So this is for all the people who can't get enough of nuclear energy and like to rant on hippies and treehuggers

So this is for all the people who can't get enough of nuclear energy and like to rant on hippies and treehuggers.

Since you all love nuclear energy so much. Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school next to a nuclear facility?
Would you be alright with your wife working near a nuclear waste dump?

Fuck no you wouldn't be, because despite being "oh yeah its for the greater good", you're smart, and you would never want anybody you loved near anything to do with nuclear energy. The second something slips, there comes the radiation leak, hello cancer, hello death. Hell, it could be happening right now!

>Nuclear waste is perfectly safe
>Thats why we bury it in the ocean where no one can find it

Face it retards. Nuclear energy is unsustainable and needs to be phased out. Green power, oil, even coal, fucking anything is better than this.

Other urls found in this thread:

that’s why you dump the barrels in India. God damn member when the British weren’t faggots?

Worry not, for us over here in Europe are hard at work to bring you nuclear fusion.

>Since you all love nuclear energy so much. Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
>Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school next to a nuclear facility?
>Would you be alright with your wife working near a nuclear waste dump?
nuclear waste is supposed to be stored away from people

>Nuclear energy is unsustainable and needs to be phased out.
you cannot power the world with your jihads, sorry

Living near a nuclear plant is statistically safer than flying on a plane.

Google thorium. Uranium is the kmart-brand radioactive material.

but a nuclear plant accident is a lot more damaging than a plane crash. there may be fewer but they have a higher likelihood of causing mass devastation.

I'd be fine living next to a nuclear power plant. Statistically it's much safer than other forms of power plant.

Although this is a shitty comparison because we have coal based power plants right now and people do not live anywhere near them. They're built miles from any town/city.
Hell, people wont even live next to wind turbines and they're suppose to be the greenest form of energy.

Stop being a tithead OP.

No I'd rather live next to a fossil fuel plant that spits out toxic gas and has tens of thousands of people killed globally each year.

It it weren't for all you enviroiment monkies we'd have plenty generation 4+ reactors by now, with passive cooling (= no meltdowns) and 98% efficiency compared to like 80% the current Gen2 crap has. But nooo people'd rather have their nation become dependant on external import of energy instead of actually fixing their fucking energy problems.

I'm living near a nuclear plant.
A lot of people in germany do.
Most don't even know or care.
You are a nigger.

I'd rather not live near any sort of power plant, but if I have to be near one, I'd rather it be nuclear.

A coal/oil burning power plant is belching out pollution that cause respiratory disease and cancer as part of its normal operation. With a nuclear plant, there's less than 1% chance that you might be exposed to radiation. It's clearly the safer option.

Tell that to the people on the plane

I wish they would hurry up an make solar panels more efficient and affordable, then everyone can make their own power or at least greatly reduce their reliance on the grid. can't wait until the scamming energy monopoly collapses.

The only issues I have with nuclear energy is that it requires a shitload of state bucks.

You are fucking retarded.
We have safety standards for a reason, but it’s understandable that your kind doesnt have that back in Pakistan.

I wouldn't, so we just move the nuclear plant somewhere where less people live

I lived on a nuclear submarine. I have been mere feet from a operating nuclear reactor. Your phobia and projection are pathetic. Have you considered drowning yourself?

Scientists have determined what the average human will look like in 100 years and its beautiful.

Would you want to live next to a coal plant? Or a landfill?

What the fuck is the difference?

Sure, only means no soft cucks would want to live near by. I wouldn't mind.

>Since you all love nuclear energy so much. Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
Yes, if all the local heating is done by cheap electricity coming from it. Smog and air pollution causes much more cancer and respiratory diseases that nuclear ever will.

have you tried to have kids? you might have mutant semen now

I unironically live within meltdown distance of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania.

he should be drowned in reactor coolant

Yes to all the questions.
But your last question just shows that you are an uneducated retard.
>nuclear waste dump
Do you live out in the middle of pic related?
Then you will never live near a radioactive material repository.
All of the active/activated material ends up in barrels in Yucca Mountain. Look it up, you ignorant goon.

Sure i would, np.
I also plan a trip to chernobyl. Why bother?

Answer: yes

kys scientific illiterate

look up the LFTR Thorium reactor, runs at 1atm, and can burn nuclear waste

you are welcome

I would because I already have cancer and it would kill me faster.

>I live near one now
>my wife works at that plant and has been on the same room as the fuel

Lad you need to read up on how strong a power plants fuel really is, it’s a fraction of a fraction of how strong a nuclear subs fuel is. And nobody gives a shit when they surface and refuel at bases near major cities. Much more dangerous by your standard. Not to mention the nuclear waste fuel is much less waste than produced by coal which is ironically more radioactive. That’s right, coal is more toxic and radioactive than nuclear fuel.

People are afraid of things they don’t understand and hate okay, but you have literally no idea how stringent these plants are, or about how other forms of fuel are often much worse but with “invisible” wastes like gasses and coal ash which is just an environmental disaster nobody cares about.
Just north of St. Louis.

I thought they built the storage but couldnt use it due to (((bureaucracy))) and (((legislators))).
Did that change recently?

I love meat, wouldn't live in a slaughterhouse. What kind of fag question is that?

Put it on the roof in a "pool"

Dude an X-ray machine in any hospital is way more radioactive than the spent fuel. It’s such a low amount of radiation that when it spills you just put on a bunny suit and clean it up, even with nitrile gloves. Spent power plant fuel is just the biggest damn meme. People act like it’s sulfuric acid when it’s really just slightly radioactive sludge.

>X-ray machine in any hospital is way more radioactive than the spent fuel

>I lived on a nuclear submarine. I have been mere feet from a operating nuclear reactor.
That technology has always impressed the hell out of me. It's just incredible that they can build a self-contained nuclear reactor that 1) physically fits in the compartment, 2) is maintenance-free or can be safely maintained while operating, 3) lasts the life of the boat, 4) doesn't expose anyone (on board or off) to radiation or other hazards, 5) is so safe you can walk right up and put your hands on it.

Did you get to operate/supervise the power plant, user? I'd love to hear more about it!

When are you moving next door to a coal plant then you fucking brainlet

Gen4 plants already can use "depleted" fuel cures from the shitty Gen2 plants we still use today. I love nuclear power and it could solve so many problems, yet because of all the hysteria around it we're still stuck with Chernobyl era plants. Fucking bullshit. Since when does progressivism equal an anti-technology sentiment? the green party in my country want to abolish all nuclear and replace it with gas for bulk power. THEY WANT TO REPLACE A CLIMATE NEUTRAL SOLUTION BY GAS PLANTS THAT WILL BURN FOSSILS 24/7. REEEEEEEEEEEE

>but a nuclear plant accident is a lot more damaging than a plane crash.
This is not true. The average nuclear accident costs like $2500 to fix and doesn't even harm anyone.

How much was spent on chernobyl? how much was spent on fukushima?

true, but thorium is inherently safer as it runs at 1 atmophere, it can't explode, does not need active cooling, does not need backup cooling, fails safely

also there is a shitload more thorium, and it's found with rare earths. thorium radioactivity and toxicity is the reason why most ocuntries don't mine rare earths

Japan's government estimates the cost of cleaning up radioactive contamination and compensating victims of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster has more than doubled, reports say. The latest estimate from the trade ministry put the expected cost at some 20 trillion yen ($180bn, £142bn).

>Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
Sure, idc. I have like 8 monitors running all day and wifi out the ass.


>Living next to a wind turbine is psychologically damaging, mamy cases shown inhabitant slowly losing their minds to paranoia because of the constant shadow moving.

>A nuclear power plant might spring a leak if hit by a world changing Earthquake that caused a near recors high tsunami to ravage the entire Pacific.

Really makes my almonds activate, anons.

>And nobody gives a shit when they surface and refuel at bases near major cities.
The newest American subs don't even need to refuel anymore. They're fueled when they're built, and operate for the entire life of the boat without refueling. Incredible efficiency. Low maintenance, too. Honestly I wish they'd share some of that tech with the civilian energy industry. We could be running so much more efficient, cheaper and even safer reactors than the 2nd generation stuff we've got now.

fuck. radiation causes people to produce anime.
Imagine the poo hentais

I think the plant would be a cool thing to see in the distance. And the chance of it melting down is pretty slim. I'd be less likely to be fine with it if the area I lived in regularly had earthquakes though. or I'd at least make sure to find out if the plant was build on top of a fault line.

>Fuck no you wouldn't be
i live right next to sellafield nuclear power plant you fucking dolt

If it was a THORIUM nuclear reactor id be perfectly happy with it being down the street.

Yeah keep chasing that unicorn Thorium dream. Meanwhile us in the real world would prefer the current tech to solve current problems.

There's no reason not to research it if it could potentially be better. It probably wouldn't be usable for full scale energy production for a while though so we could continue refining what we're doing right now. I don't think uranium is going to run out anytime soon so we're not really in much of a hurry to switch to thorium outside of potentially fixing some issues uranium plants have.

>Thorium is a natural element that can power the world for thousands of years with clean energy! You can hold your entire life’s energy supply in the palm of your hand with thorium.
It has been estimated that 30 times more thorium than what is required to power the entire world’s energy demand is mined as a by-product and thrown away every year.
The race to commercialise thorium is on with China in the lead followed by India, Indonesia and now Europe.

you snooze you lose

problem is uranium enrichment makes great explody bombs, and some other medical grade shit that the thorium process cant

>Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
>Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school next to a nuclear facility?
I c no problem there
>Would you be alright with your wife working near a nuclear waste dump?
Yup, I'm actually planing on working in one, idk about my wife, would have to live pretty close too.

>Fuck no you wouldn't be, because despite being "oh yeah its for the greater good", you're smart, and you would never want anybody you loved near anything to do with nuclear energy. The second something slips, there comes the radiation leak, hello cancer, hello death. Hell, it could be happening right now!
Now you're just being fucking retarded. Nuclear energy is like flying: everybody is scared like shit about flying because of muh movies n shiet, but actually flight is statistically the safest transportation method.

>Nuclear waste is perfectly safe
no, quite the contrary, but since people working in the industry aren't fucking retarded, like you, OP, they treat that shit with respect and store it safely. Not like all the waste products of manufacturing solar panels or old, used solar panels.

>Thats why we bury it in the ocean where no one can find it
by your "logic", all the oceans would be contaminated by now, and nobody could get close to it

kys pls, or better yet, don't use electricity, you don't deserve it

yeah, it's only:

no asplodey though, we can still use uraium for that

Utter fantasy. Maybe in 20 years.

People look at one side of the story, not all.

Well that depends of it people want to continue to stockpile nuclear weapons. Some third world countries would still I guess. As for the other useful biproducts those could just be their own plants specifically for making those biproducts that if still possible could just have the energy created be a biproduct.

That's what I said. There's no rush and it would take a while anyway.


fuck off "sideways germany", you are drunk

>that the thorium process cant
like electricity?

You bet your ass I am drunk. Drunk on anger. I'm so angery I could drink poison

I lived a mile and a half from a nuclear plant you twat.

lel, don't you have soe museums to poop to build, faggit?

>Since you all love nuclear energy so much. Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
I live very close so one so yes

>Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school next to a nuclear facility?
Same answer

>Would you be alright with your wife working near a nuclear waste dump?
Same answer

Are you some kind of retard who thinks radiation can't be contained lmao

>Would you be happy living next to a nuclear power plant?
Yes I would. You have no idea that those plants leak literally NO radiation at all into the surrounding area. Also, brainlets have no idea how harmless old uranium is from nuclear plants. It pretty much has the same radioactive decay as uranium ore from the ground, which is pretty much completely harmless. The only ones that are dangerous are highly enriched uranium used in nukes, and plutonium, which is also used in nukes. Power plants now days use pretty low enrichment uranium

Show your real flag lol

is that your only response? kek, pathetic, go eat some more chips with mayo, uuurgh

my identity must remain sekrit ... for YOUR safety

Navy reactors are damn near bullet proof. Why? Infinite government money to make them so. Civilian reactors are Walmart tier.
>t. Worked in industry

>Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
I wouldn't want my home next door to any industrial facility. But if I had to a nuclear power plant would be the ideal choice, much better than a coal plant or any sort of factory.
>Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school
No, cunts don't belong in school.
>Nuclear energy is unsustainable
It's the complete oppositie of unsustainable. It's so sustainable it could sustain our civilization for thousands of years.

Ok just having a convo but w/e suit yourself


Are you Jimmy Carter?

ok, I have to go for a cig now fren

The technology has existed since the 60s to use Thorium as a fuel. See the MSRE reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

It’s a meme until I see that some of these reactors are up and running successfully in a place other than China.

Sure, why not. As it stands the most clean power source, in the rare case one fucks up, if you are within 100 miles its the same as being next door during a melt down.

There is no form of power that doesn't have a con. Do you think your solar panels just vanish or are made by magic? Heavy doses of toxic chemicals are used in their creation, industrial accidents happen. Then the actual class components cannot be recycled and take over a million years to naturally decay.

Nuclear Fusion would be the far superior choice over todays Fission Reactors.

Like it or not even Geothermal and Hydroelectric have major disadvantages with time. If you want to live save and live save cause muh Geiger counter, coal, oil, natural gas and yes even solar produce byproducts or waste that fucks over the environment in the long term. Radiation at least kills "quickly".

If you don't want X in your backyard so you can physically be healthy, then abandon all modern society and the concept of electricity, short of the day Tesla Towers and batteries are made that can store lightning strikes.

So this is for all the people who can't get enough of the army and like to rant on hippies and treehuggers.

Since you all love the army so much. Would you be happy living next to a military base?
Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school next to a military base?
Would you be alright with your wife working near a military base training ground?

Fuck no you wouldn't be, because despite being "oh yeah its for the greater good", you're smart, and you would never want anybody you loved near anything to do with the army. The second something goes wrong in international politics, there comes the bombs, hello permanent injuries, hello death. Hell, it could be happening right now!

>The army is perfectly safe
>Thats why we heavily regulate it

Face it retards. The army is unsustainable and needs to be phased out. Diplomacy, pacifism, even surrendering, fucking anything is better than this.

I live next to a nuclear plant. Bruce nuclear. If I walk 30 seconds down the road I can see one of the reactor buildings right across the lake. It's maybe 3 km away? My father used to work there, same with my grandfather. Neither have cancer and my grandfather died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 92. As a kid I played in the lake that it sits on. There is nothing dangerous about it. Hell, it's less of an eyesore than the wind turbines they've been putting up everywhere. Stop fear mongering nuclear energy, it's safe and it works.

Oh no...

2 events...

>Since you all love nuclear energy so much. Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
I'd be happy to let the Danes live next to a nuclear powerplant. Seriously though it's healthier to live next to a nuclear power plant than a regular powerplant because you know emissions and shit. Brainlet faggot.

>Would you be alright with your wife working near a nuclear waste dump?

Nuclear waste dumps tend to be far out of the way because of security and because that shit is kind of bad. In the meantime I work at normal powerplant and our slag gets deposited a few miles from peoples homes because it's not radioactive and faggots like you think that radioactivity is the worst thing in the world so literally no one cares.

>The second something slips, there comes the radiation leak, hello cancer, hello death.
Radioactivity isn't nearly as bad as you imagine. How many people outside of the plant operators have died after Fukushima?

>Hell, it could be happening right now!
Faggot no! There are countless sensors to detect radioactivity.

>member when the British weren’t faggots?

No. I'm not old enough to member.

>no op, they aren't smart.
>Average person is basically retarded
>Only you and I are aware of the inevitable.
> do we not fuck this up?
>The amount of waste we already have, is more than enough the ruin the whole planet.
>We're fucked, just a matter of time until we drop the ball.
>Biggest problem humanity made is nuclear power. Coal is better, there is only 0.03% c02 in the air, the plants will continue to keep it in check.

>in a place other than China

>Since you all love nuclear energy so much. Would you be happy living next to a nuclear plant?
>Would you be happy sending your daughter to a school next to a nuclear facility?
>Would you be alright with your wife working near a nuclear waste dump?

I live

It's undoubtedly better than any other form of energy.
The waste is safe and doesn't kill people. It's concentrated in barrels and not in your lungs unlike oil and coal.
The newly developed plants are completely fool proof, and they can't melt down.
Nuclear saves lives. If we didn't have it, we would be burning more coal and oil, polluting our environment, atmosphere and our health.
I would be perfectly happy to live right next to a nuclear plant, and I would send my kids to school right next to it, no problem. As long as there is strict regulation and safety checks it should be good.

Look at the statistics. It's the best form of energy there is, it's the cheapest, it's the safest, it's the least polluting, and it has killed the least amount of people out of the alternatives.

The current plants need to be phased out but only to make room for the new completely safe plants.

Your fear is based in ignorance. Do some research.
All serious environmentalists are proponents of nuclear energy.

Why the derp? I’m saying I want a scaled up, full running plant and not a micro reactor showing “it’s possible”. If it have an example of that sort of up and running large plant then by all means link it.

As long as the nuclear plant isn't using water in the primary cooling loop I have no problem with nuclear plants. The world really needs fast fission reactors that can use spent fuel from our existing reactors to create more power and lower level waste that only needs to be stored for a few hundred years vs thousands.

>being so dumb that you can't game out your strawman NIMBY argument even as far as "would you like to live next to an oil refinery"

Submarine nuclear reactors use molten lead as a coolant.
Molten lead.
That shit is dope.

i'd love to have a small reactor in my backyard, Fallout style.

The halflife of nuclear waste is genuinely terrifying. The longest lasting human civilization is merely a tiny percent of it.

Tell me about the meme reactor and whether billions more should be dumped into it for research. They keep saying it will come within 20 years like every other year

The way those are stacked is triggering me

I've always been curious about giving cold fusion a bash.

Whadya think?

>Coal even
Your a real kind of special

Thats why you do things properly the 1st time retard.
>hurr someone flew their plane into a wall not knowing what they were doing so that means we should ban planes

>wind turbines
used to drive thru a wind turbine farm in indiana a bunch. Those things are well creepy, especially at night with red blinking lights as far as you can see. definitely gives you an alien invasion vibe.

How'dya make a habit outta half life?

>hurr someone flew their plane into a wall not knowing what they were doing so that means we should ban planes
works with guns