If you had to choose between Israel and Palestine, who would you choose?
Israel or Palestine?
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I don't give a shit but I hypoth pick Israel
but I'd cut off aid and force them to stand on their own feet
they'll be fine it's only 3% of their gdp
Palestine isn't capable of such self support and would be collecting UN rice for decades to come
the source of israel, roastchilds
Palestine, I don't support child killers.
Neither. Let them fight. We'll deal with the victor.
Palestine for sure. Only circumcised from brain amerifats would side with kikes.
we are the palestines too
Palestinians are objectively retards incapable of forming a moral society so its Israel for me
Neither is capable of fighting unless they get support from others. Without any aide to kikeville the jews would be completely wiped out, and were just about to be before we ruined it, should have never let them in here
Byzantium or the Kingdom of Jerusalem, retard
yes but currently, who is more correct?
I have sympathy for neither one of them, but Israel did show that a relatively technologically advanced country in the middle east is possible.
And in quite a short time period.
Why do I have to take a side? I don't care.
It's up to them: Live in peace, one kills the other, or they wipe each other out.
Why should I care what they do, OP? What's with this Globalist meme where you don't allow the "Not our monkeys, not our circus" choice?
>If you had to choose
I don't, fuck these scumbags importing their bullshit to my country
Israel out of opportunism.
The Jews and the Muslims are both mortal enemies of the West. Jews are a parasite which rot out society from within, muslims are barbarian cult with an explicit holy doctrine to annihilate the west, which they have been trying for 1500 years without any breaks.
When one enemy fights the other, it brings in a tricky and difficult situation to pick sides. I side with Israel because they are retaking the holy land from Islam, and Christians have much more rights in Israel than muslims. Christians are allowed to practice openly throughout the country. Also Israel is constantly successful in pushing back the muslims all the time.
With the west losing to muslims all over the world, the advance of Judao-Christian power in the middle east is a welcome sign.
As for Israel over the long term, Israel will be an easier foe than the collective might of Islam because as soon as we stop funding them, they suddenly can no longer afford all their defence expenses, and a military occupation will be easy, then we can establish a truly Western government there.
The fact that Israel is an expensive country to defend now isn't too worrying. If you look at the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1090-1293), as the vanguard of Christiandom it was very high maintenance, always needing funds and manpower from France and HRE.
you dont have to pick a side. Just say, in your objective opinion, who is more correct?
I had sand niggers but at least they aren't pulling strings in world politics.
Ok, let me rephrase my question: Currently, who makes more sense? The Palestinians or Israel? This does not say anything about the legitimacy of Israel as a state, what matters is who is defending their position better, morally and argumentatively.
> At least sand niggers aren't pulling strings in global politics
Mate, you've never heard of the Muslim Brotherhood? They get funding from the Saudis and gulf states among others, and fund mosques and left wing and muslim political parties.
Or the Aga Khan foundation which was recently caught meeting behind closed doors (probably bribing) Canadian leader Turdeau
I need clarification, Israel will be gone but the Jews in New-York and other places, will they be gone too?
that sounds like a good idea
Europe will be invaded by immigrants and will never understood why.
Free palestine death to israel !
>hoose between Israel and Palestine
Jewish question aside, it's Israel. Hands down.
Every country in the middle east is a shit hole, except for Israel. There's a reason why. Israel uses a form of democracy, and respects human rights (sort of.)
lmao, how delusional are you?
Israel is "developed" because they are built and funded by the USA.
Palestine is just a made up meme by Russia that gave a bunch of goat fucking sand hobo's a politically correct reason to kill jews in the eyes of the global media.
Watch ben guiron himself, saying that Palestine it's an invention.
But a roman invention, you know like 2000 years ago.
>built and funded by the USA.
Riiiight, and all those Soviety tanks and aircraft that they shot up over the past, what 70 years are supplied by who?
How much US foreign aid goes in to Israel's enemies?
$815M to Jordan in 2017.
$115M to Lebanon in 2017.
$142M to Egypt in 2017.
$654M to 'Syria' in 2017.
About $1.7B, or we will just call it HALF of the $3.1B given to Israel.
Soource: explorer.usaid.gov
This whole notion that Israel is financed by the US is a Hesbolah myth and propaganda. Take an objective look at the countries in the region, and outside of Israel, they're shit holes run by despots with stupid inbred date eating camel fuckers with tea towels on their heads.
They're both a bunch of assholes thrown out of every country that tried to help them, and for good reasons too!
As a whole, the Palestinians are less likely to do harm to other countries if they were the victors; that's because Palestinians are incompetent and not because they're better people.
The non-Jews.
fair enough
Have you guys heard about Brother Nathanael? This Jewish man converted to Christianity and REDPILLS normies HARD on Israel, the Zionists Jew and the Globalist Jew
You guys should watch all of his videos. These godless Jews will destroy the world! They even hate the Orthadox Jew that is following gods instruction. These powerful Jews are worshiping Satan and Israel is full of them!
Israel doesn't need our aid.
Cutting of aid at this point is pointless.
Israel is the source of Globalism and white genocide.
To answer the OP: Israel should become the world's biggest concentration camp.
Palestine. GAS ALL KIKES
meme map
guess who formed the organization and installed agents into the north americans governments?
It wasn't the sandnigs
> Arab fantasies
niether. its rightful Crusader land.
it already is, Jews have been ritually sacrificed for thousands of years
Israel, in a heartbeat. Say what you want but they are more civilized than the alternative.
If I had to chose between Israel and eating a bucket full of shit, I'd chose the shit.
I would rather support some creative discussions between these two subjects than to divide them. It's all Arabs anyway lol.
100% Israel. Israel isn't simply the lesser evil, but are 100% the good guys by any standard not found in the Quran or Communist manifesto.
Unless you are a Muslim or a Communist, you have no excuse to not side with Israel.
I see your dumb thread backfired Geert so now you are getting desperate. They had a moral society for centuries before the kikes came and they still have a much more moral society than the bunch of child killing kikes next door. Fucking kike.
>Ameriidiot education.
>Say what you want but they are more civilized than the alternative.
They aren't though. You're Mexican though so what would you know about "civilized?"
Moshe, your time is coming soon.
...but nobody gives a fuck about Austria and the US is still relevant. Really makes you think.
>free palestine
>german flag
muhammed detected
Good, maybe he will help get rid of that Weimar republic.
Israel is an outlaw rogue nation with WMDs which is conducting a slow motion genocidal campaign against the Palestinians.
Fuck Israel. Good and hard.
Palestine. Then the US could leave the Middle East once and for all.
Neither. Let the Arab world plus iran deal with israel and hopefully wipe eachother out
Even in Roman times it was called palestine
one is trying to flood my homeland with niggers
the other are the niggers who rape and kill
kill em all
Daily reminder that the Mutt meme was created by JIDF, you’re shilling for jews without even knowing it.
I hate savage and bloodthirsty sandnigger fanatics who start wars and organize terrorist attacks - so I'm gonna have to side with Palestine.
Fucking based Israel ofc.
I always side against the Jews. God bless Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Hezbollah.
oh please. The Middle East is a constant shitfest of Incest, civil war and poverty since Muhammed died.
I would choose peace, which neither seem to think of as an option
>oh please. The Middle East is a constant shitfest of Incest, civil war and poverty since Muhammed died.
The Middle East is a constant shitfest of Incest, civil war and poverty since -the mongols killed everything in baghdad and ended the islamic golden age, which the europeans compared to were savages-.
Israel easily.
The gassing of the kikes will NEVER happen as much as we'd like for it to, whites are just too empathetic.
By far our best and realistically speaking our only option is to expel them all to Israel and for that to happen Israel needs to exist. I don't give a fuck about Palestinians or any other mudslimes btw. If anything I like how they are treated by the Jews. I hate both the groups but mudslimes are far more savage, primitive and dumb.
At least good Jews are actually a possibility, like that guy who made the polio vaccine, John Von Neumann(hardcore anti-commie and one of the smartest men to ever live), Einstein, etc. The same CANNOT be said about mudslimes. The only good mudshit is a dead mudshit.
If you dont know anything about something, you should just shut the fuck up please.
It's still a significant amount that could be generated into our own cities and infrastructure.
So what you're saying is, you don't need it?
Palestine, no question.
now show how much if it is aid IN GENERAL from ALL COUNTRIES
and then show the rest thats literal THIEVING
don't pretend your a real country thats is able to actually sustain itself in that sterile desert
Fuck no. It's not really aid, we are actually bought and paid for by the US overlords. The everyman prefers we didn't have that shit anymore. The retard like that unironically thinks "we couldn't survive" without that pocket change, but they forget we did pretty well before we started getting that money.
US, please stop buying us. We can be friends, but stop trying to own us. Just let us remove kebab in peace.
>If you had to choose
You don't. And even if you did, your choice would be irrelevant.
You have no power here.
Palestinian gypsies can go back to the fucking desert, or Eurape.
Were not descending into degeneracy and despair pike you will, nope. Not gonna happen.
Kys Ahmed aben Mahmud.
Yeah if you were honest you'd attach the reply where he doesn't even understand hebrew aka a proxyfag
I chose the one that doesn't glorify pedos, pay them money and worship them as Rabbis
> 88
Also since when does Sup Forums care about accuracy? If it's anti us it's automatically true. Classic confirmation bias. Sup Forums got memed on by achmed shills for ages and bought it hook like and sinker.
Its less than 3%. We created the fucking banks. We run the economy worldwide. Kings protected their merchants.
Trust me, We can manage with minus 3 billion. Our GDP is close to 370b$.
The "AID" is not evdn aid. Its various forms of payment for our technologies.
America is the only country on earth with a functional iron dome system.
The aid meme is really laughable. How can anybody even take it seriously, and the most pathetic part is that its one of the most used excuses and most polacks take it seriously.
Just pathetic.
Don't forget the "US troops fight Israel's wars" meme. It really is mostly an excuse for nationalists to cop out of serving their nations. At least down here we don't say "we are fighting someone else's wars" to make an excuse. We serve proudly. Take note, this is how you do nationalism.
>If you had to choose between Israel and Palestine
for what?
Fact: Jewish women and white men make the best couples.
Hands of our...
> ashkekyke, probably leftie virtue signalling cunt chanting free palestine for tolerance points
Carry on
>Its less than 3%.
>It really is mostly an excuse for nationalists to cop out of serving their nations.
You hear that burgers, time for you to strap on your boots and empty your pockets for Israel. When have Jews ever deceived you?
sage, no brainer the original inhabitants
Would nuke Israel.
> mathematics is jewish
Good job leaf. No matter how you spin it though, 3% is 3%. It's pocket change. We don't want it.
Israel. I don't support Muslims.
just whipe them off the face of the earth, place would be better if run by Dutch people.
I will have at least 10 kids with my beautiful Jewish wife.