The only good human is a dead human
Due to NGE octahedron are my favourite geometrical body.
Tetrahedron are second place.
> tetrahedronfags
Enjoy your limited number of triangular sides, homos.
Best girl indeed
Fuck off spherenigger.
> mentioning objects with curved surfaces
You've crossed a line, you sick bastard. I'm generally pretty liberal, but your lot should be locked up.
Hey, I don't see a cock on it.
But that's now how Rei looks like...
I want to fuck ramiel. Is this normal?
Even ribbed for your pleasure.
Asuka, Rei, keep lessing out these angels are cool as fuck lets see what they do.
But the angels are technically human too.
Everything is the same matter held together by AT fields, so technically every different AT field is a different being or shape.
So an angel and a human, is as different as a human and a human.
Humanity descends from a Seed, same as Adam.
They got a nearly perfect DNA match.
Eva, descended from Adam, are referred to as human.
There's really no difference between angels and humans, except for shape and potency of their AT Field.
S-sauce...? Pls
Eva No Pico
Was he hollow? Solid? Did weird shit happen in there?
That makes them no more human than any other living thing. Every living thing on earth is Lilith derived, not just humanity.
>That makes them no more human than any other living thing.
Except for the fact Angels and humans have nearly identical DNA.
That's a very feminine penis though
I'm one of the more lenient spoonfeeders on Sup Forums but holy shit man you didn't even fucking try.
the artist is hirume
What they mean is, is all the seeds use the same base DNA to seed life. You're taking it too literally for something that is basically impossible.
Look at this fag
99.89% is hardly just a base. If every living thing on Earth had a 99.89% commonality with angel genetics, this wouldn't even be worth mentioning.
Aren't humans also straight up considered the 18th angel?
>the virgin walk
"Oh my Good, it's a mirage.
I'm tellin' y'all it's a
Is he still a virgin, considering how many times he's been in his mother?
This was the highlight of the franchise
boku no evangelion
Good ep.
god of illuminati ripoff
Best angel fight
The dance fight is a second close tho.
It even spins the wrong direction!
What is your favorite Angel, Sup Forums?
Sachiel has one of the coolest designs. So either him, Arael, or Ramiel.
Ramiel and Leliel, octahedron of doom and captain 3D shadow were both pretty rad.
fuck off back to the moon geometryfag
Satan is cool Satan is my pal
Solid and weird. It's translucent sometimes, bleeds after death, and the drill was mechanical, rigid, and several times longer than the body.
Rebuild's version was even wilder what with also fucking transforming somehow.
I deserve a damn octahedronal gf dammit
>neon genesis
is the anime better than the manga?
The anime is "a thing", the middle episodes kinda wander around a bit until like episode 18~19, I won't claim that the show is god's gift to mankind or anything but it's worth a watch whetever you end up liking it or disliking it.
It ends up making a little more sense. Rebuild Ramiel was just morphing, it didn't have disparate parts extending out of it. And man was that exploding into blood convenient.
Asuka obviously
besides that one, raimel,sahaquiel, sachiel
Having to disassemble angels sounds like hellish work for the cleanup crew, the rebuild angels just drown stuff in their blood after their AT field goes kaput which is actually kind worse considering the flooding renders a good chunk of the land unusable.
>it even spins the weong direction
The lake from hell surrounded by corroded concrete with vapors rising off of it is probably balls toxic. Cleanup looks so much worse.
Yeah, shit's literal alien blood, you might as well write the land its stuck on off, it's going to take decades if not centuries to make it into usable land again.
Yes, because thats how it was made originally. The manga is a weird adaptation with a few ups and many downs.
How did they handle all those buildings that were half-absorbed into Leliel's body? How do you dispose of a 2D entity?
Didn't it just turn into blood?
It should be spinning in the direction which causes the fluted grey sections to scoop out the drilled earth. In the case of that image, the drill should be spinning clockwise, viewed from above.
I can't remember what way it spins in the episode, but I guess it must be anticlockwise.
Thing fucking exploded into fountains of blood, bigger question is how they managed to dispose of it all.
The 3D shadow in the sky that became the real body as it died and Unit 01 came out of it did, because Lel physics, but the ground where the body had been still looked like this. Wasn't addressed again.
Yeah, I don't think there's recovering that land short of nuking it until it's regular dirt again and hoping leliel's particles rot or something.
Don't you mean counterclockwise if it's scooping out?
If it was spinning clockwise, wouldn't it be pulling the drill in the ground like you would a screw? Thus perpetually pulling rameil into the ground?
Can someone fact check this please? Because I know in the animu the drim was spinning like how a screw would go in.
Looks like a deflated balloon now desu
I wonder if it housed a pocket diminsion inside of it which seized to exist the moment it popped and only left blood and 'skin'
>seized to exist
ceased*, even.
Nope, clockwise viewed from above. It might not seem intuitive, but the drill works to scoop out swarf (or rubble, in this case) in the same way that at Archimedes' Screw will carry water up its length.
If you have a power drill and a block of wood lying about, try it out to see which drilling direction is the most efficient. There's a 99% chance that, if you have a drill, the drill bit will be right-threaded (Ramiel's drill is right-threaded), and you'll need to drill it clockwise from a top-down perspective to drill properly.
Just to make sure, you can always check some drilling videos on Youtube, and make a note of the direction the drill spins in, and how the thread twists.
The tip is a point made of lasers and direction is irrelevant to it, the threading is a blades moving independently along the length on their own chain kinda deal. You're right, but the staff heard this complaint for so long by 1.0 that they just "fixed" it.
Right, so if Ramiels drill is spinning thread inwards then it's doing it incorrectly right? Since threads spinning outwards would be carrying dirt, rock, etc up and out of the way, I think?
I see then. Thanks for that.
Having watched the rebuilds for the first time recently, I was looking to see if it was still a dumb drill shaft and it looks like they just went for the easy way out with it being like a tendril that Ramiel turns with.
I might be muddying the issue with my explanation. Just take a look at this GIF. It's the correct direction for the drill and its thread to spin in, so that the thread can scoop out the material it drills.
In the image's case, it's rotating counterclockwise, but only because of the direction on the thread. On nearly every other drill bit, the thread direction will be reversed, thus requiring a clockwise spinning motion. So just keep that in mind.
If by "inward" you mean what's happening in the GIF, then it's the correct direction. That inward motion is what allows it to scrape up swarf in the first place, and drive it out of the hole. If it spins "outward" (imagine the direction in the GIF is reversed), then there's no scooping motion being made.
So in order to scoop out of a hole, you just have to follow the right hand rule.
Its a fucking angel. He has enough raw power to not care about efficient drilling. Also angels are supposed to be dumber than linlin.
Exactly. Hold the drill bit in your right hand, drilling end facing the same direction as your thumb. If the thread is cast such that you can draw diagonal lines from top left to bottom right through them, then it's a clockwise spinning bit.
The gif helps. Thanks senpai.
I think my retard brain was just thinking "oh, it's like a screw and it has a pointed tip and not a flat one, so it'll obviously just drill itself into the ground and get stuck."
And then I remember this Ramiel is magic and has an endless length.
And I also forgot that the only way for debris to go is up.
All of that would drain straight down the hole and into the Geofront. These people are hazmat wizards for saving that lake and forest.
Leliel is a good Angel, ep. 16 is a good episode
I might be an odd one out, but I like Sahaquiel.
The idea that it was just inspace and bombing things in a long line every couple of hours was really cool.
If you gonna call asuka an angel, at least post the image in which she actually is one
Why didn't the angels just get to the underground part of tokyo by digging underground? then the big robot guys cant kill them
I wish there were more scenes with 3.33 Asuka in casual situations. I really want to see how she's changed in 15 years.
Or even just something small enough to kick in a door and get into the tunnels, the Evas wouldn't be able to chase it and Nerv can't repel commandos even when they aren't immune to conventional weapons. Or if any two of them attacked at once, or even in quicker succession.
Rebuild blessed us with angelic screeching
>Or if any two of them attacked at once
I was disappointed this never happened. One of the characters even mentions it, which led me to expect some massive battle with each Eva wrangling an angel.
It's would break the preordained feeling of their successive appearances I think. Not biblical to have them attack like that.
The angels attacks are basically a timed release thing. Think of it as someone opening animal cages on a timed schedule one by one.
Its all one big esoteric ritual by *cough* SEELE * cough*
Ahh, the jews once again.
Niggers and humans also have nearly identical DNA, it doesn't mean niggers are humans, your logic is flawed.
But it also gave us other garbage, including Mari, and 3.33.
And also Unit 01's screams not being as cool.
My wife
>The want to fuck an "angel'.
Getting fucked by a metaphysical, non euclidean geometrical cosmic horror may sound good on paper, but that would be a fate worse then death.
Its arguable to say that Ramiel and the other Angels do in a way, fuck Shinji and friends.
If you like the type of fuck you get when end up being the unfortunate protagonist in the latter of a Lovecraftian novella..
Lets not forget Asuka's and Arael's trip down memory lane which caused her to suffer a mental breakdown by reliving her trauma a second time, except probably far worse.
I want Kaworu to fuck me with his angel penis