>hurr durr I'm so cool I'm gonna make threats about shooting up a school
Which one of you retards was this?
Hurr durr I'm so cool I'm gonna make threats about shooting up a school
Me in a second
>t.professional school shooter
dios mio... el diablo...
>Police say during an interview, Jones admitted to creating the fake Facebook account on February 14th. He told investigators he posted the comment with the intent of causing school to be canceled on Friday.
>Police say due to multiple absences, Jones was concerned he would be referred to court if he missed anymore school days. Jones indicated there were no other factors that caused him to make the threatening statement.
>dont want to get in trouble for missing school
>get expelled and a felony instead
The midwest was a mistake
*Ratman uses stealth
*Ratman uses 9mm
Heeey that happened to my old high school.
Oh, so NOW the FBI can just knock on someones door for doing this, but when el americano did it months prior to the shooting and the FBI was warned about it all it could do was cry about gun control on TV afterwards
is that another one of them white supremacists?
I'm sure the previous time was Obama's fault somehow.
He is real lucky I'm not the police.
thats pretty funny. he probably wouldve gotten away with it with better opsec
A better question is why Cruz wasnt investigated when he was making these kind of threats after he got expelled.
Making shooting threats online actually will get you arrested.
Would make a god tier tranny
Ever since the school shooting, edgy white kids have been making “prank” threats to other schools. I honestly don’t get their humor but it’s the same generation of kids that think the tide pod challenge is funny.
"can I just go home and play Fortnite?"
>why Cruz wasnt investigated
Because he didn't have a pop tart.
You noticed the same thing I did. Would wreck that.
>Which one of you retards was this?
>posts photo of the retard
>which one of you retards was this
>guy is probably grounded for life or in prison
Probably no one here.
he is cute
any trap pics?
Seriously, what sort of idiot does that? Internet threats, lame
The internet should be for funny jokes
Why don’t these kids go to the local police? Schools indoctrinate kids to go to principal first. Kids know nothing will happen or they will get in trouble with principle and teachers and peers...
Cops are on your side kids, forget the school
>Which one of you retards was this?
>Thinks you can get access to Sup Forums in jail
>18 year old
>Sup Forums
Pick one
obvisouly none of us because the kids in jail and cant shitpost on pol
parents are going to start getting fed up with their kids getting arrested for shitposting
>he posted the comment with the intent of causing school to be canceled on Friday.
>Jones was concerned he would be referred to court if he missed anymore school days
Well you could always just, I dunno, go to school
Hopefully he gets the death penalty
>implying most of you newfags aren't teenagers
public school teachers are all scum and have to be exterminated
Digits so OP gets exposed with his face on nighttime news
He looks like a faggot
I think he is cute. The flippy hair is adorable.
Thats what he meant brainlet
why are there no female school shooters
Come at me, bro
Dafuq did you do to our flag?
those who shoot up schools are the most antisocial and disagreeable peopl ein society. It is very rare for a woman to have these traits this extreme. It's very rare for a man to have these traits this extreme. But some poeple do have them, and they are almost all men. That is not to say all men are highly disagreeable and antisocial, moreover it's suggesting that of the tiny percentage population who are like this, they're practically all men.
I have had eyesight, but it looks like someone standing in front of a mirror, Tb.h
This is local for me. Weird to see it on here.
both have goblin eyebrows
>I'm sure the previous time was Obama's fault somehow.
you mean the guy who helped stoke the 'muh russia' narrative? nah hes got nothing to do with this!
Hispanic/castizo looking in america is "white".