How many Euros here have even fired a gun?
How many Euros have fired a gun
I own several guns.
I own 8 firearms. Started collecting and shooting at the age of 18, because that's the age limit.
Have since served in the military, and am waiting for my CC License. but in my country, that is almost impossible to get, since not even people who have been attacked by jihadists get one, because leftists.
I shot a mouse with a pellet gun once
i've held a gun. a loaded revolver i found on a roof. i thought it was a water gun at first because it was solid orange from rust. got the police to pick it up.
Been in the army as there was still conscription back in the day.
Shot a lot with a AK-4, a bit less with a Makarov handgun, a few rounds with a Dragunov sniper, RPG twice, trew some granades.
Don't really get the idea why you doenjoy using things meant to destroy stuff and kill.
Is it some childish urge pushed by jewvideogames and jewmovies?
Is it your pencil dick complex?
i hope you had your mouse license
I've done quite a bit of clay pigeon shooting with shotguns, but they're double barreled and a bit boring.
On a visit to the US I fired a IWI jericho and it made my dick hard. Nothing compares.
It fucking sucks that our gubbamint doesnt think we should be allowed to defend ourselves
Any shotgun enthusiasts itt