> Yuuri & Yurio guide is basically 1. Yurio shouting insults 2. Yuuri being sweet and gentle, and not giving a singlefuck > The Yuris arrive at the museum together, and Yurio is quick dashing to the costume display > Yuuri has a mini freak out about his costume being on display, worrying if it has been washed properly, scared it might still smell sweaty > Yurio notices that someone is listening in, so Yuuri teases him that it may be one of the Yuri's Angels > Yurio gets angry, starts shouting at the listener, so Yuuri quickly calms him down by saying that the listener doesn't look like an Angel > Yurio: Whatever, maybe it's one of your stupid fans then Yuuri: Ehh, my fan?! > Yuuri politely excuses them both, shuffling Yurio off to the next section > Yuuri begins to compliment Yurio's short program,saying that it was "amazing" &that he's impressed Yurio surprassed Victor's SP score record > Yuuri comments that Yurio really made the program his own by the time they reached the final. > Yurio insists that he still thinks the Eros concept suited him better than Yuuri. He complains about Victor all around, calls him an idiot > Then, softly mutters about how Yuuri did do a great job with his programs in the final, making them into something that suited him perfectly > Yuuri: Ahh, Yurio... you cried at the end of your free skate, didn't you? Yurio: I fucking didn't! > Yuuri: All that emotion coming to a close, it's easy to understand that your tears fell like waterfalls... > Yurio: Shut up! You're the one who's always crying, pig! Last year, you were crying like a piglet in the toilets! > Yuuri: Not like a pig, but it's true that I did cry last year.Then again, the fact that a Russian yankee kicked the door down is also true.. > Yurio: Who are you calling a Russian yankee?!?!
> Yuuri: Oh hey, Yurio... where'd you go off to with Otabek the day before the final? I saw posts about a Kazakh carrying off a Russian... > Yurio: Hey, don't you know?! My eyes are ones you can't forget after seeing them just once, like those of a soldier! Yuuri: Huh?! > (*Japanese "huh" can be quite mocking so Yuuri's making fun of that statement, in his disbelief) > The Yuris come up on the "Victor area" and Yurio is distraught by all the Victors, saying being there gives him a bad feeling > It is also at this point that Yurio realizes... Yuuri is a hardcore Victor "otaku" > Yurio wants to get through the section quickly, but Yuuri lingers a bit. He talks about how it brings back lots of good memories. > Yuuri: When I first saw Victor, I felt so inspired to continue skating. I wanted to get stronger&I got a lot of that strength from Victor... > Yurio interrupts Yuuri's sweet musings by yelling, "DUMBASS!" > Yurio: You are always talking about Victor, Victor, Victor, nothing but Victor! > Yurio shouts that his era has begun, and that he is going to wipe Victor off the map > He asserts that the next season, he's going to come out at the very top, so everyone needs to watch out. > The Yuris come up to the kiss and cry. Yuuri talks about how he put everything Victor taught him into his free skate performance. > He says he felt so light, bright and shining, happy to be skating the Yuri on Ice program. > He says he had no idea that he had ended up breaking Victor's FS score record, still sounding amazed > Yuuri congratulates Yurio for winning gold in the GPF > Yurio insists that both of his programs are great, and that Yuuri is only better at him in one aspect (FS score). > He promises that he will overtake Yuuri's skills soon enough > Yuuri says that's good, that he's looking forward to the next season and seeing how both he and Yurio will grow
Robert White
> Yurio: Hey, I have something I wanted to ask you... What is that thing you're always holding onto in the Kiss and Cry? Yuuri: The onigiri? > Yurio: No! The other thing, the yellow-black-white one! Yuuri: Oh, the tamago sushi? Do you want it? It should fit right in your bag,have it > Yurio: What, really?! I'm not giving this back, you know, it's mine now. Awesome! Yuuri: ...You're that happy? > Yurio: Yeah, I'll give it to Gramps! He like sushi and eggs, so this is perfect! I wanna show it to him right now!! > Yuuri: Wow, you're so excited... Makes me happy to see that. > Yuuri and Yurio close out the guide with thanks to their supporters,w/ both of them saying, "Balshoy spasibo!" (A big thank you!) in Russian > Yurio: See you next level!
> "Thanks for the summary!! Yurio really is precious XDD" > JJ/Yurio on Wednesday, we'll see how precious he is....
John Allen
Finally a decent quality of this one too. This baka gaijin is doing god's work.
Joshua Myers
John James
Lucas Ramirez
Bald is Gook's next target?
Luis Ward
> Yuuri has a mini freak out about his costume being on display, worrying if it has been washed properly, scared it might still smell sweaty I want to sniff his sweaty ass crack.
Also is a "Russian yankee" a gopnik?
Gabriel Cruz
>> Yurio interrupts Yuuri's sweet musings by yelling, "DUMBASS!" >> Yurio: You are always talking about Victor, Victor, Victor, nothing but Victor!
Aiden James
>> Yuuri: Oh hey, Yurio... where'd you go off to with Otabek the day before the final? I saw posts about a Kazakh carrying off a Russian... >> Yurio: Hey, don't you know?! My eyes are ones you can't forget after seeing them just once, like those of a soldier! Yuuri: Huh?
>> Yuuri: When I first saw Victor, I felt so inspired to continue skating. I wanted to get stronger&I got a lot of that strength from Victor...
knew it...
Asher Robinson
Rate Piggy's yandere wall.
>otaku Well, better than calling him a stalker.
Benjamin James
I love how they put the flaming homos together.
Andrew Anderson
Me on the left
Zachary Diaz
Sasuga China. Now if someone could add subs or at least translate the good parts.
Ian Ward
Listening to Suwabe speak '' puni puni '', was the best thing I've heard today kek
Jose Rodriguez
This strikes me as really fucking creepy to the point where I'd feel uncomfortable standing there. This looks like the room of a necrophiliac serial killer. The Makka plush behind chains is just the icing on the cake.
Thomas Anderson
>Rate Piggy's yandere wall.
Kayden Johnson
He's just trying to express his love, isn't he? I don't see anything creepy about it. Don’t make fun of him, okay! (´・ω・`)
Ethan Hall
I wish I could download it, damn ching chongs and their restrictions. Will this be taken down anytime soon?
Carson Taylor
Is it stopping after 6 minutes for anyone else? Am I supposed to have an account?
Ethan Miller
Is Pig forcing Bald to put the lotion on his skin a valid expression of love?
Jaxon Walker
Piggy will be a great mother
Julian Allen
Isaiah King
You must download the app to continue watching
Michael James
Wearing your dead lovers skin is the most romantic
Colton Rodriguez
Bald's skin would never fit the pig, he's way too fat. He'd have to stitch Bald, Fairy and Witch together if he wants a Russian coat.
Henry Diaz
No worries, thatshamelessyaoishipper is on it. They're just in class rn.
Michael Long
I can't really put a finger on it but there's just something about teen bald that makes him something out of the ordinary. Is it the long silky hair? That delicate face? The fine balance of beauty and masculinity? And is it gay if I want to smash his ass and make sweet love to him all night long?
Jace Hill
>Murase is a man but how
Cooper Collins
Is Yuri on ice something I can enjoy as a straight dude?
Isaac Powell
He is a trap
Elijah Gutierrez
>necrophiliac Here we come again with the sordid homophobe memes. Next you're going to speak about piss and scat, I guess.
Sebastian Parker
He's a castrato.
Adrian Jones
Go find your answer in the archives, this has been answered way enough.
Jose Cruz
>homophobic memes Literally how huge of a retard do you have to be to think this? I guess you're the true homophobe for thinking it's impossible for gay men to be into those things. Stop kink-shaming, cishet shitlord.
Kayden Edwards
There is nothing even remotely gay about that, user. This face and body is meant to trigger your primal urge to conquer, breed and protect. Now if you didn't feel anything for him, THAT would be gay.
Jackson Barnes
>And is it gay if I want to smash his ass and make sweet love to him all night long? It's just natural.
Wyatt Lewis
Be careful when you watch yuri, you might suddenly need to change sexes and find a female partner.
Jaxson Sanders
Will these questions stop someday? All I can say is give it a try, watch at least three episodes, and don't think too hard about the homo. Don't worry they don't actually fuck on screen.
Julian Ross
Nobody cares about your kinks, this isn't your blog.
Cameron Murphy
Why the fuck are you even answering? Do you people really never learn?
Connor Reyes
This isn't your blog to complain about homophobia either.
And I didn't even bring up "my kinks", I was just joking about Pig's wall being creepy. You're the one who took it into kink territory. I guess you're the self-appointed joke police of this thread.
Jayden Hill
The more I think about how much of a waste it was that he cut his hair, the more I realize how it would look like a trainwreck if paired with a square jaw.
Josiah Powell
Chord stricken. God this was easy.
Wyatt Nelson
You call a character necrophiliac without any canon reason. There's only one reason why you'd come with such a sordid insult for one character in Yoi. He's in love with a man. And you're an homophobe. Now get the fuck out, you're not welcome, you and your agenda.
Brayden Butler
True, it's good for babby Bald only.
Actually now that I think of it I would love to see a short spin-off with young Bald learning to navigate the fs world, training with Yakov, and figuring out his sexuality
Xavier Williams
I disagree. I love Bald, but seeing young Victor just looks like Bald trying to be a cool young kind. Old and busted Bald ruined young Victor for me.
Nathan Walker
>Emil style Poor Emil
William Allen
Stop shitposting.
Joseph Hill
Jack Murphy
Probably the same guy who speaks about characters getting injured or farting/vomiting everywhere in the YOI threads. What a freak.
Wyatt Cook
Bald is always beautiful. That being said, young Victor's exaggerately long hair plus the unusual color made him look like a fantasy character in the wrong anime.
Cameron Clark
explain how this fat gay slut doesn't realize he's the top skater in japan when his picture is literally used to represent figure skating
Brody Roberts
Well calling Pig a creep, serial killer and necrophiliac in the same sentence is certainly enough proof that you hate him.
Mason Miller
Because he has crippling depression and low self-esteem and would probably have an hero'd if not for Bald.
Also that outfit is cute as fuck and I want to see more of it. Or Pig wearing ruffles/lace in general.
Christopher Fisher
Crippling anxiety and self doubt.
Angel Thomas
>Pig is the only top male skater Jesus
Tyler Wilson
It's just a joke, calm down.
Colton Ramirez
More teen balds pls preferably lewds
Lincoln Hernandez
hetfag kubo strikes again
John Foster
>be me >homosexual male with a boyfriend >Pig is my favorite character >have literally never spoken about farting, vomiting and gore in YOI threads before
You're wrong on every single assumption you've made about me. But I won't be feeding you any more (You)s, have a nice day.
Joseph Mitchell
Isn't it Fairy?
Bentley Ross
Enough with this. This is not tumblr. You arent coming up in here to police other people over obvious jokes and kink. There is nothing homophobic about what was said unless YOU make it a homophobic issue. Take your personal hang ups out of this thread. YOU are the shiposters for constantly trying to make obvious jokes into some kind of dama. This thread was going fine until you shitposters showed up trying to control what anons can and can not say in it. YOU are the ones that need to get out if you can not handel people that do not think nkmor act like you do.
Anyway back to having this yoi thread be fun again. No more off topic drama
Jack Scott
I'm sorry, I have zero Bald lewds. Need to go hunt for some.
There isn't even a YOI thread on /y/ for some reason smhtbhfamalam
Easton Taylor
Yes! Now I know what I'll do tonight.
Matthew Walker
Here's young Bald looking like he's having an orgasm.
John Butler
Austin Reyes
Christian Cooper
Colton Myers
Why does this look like ghibli
Blake Powell
Should be "Bolshoye spasibo!". Is Fairy illiterate? Smfh
Sebastian Walker
I didn't ask for this.
Brody Gonzalez
I've been watching for more than 10 minutes and skipped some parts.
John Wilson
>> Yurio: Hey, don't you know?! My eyes are ones you can't forget after seeing them just once, like those of a soldier! He sounds so smug
Adrian Lopez
>Hoodies with different animal ears Cute.
Oliver Garcia
Two cute idiots
Joseph Lopez
I have IDM and it manages to get a video download but only up to five minutes. Is there any way to get the entire video through it?
Henry Barnes
>Video doesn't play >App is not installing for some reason Time to wait then
Gavin Jones
Yeah I realized bilibili hates phones
Connor Russell
Okay I've been away from the threads for a couple of months due to an insane study-related project. I humbly need to ask for your help, please: is the welcome to the madness thing available in a torrentable form somewhere and how do I find it t. clueless out of the loop faggot
Lincoln Martin
Guess teen bald is 2pure4lewd. Just wholesome teen balds then.
Juan Rodriguez
The reason we are getting so many dumblrs in /yoi/ now is because this twitter/tumblr user accioharo post to her blog stuff from here and names Sup Forums. Her friend groups are "antis" on tumblr, the people who call bikefairy pedo and anything not vanilla is homophobic and "nasty". Be prepared for these peps to start trolling, thought policing, and making up fake drama like they do on tumblr. You can thank accioharo for bringing her crazy ass tumblr followers here
I tried ripping the video as well using a third party chink site but the video downloaded barely even makes it an hour. I'm sad
Jose Stewart
Fairy made Minami cry kek
Samuel Stewart
blame translator baldfag she's friends wit a bunch of sjws on twitter
Hunter Bailey
this kinda reads like you're trying to get anons to harass someone who you disagree with on tumblr tbqh
the tumblr yoi fandom is full of drama and thought policing, I doubt they'd give a shit about Sup Forums because they all consider Sup Forums to be a den of creepy degenerates anyway, and besides they're already busy trying to harass and ostracize other tumblrinas for liking the wrong things in order to make their tumblr fandom a safe space
the best course of action is to carry on as usual and ignore baiting
Robert Walker
Excellent, just what I needed.
Chase Mitchell
Posting BaldFairy just to piss a tumblrite off. Also because they're cute.
Adrian Peterson
I didnt need an app. Plays fine for me. Skipped right to chihoko drama. If only i knew which voice actor was who and knew nip
Joshua Moore
did this happen?
Aaron Nelson
True. Next time Baldfat piss, farting, and vore is "homophobic" gets brought up, ill make sure to start cracking tons of jokes about them doing just that and more. Throw in some Baldfairy too
James Brooks
They made up one way or another since they were okay by the time of the final.
James Sullivan
yes in our dreams
Ethan Thompson
no, baldfat had a deep meaningful conversation for 20 hours where they discussed their relationship and worked on their communication problems
Jayden Ross
Did they cuddle the whole time?
Brody Bailey
>tfw a visible kiss in the movie is more plausible than that kind of conversation