Post your favorite 'N-NANI ??' moments
FKMT thread
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Fuck me this was satisfying
nice spoiler thread faggots
>walking into a thread without getting up to date with all the manga and anime discussed in it
did you read this? It's about Akagi fighting aliens
Fucking saved
Anybody seen the live action adaptation of Kaiji ? how was it ?
Endou is a woman in the live action, I think this already answer your question.
>kazuya has a remus complex
>kazuya is all fucked up because of his trauma
lame, i thought it would be more interesting if he was just fucked up for no reason. His bro looks interesting though..
>is there a non-gamble fkmt series i can read?
Strongest Man Kurosawa
I wonder how Kazuya will be saved. Like, I was thinking you might possibly be able to do something with the truck and money.
idk what will it be, but kaiji really needs to hurry..
Just started reading Rei and it's already a wild ride
They are both so young, this old man is way too healthy.
>part 3 never ever
it hurts
But the author has a ton of assistants and thus usually does like 3-4 series simultaneously, why never? The only thing I'd hate it being monthly
It might start back up after Akagi ends in February.
So after kaiji kill kazuya, will we see him take on the vice president then the chairman? Or will something dumb happen like ichijou gets a one month pass and challenfes kaiji to a bet so he can take all the money and be free?
Oh great now kazuya has a brother. Now the kaiji vs Hyodou battle has to be put on the back burner as FKMT makes another arc about some no name scum that kaiji has to keikaku
Also when is kurosawa gonna be updated? The last chapter is the terrorism with the americans
Oniisan got protagonist-like nose, and there's also our Kaiji, who knows nothing what to do with bigger money, might be something here. About Kurosawa is just what you see on the mangaupdates. Does not look like it's in priority for the scanlation group at all.
>Kaiji saves Kazuya
>they team up and become bros
>they pay Ichijou debt and together challenge Hyoudo, vp and Kazuya's brother
>Kaiji will get fucked in the end no matter what
It's going to be the best shit ever.
>Ichijou betrays Kaiji
I can already see it happening
Kaiji's haku shenaningan
Better even than tilting the whole building