

>Letting people invade your country
We can't make the same mistakes as the indians

>assuming natives had borders or immigration laws

kek... You mean a bunch of naked apes that would kill each other if you stepped onto their rabbit hunting grounds?

no ICE

Indians BTFO.

>North America prior to European Conquest

We took it from savages that took it from other savages, that took it from other savages, etc.

>an entire two continents should remain under entire possesion of less than 20 million people

>implying the Indians are native to America and didn't emigrate themselves exterminating the previous population

Assuming that they didn't.

The Pawnee had that miniscule territory, but all we hear in films are "pawnee this" and pawnee that"

Wheres all the Dogrib, Chilcotin & Salishi representation at hollywood?

I bet the Sioux were bitching about the oppreasive aztec muh empire

No they didn't. Oppressor-oppressed is pure dialectical materialism (marxism) translated into race and culture by Jews that emigrated to America.

I thought they didn't believe in land ownership

Exactly!!!! the leftists want us all to be like the Indians, most of us eradicated and a few subjugated until the last of us are forced onto white reservations probably in the Ozarks, Greens Bay wisconsin and Polson, Montana.

You are told what to think and you blindly do as you are told.

This is a good reason to stop illegal immigration

America WASN’T found by immigrants. It was founded by COLONISTS, and there is a colossal difference between the two. The colony companies that founded what became the first states of this nation were composed of cartographers, navigators, agriculturalists, soldiers, sailors, carpenters, masons, scientists, administrators and wives and children. They were highly trained, paid and outfitted agents who were sent to pacify (if necessary) and domesticate a foreign world. The “natives” had nothing “stolen” from them, but were rather conquered, in a nearly 400 year long conflict (1540-1924 American-Indian Wars). By any account, a valiant effort on their part.

This meme of “America was founded and stolen by immigrants” should be extirpated from academia. It is a lie that does disservice to the founders as well as the natives. It is logical insanity to compare these first waves of colonists to some mass of brown skinned destructors and damagers of society, as if the implication was they way-wardly ventured to this country, and half-heartedly integrated or refused their in, to some extant Indian society, leached it of its social and culutural wealth, and lived in the decay. Who could possibly believe this narrative?

>Mexican talking about borders

Yeah if they compare pilgrims and conquest to illegal immigration
Illegal aliens can get the fuck out and the wall just got 10 feet higher

Too bad they never developed science or technology or medicine. Maybe they could have stopped the vastly superior Conquerers who beat they ass and took they shit.

Seriously, fuck them weak-ass primitives.

No... they didn't have electricity desu....that was wakanda.

Nice pasta but how exactly do you propose that these anti-nativist leftist myths be broken when academia is dominated by leftists themselves?

Shut the fuck up prieto

>map showing illegal Asian immigrants

>Prior to illegal inmigration
>2015 AD

>Apache having an "Empire" with out the White man's steed

>Olmec and Aztec empires being contemporaries

Yeah, they all got along singing Kumbaya.

There was no nation state in north america.

>zero infrastructure
>tribes that didn't even invent the fucking wheel yet killing each other for no reason

Should say prior to small pox


fucking kek they were none of these.

that map is bullshit
I live in western washington ad we have like 65 different tribes none of whom like each other

You're are either retarded, or this is bait. This was an alternate history map created in which the Europeans never came to the Americas, so Native Americans developed their own "nations."

It wasn't illegal immigration, it was a conquest. Get fucked

Huh thats literally what borders are

Europe in 200yrs

You have to go back.

Who would win
>a million year old tribal "peaceful" unorganized nation
>booze and blankets


Who made this map? Literally AIDS. Wrong in almost all places.
Most of these red niggers didn't even have written language.

>in which the Europeans never came to the Americas
Let's assume that could somehow happen. Then what? Most likely Japanese/Chinks establish their own version of the 13 colonies on the West Coast.

Borders are so that welfare states can exist. Without them hospitals and unemployment benefits collapse. Borders are essentially a leftist idea. For the protection of the welfare state and to limit the amount of labout in the pool.

Oh Mickey, Mickey. This is your brain on ancap vomit.

This map isn't even close to being accurate and leaves out about half the nations.

Threadly reminder that the Nomadic tribes were the entire reason for the animosity with native Americans. They were territorial and constantly going to war with other tribes.
Just read about the Dakota tribe's history, those people were terrorists.

Most of the non nomadic tribes were rather accepting of settlers because they felt more protected from the Nomadic tribes that would randomly show up and kill everyone.

bully them?

This argument is so stupid and weak.
>You're an illegal immigrant Too!
>you stole lands and massacred the native population!
>allow illegal immigrants in, but they totally won't steal your lands and massacre you.
Someone also needs to explain to me how you steal lands from a people that have no way to protect their lands, and no orginazation in place to lat claims on the land.

I vaguely remember reading about the French Indian wars and how both sides had skirmishs with rogue tribes.
The french got into a rather big skirmish with a tribe who they thought was sided with the British, after the had about massacred the entire tribe they realized some random nomadic tribe went on a war path because they simply traveled through their ancestral lands.

i would so drop a hot fuck in that one on the right
>g-g-g-goooo sparty?

Incredibly inaccurate.

The natives didn't even have the capability of making this map. Like everything else, we did it for them.

Welfare states are good things.

>the left are utterly incapable of understanding the word immigration

>tfw no ameridumb cute bimbo

>implying natives even occupied any of this land at all

Sparse camps of teepee huts built close to rivers to shit and bathe in where 90% of their "land" (hilariously called "federations" or "empires" or "confederacy") do not constitute states.

They were so easily conquered because they had no infrastructure or cities or defenses.

Holy fuck! A new Copy Pasta is born!!!

Immigration can destroy countries.

Look at the bottom right. This is from some alternate history site.

Getting conquered isn't illegal immigration.


what about mexicans coming to america. Is that ILLEGAL immigration too or is that somehow different/legal?

they were easily conquered because Europeans spread disease that killed 90% of them

>North America prior to illegal immigration

The natives illegally immigrated across the Bering Strait

Lol, morons not knowing what a hostile takeover is

Exactly. We'd be doing them no great favor in doing so either. We should learn and not let foreign and unwise influences d&c us.

Bullshit. Injuns didnt have maps.


Bait thread.



Fucking Huron supremacist bigots, we're all equal.

Are you dense?, you conquer a couple of rebels and maybe the army if they have one, but 90% of the people just immigrate into the land.

Well shit man, it's not our fault they couldn't put up much of a fight.

Migration is phase 2 of being conquered.
It's not illegal because when you LOSE, the WINNER gets to implement their laws.

They died because of your lack of personal hygiene, at least act with a minimun amount of civilized respect.

>In Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York

This map is fucking retarded, there was tons of other Algonquin tribes that lived in those areas that weren't affiliated with them. You can't even map them properly because the map would be too complicated to bother fucking making.

All humans carry diseases - society now is the most hygienic it's ever been, ever, in the history of time itself, and people still get ill.

Because the earth is fucking CRAWLING with bacteria and viruses.

They caught some of the viruses brought over, and had no resistances, and then later on it turned out to work in the favour of the people who had stronger immune systems.
They would have had those stronger immune systems of course, thanks to living in larger societies where viruses are more concentrated.

They died.
They were weak.


Dear /nupol/, stop replying to shill threads you fucking faggots


This map is about as fucking stupid as a giant blob of "Germania" in the 4th century AD. In reality there were hundreds of tribes, sub-tribes, kingdoms and petty kingdoms.

redpill me on ancient european migrations to america lads

That’s so cool, but I still think they got conquered the fuck out.

>People actually believe there were that few Indian tribes
Hell they could have at least included the fucking Navajo

No wonder the mongolians almost eliminated you.

French were horrible at promoting immigration. but good at promoting fucking.

Lionel groulx stated in his researches on new france that "Just about every French canadian family reached the first dozen with little troubles, and there were numerous cases where they reached the second"
>TLDR more than 12 kids per family was the average




So you're saying illegal immigration is bad and should be prevented?

Apparently the coastal Chumash also wiped out the Yokuts all the way past the central CA valley to the Sierra Nevada.
I should tell their casino bosses the bad news.

Yep, they used to raid each other foe sex slaves and human meat.


>He can't understand kinky sex methapors turned into legends.

A patchwork of warring tribes who were constantly stealing land and attempting to exterminate each other.

In this world, apparently the Anasazi, which were killed off by Navajo in precolumbian times and known only by their cliff dwellings and rock art, apparently they rule the southwest.


>Aztec empire all way toarid lands.

>Aztec and olmec coexisting.

Try again.

9/10 gud pasta, doesn't glorify nor demonize colonists but puts all into proper context
10/10 tits

There are certain words that that let you know someone is a cuck/soyboy the moment they come out of that person's mouth.
>"people of color"
And of course, "powerful"
You're only saying that because you can't think of a real defense for you shitty opinion.

>Aztec empire
That's fucking retarded


Show me their actual maps with their borders drawn on it.

I love this shit

>might makes right
>They were not a sovereign nation rather a bunch of isolated communities
>they were living in the stone age

But the truly sad thing is that nobody is stopping them from living the way their ancestors did. Do they say no to modern medicine, indoor plumbing, air conditioning, alcohol, manufactured clothing, cars, the internet, phone's? No, they're far happier now being extra special American citizens with the ability to vote and live off of gibs on their tribal lands. Any other point in history and we would have enslaved or killed every last one and we're supposed to be sorry.