Would this girl REALLY make such a great wife or is Kazuma just deluded?
Megumin Monday
>Kazuma wanting to marry Megumin
Actually she is more into him than he is into her, Kazuma is more friendly toward Aqua and more sexual toward Darkness
Have you read the latest volume? Kazuma is completely into Megumin.
If it's with her, Kazuma doesn't mind having kids or marriage which he would find troublesome with another girl. That's exactly what he says in volume 12.
>Would this girl REALLY make such a great wife
You're damn right she would.
>Actually she is more into him than he is into her
She's a keeper.
Worship it.
I WILL marry Megumin!
A fine ass is always appreciated
No, me!
Megumin is for loving sweetly and gently in the mating press position.
Go back.
Will we ever see the return of pajama Megu again?
>not loving roughly
Mating press isn't good if it isn't rough.
If the anime gets a season 3, then this scene would be adapted
You fuckers stay the hell away from my betrothed!
How is he resisting the urge to bend her over right away?
Can't have him destroying the heroine's pussy at such an early stage of the story.
Just imagine
Kazuma is a fucking dicklet.
I think she is sill 13 at that point and he wait for her to hit 14 before starting to go for her. They also don't want to destroy the party dynamic so they are waiting to beat the demon king before fucking, especially since Darkness is deeply in love with Kazuma as well. It basically starts turning into a typical boring harem neet wish fulfillment story from one point on.
Kazuma is a kissless, virgin beta, of course he's full of shit.
Nah, she's 14 there.
>Would this girl REALLY make such a great wife or is Kazuma just deluded?
Mama Megumin would blow a hole into the crust if it ensured her kids safety.
>not posting the continuation of that scene
18 basically if we go by the WN.
He lies in bed with a 17yo that wants the D, has approval from her parents and decides to wait until she turns 18.
this is a LN scene though, not WN
She is 14 in the LN, the WN is not canon any more.
Thanks Sup Forums for spoiling the novel for a guy who's anime only
Romance is just a subplot anyway.
lol who cares about nipper porno cartoons dude
Why are you participating on KonoSuba threads then? LN translations are fucking around for more than a year now. It's no excuse unless you're talking about volume 12 which is still in translation.
You're welcome, enjoy your first week here
Damn, Megumin looks like that?!
any contest?
Does anyone have a clean version of pic related?
her sister is cuter
t. lolineet
Good enough?
Only Darkness would make for a decent wife, Megumin makes for a cute girlfriend but lacks any sort of motherly charm.
Thanks, senpai.
Eh, she'll eventually develop some motherly charm. She's only 14, after all.
>motherly charm
How can anyone have opinions and taste this shit?
>lacks any sort of motherly charm.
Megumin is miles more motherly with her sister than Rapeness.
Oedipus complex is a strange beast
I need more Megumemes!
Best Megumeme ever.
Best girl is Dustiness Ford Lalatina.
Kazuma has chosen not following a checklist or his boner, but his heart. I can respect that.
>almost one year ago
>roughly 40 kg
i'm roughly 45 kg tho
The WN age is baked into her character.
A girl with such a beautiful smile can only be wife for life.
Hottest Konosuba.
That depends, are shameless gold diggers even capable of being good wives?
This thread is about Megumin, user.
But that's her mother. Megumin sends back home most of her money and only keeps basic allowance.
I agree, Aqua would not be a very good wife.
I WANT to wake up to this.
I want to marry Megumin and keep Aqua as our pet.
VERY good opinion
Aqua is best drinking buddy, Megumin would be best gf/wife.
Megumin is barely 14 and has no breasts to speak off that will feed our children or hips that will ensure an easy birth. Darkness is clearly prime breeding material. She can be weird and depraved but she matures later in the story as she starts caring less about her fetishes and more about having fetuses.
Breast size doesn't actually affect the amount of produced milk, and Megumin does have decent hips if some of the recent color illustrations are anything to go by.
>our children
Yunyun is clearly the superior option
Breasts swell in size during pregnancy, and Megumin's problem is she's malnourished.
She's cute and has a good personality, but she needs to be fed more to see what her true potential looks like.
Darkness only has a better body because of noblewoman's diet + extreme exercise. She may have education, but she's barely smarter than Aqua.
Not if you want children
>she's malnourished
She has had a proper diet for 2 years now. The frog meat is going to the right places, ass and thighs.
To be honest, Megumin's hips are the ideal hips. Not too thick or too thin, and with a tasteful thigh gap to compliment them.
>but she's barely smarter than Aqua
That's actually really rude.
>she's malnourished
Nah, she's just about right.
Crimson Demons do not brap.
Where did she even get that shirt in such an old world?
I think Kazuma crafted it.
She still looks like a 13 year old boy in drag in this picture, user. I don't understand how you can find her more attractive than the girls in the show that actually look like girls.
Then stop looking at traps.
Because she doesn't, you're just being daft about it.
Megumin is top tier waifu material. The anime version of what happens between her and Kazuma is disappointing, though.
This is the only good bullying pic this artist has made.
Just imagine, you own a house, your wife is sitting with a gentle smile looking at the horizon.
Suddenly you see a couple of kids rushing towards you, they're screaming finishing strikes and playing the Hero and the Demon Lord, being mad at each other because neither of them wants to be the loser until the boy hits the girl particularly hard causing her to cry.
You punch your son's head and call him a brat for making his little sister cry, all the while your wife is consoling the little girl.
In a corner of the yard a half naked woman with dirt all over her body is sleeping in a dog house, you've forgot her name so you call her pochi.
We need more desu
Wait what
I hope they'll adapt volume 5 properly.
daily reminder
>people are calling Megumin the heroine on 2ch
What is this about?
This is a pretty widespread joke in the Konosuba fanbase.
I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes reality in later volumes, though.
you guys scare me
Are you Megumin?
You can't even fathom how much porn of you I have.
The mating press can be quite pleasurable. Just let it happen and I promise it'll be tons of fun.