Bu But Muh Gunz

Listen here you autistic fucks, we have a real problem whether you'd like to admit it or not; and fuck me if the left isnt gonna fix it for you! Can't you see the tide turning, I see neckbeards flipping too. Maybe if you'd ever leave your mothers basement you would realize that we have a crisis of young men killing people.

Answer me this one very simple fucking question; Why doesnt this happen anywhere else in the world?

Every other first world nation has sensible gun laws, with no mass shootings. But nooo not America the great. Gun control works, it has worked other countries and it can work here. And don't give me that weak ass "bu but we've had gun for 300+ years and have never had this problem" Fuck you we havent had AUTOMATIC RIFLES for 300 years. "Bu but if you stop demonizing masculinity and white culture young boys wont be so angry" What the actual fuck? Do you realize that women dont want to touch your dirty virgin ass because you sit around and play videogames all day?

Please, just please tell me why other first world nations dont have this problem. And Im not talking about shitholes like the middle east or Korea. The UK, Japan, Germany, Australia, Canada, Norway. How have they accomplished this? Oh yah, sensible gun control. And whats their mass murder rate again? You can google all that from various news sources. But I guess since fox didnt report it is probably fake news.

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Dont you think its weird how this always happens in wealthy white schools and not ghetto black schools where guns are the norm? When was the last time you saw a gang banger go up and kill 17 people in a high school? Nobody wants to talk about white mass murders though. WTF? You know god damn well if this was a muslim, or mexican we lock down those fucking borders! White kids? Oh well. White radical extremists are the most deadly and apparently we have no answers except thoughts and prayers motherfucker! Oh these poor mentally unstable white school shooters! We should have seen thier signs! Poor adopted boy. But we WILL NOT talk about guns


"Bu but if you take our guns, it will start a civil war!" Bullshit. Civilians arent going to outfight the military. "Bu but more people die of knives" BULLSHIT, whens the last time someone killed 60 at an outdoor concert?

Im so sick of gun owner perspective that spew Fox news rhetoric. My right to the pursuit of fucking life supercedes your false belief that youre protecting yourself from a tyrannical government. They win everytime!

Punish me because someone else was a cunt? Fuck you.


Punishing you? Maybe I want to go to work without feeling like im going to be shot! But its all about you and the toys you play with! MmMMk

I think you need to see a shrink about that paranoia


>Sage in all fields

because you cant answer shit.

>Maybe I want to go to work without feeling like im going to be shot!
Seek a psychologist then

>Civilians arent going to outfight the military

The military will mostly be on our side, creatura. They swore an oath to the constitution. Unlike your oath to Satan.