>he is not that bad imo
Would Mitt Romney be a better President than Drumpf?
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Romney is a fucking Mexican lol
Absolutely not
No, he was controlled opposition. Fuck Romney.
They are all fucked in the head
Mitt Romney looked disgusting--magic underwear protruding--in his white shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful.
>threw the 2012 election
>never Trumper
Romney doesn't have balls.
Also, this. His family moved to Mexico back in the 1800s to practice polygamy, retained citizenship by not renouncing it and passing it from generation to generation, and came back and enjoyed all the same rights as people that worked and fought and bled for this country while they were busy having glorified religiously sanctioned marital orgies.
>mormon queef lord a good president
how about NO?
nope, would of sold us out just like Hillary
Reminder that Mitt Romney with the help of Paul Ryan handed Obama his second term. Mitt Romney is a RINO piece of trash and has proven he is unable to withstand the banter of modern politics. Keep in mind that Romney destroyed his own campaign by discussing his tax policies at his own fundraising event. Romney could not handle the media of 2012 much less of post 2016. Romney has been and will be destroyed again.
>neo-con cuckservatism.
Oh yes give us more of that please! I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before blacks and hispanics are convinced of our values.
OP I think you and all your neo-con RINO spammers who plan on pushing Mitt Romney on Sup Forums will find no allies but rather make Mitt's a point of criticism. Mitt is a easy political target for memes and after his last failed candidacy the left already has enough material to take him down on their own.
Are there really people here who believe any mainstream Republican is actually on the side of the average American and not just selling the country out to globalists and marxism as fast as any Democrat? The only difference is the media downplays it when a Republican is in power, to make the average normie think they are winning.
Even Michael Knowles from the daily wire tore him a new arsehole with his coverage of him. Absolutely not.
even michael knowles is my daddy because i lack a brain of my own.
He lost because trump endorsed him
Fast forward, after years of chemtrails and russian bots brainwashing retards in trailer parks, here we are. Fucked.
>Faggot RINO butthurt is real
Hopefully you niggers realize your neo-con agenda has no place in American politics. Go join your globalist pals on the left where you belong. Make it easier for us to take you all down at once.
Keep in mind the Romney family are such fucking cucks they adopted a nigger baby so they can prove they are not racist to the leftist shills.
Mitt Romney handed Obama his second term.
As someone who didn't vote for him the first time, I am positive he would definitely be a better president than our current moron in chief. At least Mittens wouldn't be a national embarrassment on a daily basis.
fuck off shill
Mitts faggot ass will not make it out of the primaries before the left will eat him alive. You niggers are back yet another lame dog.
I certainly wouldn't vote for him, but can admit he'd be better than Trump.
The Romney-Ryan ticket was so lame that even with the massive amount of anti-Obama sentiment they still lost. Obama walked away with the 2012 election.
>can admit
Who gives a shit what you can admit. Fuck off faggot.
It is faggots like you who allowed Romney to give Obama a second term. You have no will to win so you lose.
>giving American women the choice between Obama and Paul Ryan (ft that other guy)
Fuck both of those faggots. Republicans deserved to lose that one.
Mormons are no better than niggers when it comes to globalist groupthink
With that said, he'll win the Utah senate seat easily despite not knowing jack shit about Utah's issues
I happily voted for Obama, even though he did go on to disappoint me with many of his policies. You do realize this isn't some Trumpanzee safe space, right?
>Republicans deserved to lose that one.
Because of Romney.
Get a load of this nigger.
Comes on Sup Forums to push the loser agenda of Romney and says "I happily voted for Obama". Nigger you are one sad faggot.
Go have yourself a nice tall glass of pic related you fucking boomer trash.
>Not understanding why I used even in the sentence.
source on this?
Somebody who loves Israel even more than Trump but also hates the US?
yeah nah
Are there people who really do not know the Romney's are Mexican trash?
"The Romneys’ Mexican History"
Yeah, I knew he was a faggot, and I know Mormons escaped to Mexico for their satanic orgies, but I didn't realize he was one.
What magical times we could have lived in...
Mitt is awful and evil.
I remember the MSM telling me that all of 2012.
He's racist. He's homophobic. He hates women.
He's out of touch with average americans. He's just this rich asshole who is only in politics for himself.
The main difference between Romney and Trump is that Romney would cave to Democrat demands when he was called Hitler.
He came off the same assembly line as Cackles Clinton. Haven't people had enough of these new-in-box barb and ken doll politicians?
This Ken doll comes with magic underwear!
>you fucking boomer trash
Hahahaha. Wrong.
>push the loser agenda of Romney
How did I do that? Pretty sad that Romney's loser agenda to benefit the 1% was more appealing than Trump's. Stop being such a delicate snowflake. If you think either of the major parties gives a single fuck about you, you are the one who needs a bleach enema.
>Romney would cave to Democrat
Not only would he cave but he has already back in 2012. Mitt could not get over the smallest thing without getting twisted so to suggest Romney having to face even a small amount of the media hate that Trump has received is laughable. Romney will not be able to pass the Sup Forums banter much less the supercharged leftist MSM.
Bishop Romney is a crypto-Jew anyway. They'd love each other whole time.
Nigger it is not 2016 anymore. Snowflake lost its edge 2 years ago.
Romney better ready his political anus because his lose to Obama in 2012 has not and will not be forgotten.
You guys really need to stop making incorrect assumptions. It makes you look ridiculous.
Sorry. My bad. You are clearly a cuck and a shill.
Conservacucks look ridiculous. Romneycare = Hillarycare = Obmacare = luciferian compter-controlled global transhumanist bullshit.
What assumptions am I making, you ridiculous shill?
Did you know that Mormonism is actually a freemasonic cult? More mystery babylon bullshit?
That I'm even remotely conservative for starters.
So ridiculous just like every religion? Gotcha.
You know when the cucks are backing a republican something is up and with Romney that means they know he can not win.
"Mr. Romney Stumps in Israel"
Trump would be a better mitt Romney than mitt Romney
Yeah, can't say I'm a fan of Israel.
It's particularly ridiculous for its Israel worship and wanting to bring about end times prophesy to destroy the whole world in a luciferian orgy.
I don't know why you assumed that I assumed that you were conservative in any way. I called Romney a conservacuck. Maybe you should l2internet.
It is going to be fun to see how long the MSM waits before they start calling up "Russian Trolls" for not backing the globalist trash RINO Mitt Romney.
It's Sh*tt Romney! the republican Al Gore, a man who doesn't know himself or his people or the world he lives in. He will become the new John McBrain if elected.
I'm a Mormon, and heck no!
Romney is a darned traitor.
I remember a documentary some time back during the election where they went to Mexico and did a little piece on some of his relatives and how they live in Northern Mexico, pretty interesting, they have these closed communities that look like a typical American suburb, and they have militia patrols that protect the neighborhoods. They fight drug cartels a lot.
Hes a typical cuckservative, he would just go with the flow and would legalize millions of mexishits if the dems demanded it
lefties think Sup Forums is r/T_D part II
Sup Forums supported Trump because his policies already matched up with a lot of what posters already believed
Sup Forums is not a Trump personality cult, that's why the left can try to destroy Trump, but it will have no impact on the reality that we are the Jews now
lol, the fucker should have stayed there, I read this article posted here It even mentions how some cuck adopted 5 Mexican kids, and now they are ALL in America. Imagine a white cuck moving to Mexico to grant spics citizenship. That is Mormon loyalty for ya.
>I'm a Mormon
Honestly, I would rather deal with Jews and Muslims than a sub-cult of Christianity. At least with the Jews and Muslims we know what their intentions and can deal with appropriately.
I bet you'd prefer John McCain as well
Not fooling anyone you fuck
so why should anyone give a flying fuck if you think Romney would be a better president than Trump? Got any reasons why you think Sup Forums should support a globalist neocon?
Mitt 'limp dick' Romney couldn't even beat the failure that was Obama in 2012 while Trump defeated what was considered one of the best political machines in history.
Guy is too much of a pussy to be President.
Wonder if Mitties Holy Underwear has skid marks?
Swamp squared
This. Fuck Romney
100% correct.
moot point.
Romney will never be elected president. HAR HAR HAR
Look at Romney busy kissing Trumps ring.
I remember when Sup Forums supported Mitt in 2012
Are land gringo
No you don't. You remember when Sup Forums still hated Obama in 2012.
Yes. Even though he is more malleable and prone to big business cock sucking he seemed to have a sense beyond friends and money as well as wouldn't have cashed checks that he couldn't balance.
None of that matters if you don't kick out the Federal Reserve Jews. All he would have done is give a free ticket to all the beaners the LDS wants to import in order to take in more money. Have you seen Salt Lake City in recent history?
Hell no, Romney is Globalist cuck cock sucker