yuri is love
yuri is life
yuri is love
yuri is life
Other urls found in this thread:
Who will win?
Are ya ready?
So uh...
That one girl mastered the art of vagin..yachina fisting huh?
>Goku stands before Dypso and says "My body is throbbing"
Riiiiiiight. Do they fuck next?
buenos diaz pan
Fuck off.
How gaping is she to hold diamond those big from nowhere
>turns into saiyan god
i thought you needed 1. a ritual 2. five more saiyans
it prolly meant blue?
So, what was that thing Bulma had? I'm just asking because honestly, my first thought was "kidney stone".
>ub is into bimbos
How bad is your english teacher?
Nah, you need angel training
Did he enjoy the latest episode of Super?
Stop this shit. Who is doing this? Is it spics?
oh i have a boner
/Our guy/ Dicktracy
Is he called Dicktracy because he's a dick who traces?
Reminder that Son Gohan is handsome
Will you be mad when it is revealed that cell is a member on U4 and currently lying on the tournament floor somewhere waiting until late in the tournament to regenerate at full power and absorb his weakened team mates?
I wish they made it so that he would be shown taking off his glasses before he fights. That would make him look so cool.
I wonder if she fucks ningens.
Shut the fuck up retard
>tfw actually universe 3 is supposed to have planets full of advanced technologies but can't afford to create fighters better that 17 & 18 or cell-like who where created by a mere human.
reminder that brianne is cute
>Vegeta doesn't dance
>Literally me at every party except I try to socialize with everyone
she is pretty cute in that form.
why do they have the same face
That fucking hack. I won't stand for someone copying Senran porn.
Filtered. Now I never have to see you post that trash again. Bye!
This almost looks like original Dragonball artstyle.
Shyt the fuck up retard
Filtered again. How distorted can you make it before the mods ban you for breaking the unintelligible speech rule?
Reminder the red haired saiyan will finally surpass Beerus
didn't realize uub was a Liefield fan
Going to bed, gonna let a script run that records all similar posts to yours and adds them to the filter.
Figure a few threads and I should have every permutation of bullshit you spam.
>being this much of an autist
>being this much of a DBS general threads
is Caulifla the A-Ko of the ToP?
Where do you think we are, friend?
I don't know who that is
does she fuck?
then you clinically need to watch Project A-Ko
i thought all GoDs were ningens? and that they're just employed as the GoD, like it's a title? since i think frieza might have been a replacement, and whis asked vegeta if he wanted to be the new one to
Why is Whis doing this when Beerus is still stronger than the others? Saiyans don't live forever like Beerus does, either. The safer long term bet is to stay with him.
yuri is gay lol
>Saiyans don't live forever like Beerus does, either.
>implying becoming a GoD doesn't make you immortal
Would be kind of stupid if it didn't.
its easy to imagine that whatever ritual grants you the position of hakaishin also grants you supernatural longevity
Since GoDs are glorified ningen I bet they just got a longer lifespawn when they become gods. No way a random cat race would live longer than Kaioshins
But when Whis asks Goku, he says "we could make you Goku The Destroyer when Beerus kicks the bucket". Beerus isn't going anywhere, though. And he's way stronger than Goku and Vegeta. Why is Whis grooming people for the position when it's filled?
shvt the fuck up retard
>furfags erased
>yurifags will be erased
what did they mean by thsi
Why is this so much worse than z,db and even GT?
longevity isn't the same as abslute immortality. Beerus can be slain in battle, or he can get erased by Zen-O, or he can die from Shin getting killed, an according to U12 in pic related its also possible for a hakaishin to get promoted to some other role. so there's several ways for the position to become vacant
Because nobody involved in making it gives an ounce of a shit about it.
because you didn't do enough
There's a lot of powerful people in the multiverse, user. What if one of them just happens to kill off Beerus.
It's not unthinkable.
Or maybe they are only allowed the job for so long.
Or maybe Beerus has had enough. Or wants a different job.
Use your god damn brain for once.
Better than Caulifla.
I agree user.
>even GT
now now don't go that far
you guys talk about caulifla like an ex you can't forget, you always start the conversation with a "she's a shit" or "can you imagine of much worse it would be to be caulifla" when in fact you talk about her cause you can't forget her, it would be cute if it wasn't ruining the threads every damn time
I hate that name.
filter it, then. you are the architect of your world
Could you blame them? Dragon Ball sucks.
Reminder that nips hate Gohan
I don't hate it that way. It's just an annoying name to learn and spell. Everyone has a simple and easy name but her.
Which is why less than 100 voted on an english poll. Take your fake shit elsewhere.
Reminder that the Nips love Yamcha
Gohan is literally the best character and he will triumph over all opposition.
>gohanfags this mad
100 people voting on an english poll means nothing. You could have just made that shit up, too.
>sample size: 133
statistically irrelevant
>post link to translation of a real Toei survey conducted in Tokyo
>y-y-you made it up!!! E-ENGLISH POLL!
Geez, GT messes everyone up
>iwan hides intense feelings in his body
he's a lolicon
>sawaa doesn't like the masculine body
trans angel
>campaari understands and translates mosco's words
a neet that learned some meme language
>conic is very competent and insightful
purple/iron pill chad
>cucatail learns from his shin and god of destruction
that well behaved good boy virgin student with a bright future as long as he doesn't find /r9k/ or moe anime
>iru loves making plans
the ideaguy who never gets anything done
>korn insists that his opinions and views are always the best
the manchild
the aspergers angel
the normie shin
Say what you will about Toriyama, the man knew how to draw thicc women. Not sure what the deal is with all the sticks now...
quoting someone else
>the last set of pages summarize the events of the tournament so far (U9's destruction, Kale's rampage, etc), and goes over key players.
>there's no real new info on the key players. Paparoni sends out signals from his cane, Ganos moves like a ninja.
>the description of Kuririn's defeat doesn't mention Frost at all; they make it sound like he just fell out of the ring on his own.
I can't decide if I should hate Dicktasty or love him
Reminder that Android 18 is beautiful
he's the underwhelming eCeleb who does weird shit, like Steven Suptic
>implying /dbs/ isn't 50% copypasta and 30% shit posts
>any version of Zamasu
>being affectionate towards a ningen
Caulifa only has eyes for best girl
>He wants "pussy"
>But the final panel implies he's aiming for a blowjob
Makes no sense.
ask Kale