits to steaks.
Literally what she says. No hyperbole.
>Sharing a girl with your bro
Thats just gay, youre supposed to get one for your bro so you can each fuck one.
Probably like how sperm tastes different depending on what you eat.
Watching Misaki fall to Youta was like reading a mind break doujin. Pretty good.
True, but clearly I wasn't around for that thread.
Thank you for your god's work, based Someguy.
So you will continue using "Lumi"?
Dude, all sex here is mind-breaking for girls.
I don't know better kind of mind break
>Jim dies
>But i dont give a shit since i aint gay
I don't want to shit on a dead guy, but the truth is everyone hated Jim.
How long until Youta just end in a mindless orgy with whole Quintet.
Not for a bit. They left Lilia in town.
nothing of value was lost
>I have to always be next to Youta so we'll be ready to mate whenever Youta wants to.
>You can't do that!!
>Youta has to mate with me!!
Jelly Wars/Fight to the death, it is.
Thank you.
MC vs Women
Now imagine Lilia's reaction if whole Quintet returned to the city with collars on their necks.
when Youta gonna fug a 20 years old cake to see the results.
Lilia is dead, man.
She died of old age while they were on this trip.
I love this shit. Less good Kimi wa Midara but isekai for some reason.
This is Lynn we're talking about. At some point, a 20 year old hag is going to die from the curse and it won't look pretty.
what could go wrong
something worse that death woul be becoming a male
Dude, she is visibly youngest of them.
>what could go wrong
Melting obviously.
The short hair and small boobs make her look young, but she was 19.
Also the youngest looking is Misaki.
Too bad that Kimi wa Midara is probably going to be destroyed with full NTR ending.
>but she was 19.
Citation is needed.
this manga keep getting better
And that's still just beginning.
They're all 18 or 19. It's hard to tell these minute differences at any age. Momo might as well have gotten those huge tits at the age of 15 and Lilia might stay flat forever. Her "youngest" look could be a red herring.
Anime when? VA? Studio?
Insert pasta about female seiyuus voicing isekai porn. I would be ready.