This thread is for people who voted for Gary Johnson and not a lizard or a game show host.
Gary Johnson Thread
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Wazzupppp my fellow leppos
I voted for him because I wanted a 3rd party option.
Clinton and trump were not an option for me.
WHo the fuck voted Gary Johnson?
The girl single handedly ruined libertarian's best chance to win an election.
>unprepared who doesn't have a response to the main issues of foreign policy
>muh weed for degenerate communists who don't support us
>muh open borders that clearly nobody wants
>muh retarded political philosophy that hasn't won a single contest since 1970 and still think being an abstract soyboy too scared of saying something interesting and feasible that can actually make a difference
Pure example of an abstract libertarian with no connection to the real world. Exactly the reason why fascists are beating us.
I used to really like him, but now he is dead to me.
keked because you probably did vote
>voted in US election
Flag checks out.
They are not sending their best.
And what is Aleppo
^Like honestly. At that point Hillary Clinton would have been a less retarded person to vote for than Johnson.
>open borders
Yeah, great. Peterson was the better candidate anyway.
Because it is impossible for an American to own a second home in mexico.
And such an owner would not want to vote libertarian
Picks the biggest swamp creature as his running mate. I lost all respect for those retards after that.
It’s a joke of a party designed to pull votes from republicans, nothing more.
I don't get it, why does Sup Forums prop up these internet attention whores 24/7 like Varg, Johnson, Sargon, Peterson and Southern? We all know they're just self-promoting narcissist cybersluts who will say anything to get your views, likes and upvotes.
Why not just call it the low IQ thread?
Hank Hill told me that Americans can’t own land in Mexico. Is he lying or are you?
What the hell happened to him, anyway? Like, he just disappeared right before the election and has said nothing prior.
Blow it out your ass.
On a serious note, if Gary and the rest of the libertarian party hadn’t fucked up and embarrassed themselves. Do you think they would have split republican voters and Hilldog would have won?
He was initially used to siphon votes away from Trump. When the DNC found out that he was actually taking votes away from Cunton, they forced him to aleppo his way out of the race and fade away into obscurity.
I prefer the LP to the GOP with respect to principles, but back the GOP over the LP right now for two reasons:
> Trump
> Keep Texas Red
Also, small government is incompatible with democracy in the long run.
People like him are the reason I will never take lolberts seriously.
Aside from the "a leppo" thing these people are no better then the "liberals".
Posting this classic.
Leave it to an American to believe a cartoon.
Gary Johnson is a faggot
Nothing good comes from New Mexico
Listen to this fucking retard.
>Nothing good comes from New Mexico
Them's fighting words.
99 year lease only or some shit.
I'm 99% sure that Johnson suffers from dementia of some kind.
Gary Johnson is almost living proof that someone tried to destroy the Libertarian party. He’s the dumbest motherfucker I’ve ever seen. Why the fuck would you run this guy?
I cut to the chase and voted Epstein. Can I say?
posting in a gary thread. fuck i miss the election. was it worth onboarding The_Donald faggots though? who knows
I wish he wasn't a total tard we had an actual shot that year.
I thought you were American?
Go look up footage of the 2016 Libertarian leadership convention. He was easily the pick of the litter.
>since the election
American education, ladies and gentlemen. Of course such stupidity is seen in a (((libertarian))) thread
Come at me fag. I'm your northern weed smoking neighbor.
I voted for him because I unironically liked the TPP.
The only libertarian running in 2016 was Rand Paul.
Johnson was a "bake the cake bigot" tier liberal pretending to be libertarian.
So a thread for faggots
Fuck off you cheating invader
This guy pretty much sums up everything wrong with Libertarianism in 4 minutes.
Hes the only candidate that had the balls to openly support the trans Pacific trade partnership. Giving all our rights away to foreign courts is very libertarian.
Yeah I voted for him. I figured he was the least likely to get us involved in other countries' messes. Even if he did come off as an idiot.
I voted for him because I wasn't impressed by Obama or the Republican.
Not a fan of the Lolbertarians, but wanted to find out if they had a chane.
>Gary Johnson
You can actually pinpoint the exact moment libertarian's hearts rip in half.
Johnson is a nut case. I made about 500 bucks off his company tho. CBDS is his weed company. He might have sold it by now but they are volatile enough still to be an shit tier day trading option.