JF or Richard Spencer?
Who has been better at shifting the Overton Window?
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JF has not shifted it at all, while spencer has moved it to the left.
So... JF wins, I guess.
Wouldnt you say he has been critical in making race realism discussable amongst the broader anti-sjw movement?
>Wouldnt you say he has been critical in making race realism discussable amongst the broader anti-sjw movement?
Well, sure. I didn't watch his videos on the subject, but I understand that JF was one of the people who argued in favor of race realism with good arguments. I'll give him that. So, probably he has convinced some people that it is true... or at least put doubt in their minds. However, I think JF would say himself that race realism is a statement of factual reality; it's not necessarily a political standpoint.
Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, I think the discussion of race predates JF. It became a point of debate independently of his presence.
yea its more that he has contributed to making the factual concept of race realism more discussable. IE he has moved it into the Overton Window. This allows the right wing then to use it in arguments against immigration for example.
JF is still a literal who? Even my shitlib in laws know who Spencer is
Yea, I'll agree with that. He's definitely helped on that front.
But did Spencer contribute to making them more open to right wing ideas? Or are the repulsed by him?
Murdoch Murdoch
Warski first, JF slightly in second place.
I should add that if I were to list all the people who helped shift the window, Molymeme would actually rank really high for popularizing the IQ heritability material without being a particularly 'far' right person. I don't like a lot of what he does but he's been undeniably important.
Foremost face of the alt-right and leader of NPI or some dude who does streams hmmmm
Just because you are a leadere of the movement does not mean you have had a positive effect on shifting the overton window to the right. Id say spencer has made more people fear the alt right than actually convince them
At least this JF guy seems not gay. I'm sick of hearing Spencers wispy fag voice.
JF does a good job acting like he's neutral, but obviously he's /ourguy/. Richard Spencer is being himself, talking like a fag bc his shits all retarded. Really hope someone better comes along as a "spokesperson" for white people.
And what about Tarl?
they're probably repulsed by the media representation of him. Nobody is repulsed by Spencer himself, he's just too damn dapper
Pol loves to counter-signal spencer but he is the only WN other than Taylor who actually spreads the ideas to normies. He comes across well in interviews and gets major media attention. The media is going to hate us anyway no matter what we do. The movement has been growing and I bet the media attention has helped to get people online reading the information.
UPBOATED FOR VISIBILITY GUYS WE NEED TO GET NORMIES TO HATE DA JEWS X---------------------------------------------------------------------------------DDDD
>We shouldn't criticize people who hurt the case for white nationalism.
he literally made hitler references in his first nation-wide seen speech.
Clip related: youtube.com
JF. I didn't even take the ethnostate seriously until I heard his Quebecois siren's song.