>be me
>take DNA test
>told my whole life I'm Irish and Ukrainian
>discover I am Irish and Ukrainian, but also 2% Pacific Islander.
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Be me
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The aliens used a lot of monkey DNA to make humans, we all have that tiny bit of ape in us.
That's just the kikes trying to make you question your own identity. Pay no mind to it.
I don't know, 49% ape is pretty much.
If it was 23andme, these 2% are fake.
It was national geographics thing
The only good test is a test in a specialized lab. And it will cost way more than any of those spit-n-mail """ tests""".
I did "be the match" for bone marrow registry. They have a complete genetic profile. And its free?.
Polynesians are the only nonwhite race to successfully explore and colonize the world beyond their native lands. In this regard they are whiter than Irish or hohols.
Polynesian didn't have maps and had to navigate directly by the stars or they'd drift off course and starve to death. That's some selective pressure.
False positive
Is there a reason why they're so big?
carry on like normal but understand that spam is your kryptonite
Better, then russian.
>2% Pacific Islander.
You're an idiot if you believe (((23 and Me))).
am i white?
el goblino
This is what I look like btw
Just have a tiki cocktail and relax, brah
At least you’re not a nigger
Get rid off that neckbeard you wannabe muzzie
I get razor bumps like mad m8
I think the pacific islander part was used as a filler for unassigned DNA desu
Every human is derived from the same east African bitch.
The human race is literally one big incestuous gangbang.
Gain 200lbs.. and buy a ukelele.
Change your name to something like Boyo and go live on the big island selling shave ice.
This is me
Am I white?
For you
le 56%
In human genetics, the Mitochondrial Eve is the matrilineal most recent common ancestor of all currently living humans, i.e., the most recent woman from whom all living humans descend in an unbroken line purely through their mothers, and through the mothers of those mothers, back until all lines converge on one woman.
hi mexican eminem
Wehre did you Take the DNA test op. I want 2
Look up national genographic
>Pacific islander
Confirmed non-white
>2% Pacific Islander.
even if you do that's literally nothing anyways
how tall are you friend
El atrocidad
pacific islanders are the only people with denisovan ancestry. breddy cul tbqh
>be me
>told that all my family is of british/irish origin
>take DNA test
mum forgot to tell me that even though my grandfather was born in england his family were jewish and moved there from russia
Do you realize how far back that has to be for you to have TWO percent?
This is fake and gay bait
Wow so these tests are pretty accurate, huh? Might take one
Why the fuck would anyone be proud of being Irish?
>Every human is derived from the same east African bitch.
Wasn't it West? Anyway just be happy that some of us evolved.
178 cm. Are you measuring me for a coffin?
Irish diaspora is huge in America, Irish hate Brits, and America started by fighting the Brits
The margin of error if bigger than 2 percent
They caught employees admitting they change the results "to fuck with racists" Google it
Their method is flawed to begin with
78% Jewish, I bet.
They aren't at all. The Balkans are a complete mess so don't even bother. For example they group Germans and French under a single category. I've seen people with rural ancestors who never left the village or met foreigners take a test that gives them like 30% some completely foreign nationality. Not to mention the price is extraordinary outside of America and the Netherlands.
They're also commie filth. Even here when they think no-one is watching
Pic related
Oh and the person was a north Italian so no race-mixing.
Looking for a qt bulgarian waifu. You're slightly taller than I'd like but we could make it work.
>chinks from siberia
sure they didn't last until the present, but still
23 and me fucks with your results if your white because they want us demoralized
I'm a man you fucking tool
Are all your men this short?
Please apply a little logic. How do you propose that a bunch of Ukrainians and Irish peasants mixed with Pacific natives?
Every single (literally every single) dna testing company is ran by jews. they're secretly harvesting biological data for their immoral, black-ops genetic engineering programs
I'm about avarage. Little below maybe
Not really. Jews are very racially conscious and this is why all genetic testing companies include a special package for Ashkenazis. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they fuck with results to mess with your head.
Why are you obsessed with this guy?
Where did you Take the DNA test
>Jews are very racially conscious
>they fuck with results
they absolutely throw in a random 1% ethnic jew on peoples results. the reason they're so 'conscious' is because theyre attempting to turn the entire world into mutts to rule over while creating an ethnically 'pure' jewish ethnostate. (google israel + eugenics) biological engineering is just another rung in their ladder of domination. they're collecting genetic information for nefarious purposes
eat dick faggot, life among you is suffering
I'm not a bosniak/muslim fuckface.
Polynesians colonised islands not only in the Pacific Ocean, but they also colonised Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Polynesians were very good non-white sailors, but they were not the only non-white people to successfully explore and colonise the world beyond their native lands, because the Japanese people also explored and colonised parts of the world beyond their native lands (mostly East Asia, North Asia, South-East Asia and islands in the Pacific Ocean).
Do you mind if I a black van stops infront of your house?
I'm referring to your height, kareem abdul jabbar
oh, oprosti mali
Irish aren’t whit though.
>2% Pacific Islander
>tfw 2% angloid
yes, goy, blame the english. there definitely hasnt been a cabal of jews pulling their strings since before ww1. keep fighting against white people!
if I were only 1/50th masterrace I'd off myself too
>implying the English aren't the cancer of Europe responisble for liberalism, free trade and mercantile culture
yes, that's exactly what im implying. anglos WERE one of the most powerful, totalitarian empires the globe has ever seen. it wasnt until jews infiltrated positions of power that feminist/liberal/destructive cultures started surfacing. and this is true in other nations besides english controlled ones.